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Shabaab oo qarax ku dilay ciiadmo Amisom oo lugeynaya

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^Hale, hadda adigu ma waxaad leedahay waxaa jira meelo aanan ayadaha quranka lagu isticmaali karin? my quranic verse was in reference to pple like Maaddeey, Kashafa, Shakir's stance on alshabab, they come across here showing their unconditional support to alshabab in every way but fail and go silent when this time it is the alshabab who is committing crime we dont see them here talking about that, do we?


Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

^^ So this act is Haram or Halal?

Can any of you answer this question without resorting to ambigous technicalities?

First, my remark was not in reference to this topic or the killing of these AMISOM, rather my observations on how these guys selectively report and justify some of alshababs actions while completely ignoring some of their other inhumane actions.


So sxb, before I answer your question, I need to know one thing from you I would love to hear what you think about the Hotel Shamo massacre? i.e was it halal or haram? and yes without ambiguous technicalities back to you ;)

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I believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram and a tragic incident. Besides, that topic was discussed at that time and I don't think there is any Somali who agrees with that act. So I fail to see why you mention it.

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Allamagan, maxaad wax aan is lahayn isku qaldeysaa!!, Qarixi Shamo thread-yo badan baa looga hadlay, ku noqo halkan & halkeerba , waxa aan shakhsiyan ka aaminsanahayna intaan ku sheegay!, hadda waa markaagee, tan maxaad ka tiri? ;)

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Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

I believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram and a tragic incident. Besides, that topic was discussed at that time and I don't think there is any Somali who agrees with that act. So I fail to see why you mention it.


I am glad to know that you "believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram"... But Pray tell us, do you believe Al Shabab were behind the Hotel Shamo massacre?


And not to be psittacine as well, also kindly answer this question without any 'ambiguous technicalities'!


Thank you.

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Ofcourse being Muslim would dictate that there is nothing wrong with using the verses from the quran, but the reason i told you wasnt because there was anything wrong with it but because of its use, its futile to use against these folks especially when it comes to talking about a specific actions relating to events like this. Whole threads were killed off when talking about whether the tfg or Alshabaab is islamic, their is no convincing them that way.

If you have political knowledge it wont be difficult to debate with them.


Mr Somalia@ the answer you require is found in the two threads Maadey posted, he disclaims Alshabaab involvement it in the 2nd answer.

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My opinion about the hotel bombing is that whether they did it or not is speculative and there isnt enough evidence that they were directly involved, but the strategy used was Alqaeda" and is also similar to the one where a suicide bombers blowed himself up in that graduate ceremony.


These strategies and killings are foreign and came with Alshabaab. That much we know.

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Originally posted by Hales:


Mr Somalia@ the answer you require is found in the two threads Maadey posted, he disclaims Alshabaab involvement it in the 2nd answer.

I don't care for the answers of that unreasoning apologist of Al Shabab.


It is Mr. Karl's answer I want.

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Hales malaha fahamka micnaha aayadadan ayaba kugu adag, haddanad fahmin fair enough ma fahmin dheh balse haddii aad fahamtay waxa aan uga gol lahaa waa iska cad yihiin sxb. Ayaadaha quraanka fariin ayeey xambaarsan yihiin meel kasta oo aay ku haboon yihiin oo micnahoody taabanayo waa lagu apply-gareen kara.


Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

I believe the killing of the doctors and the students was haram and a tragic incident. Besides, that topic was discussed at that time and I don't think there is any Somali who agrees with that act. So I fail to see why you mention it.

I mentioned it because 9 out of 10 somalis you ask about it believe alshabab was behind it (the main culprit). Some of these crimes (assassinations where innocent ppl died) alshabab took claim of them some not, quite understandably! so I would say to those blindly supporting Alshabab bad or good (cheerleaders) to fear of Allah and to question their actions for there will be time they will be accountable for that in Akhirah.


Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Allamagan, maxaad wax aan is lahayn isku qaldeysaa!!, Qarixi Shamo thread-yo badan baa looga hadlay, ku noqo
, waxa aan shakhsiyan ka aaminsanahayna
ku sheegay!, hadda waa markaagee, tan maxaad ka tiri?

lool @ Maddeey, miyesan Alshabab ka dambaynin? calaa kulixaal dhacdadii Shaamo waxay ahayd hal tusaale ama fadeexoyinka Alshabab mid kamida ee aan soo qaatay balse waxaa jira falal badan oo dil ah oo Alshabab ka dambeyeen la dhaho oo ka dhacay Muqdisho, Baledweyne, Kismaayo, Bay & Bakool oo dhiiga dadka lagu baneeytsay shacab masaakinta ku dhinteen waxaaso dhan qaar ay qirteen iyo qaar aay si cad uga aamuseenba weeye markaa weli inta aad adigu Maaddeey ah halka aad joogtay ma anan arag adigoo si toosa Alshabab u dhaliilaya ama uga soo horjeeda ficilkooda anan ka ahay inaad inoogu muuqatid wakiilkooda SOL smile.gif Kashafa isaga waxba lagama sugayo balse adigu intaa waa dhaantay waa halkaa weeye meeshan fami la'ahay ninyo.

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^Wax aad fahmi la'dahay ma leh ee waad is yeel-yeeleysaa sxb, links-ka kore waxa ku jira qaar aad adigu ka shakisantahay qolada ka dambeysay qaraxa Shamo ood leedahay 4 qolo mid ayaa ka dambeysa!, sax?, su'aasha aad i weydiisayna iyagaan uga jawaabay (qasab, waad aragtay, haddana weli waxaad u heysataa inaan Shabaab gar & gardarroba la jiro), Waxaagu fartaa lagu wada fiiqaayey miyaa?.


Weli ma aragtay Anigoo Shabaab wax qalad muuqda ku taageersan?, mase kula saxsan tahay in lagu been abuurto!, illeyn har & habeen baa been laga sheegaa!, waxa la igu heystana waa aan isaga been abuurnee maxaa kaa galay!.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Warar ay Shabelle heleyso ee la xariira qaraxii Barqanimadii maanta ka dhacay degmada X/jajab ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in qaraxu uu dhacay xili goobta ay marayeen ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Midowga Africa inkastoo aan si dhab ah loo xaqiijin Qasaaraha dadka rayid ah ka soo gaaray qaraxaasi.

Dagaalka noocan oo kale ah waa mid aad u fool xun waxaana loo yaqaan Ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq. Inta badan waxaa naftooda ama maalkooda ku waaya dadka rayidka ah.


Al-Shabaabeey Miinooyinka aad wadooyinka ku aaseeysaan hadii ay si khalad ah (by accident) u dilaan dad rayid ah. Bal maxaad odhan? Yaa loo haystaa dambigaas :mad:


Barito hadii Amisom ay weerar rogaal celin ah ku qaadan Al-Shabaab. Iyaga oo Duqeeynaya meel kasta oo ay ku tuhmayaan in Al-Shabaab ay degenyihiin. Halkaasna ay ku laayaan shacab rayid ah. Bal yaa loo haystaa dilkaas :mad:


Al-Shabaab goorma ayeey garan doonaan in aan dagaal guul lagu gaadhin :confused:

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Maadeey, maxaan iri bad tiri? 4 qolo a? away linkski? akhee farta lagu wada fiiqay ma ahan sheekadu tusaale ahaan annigu inkaston arrimo badan alshaabka uga soo horjeeday on u arkayey in khalad yihiin haddana waxa jirtay dhowr threadyo kale oo aan halka SOL aan annigu alshabab ku support gareynayey kuna amaanay ficiladooda marka adeer somali waxay tiraa gaal dil gartiisana sii annigu wixii khalad kuma raacayo waana ku cambaaraynayaa haddii ay ka gaabsadaan ama aysan sixin khaladakaas asaga ah halka wixii wanaaga oo aay keenaan lagu amaanayo. Balse tan kugu haysto waxaa weeyey ya weli arkay Maaddeeyoo alshabab dhaleeceeynaya ama qaladkoda farta ku fiiqayo aanan ahayn inuu intaa difaaco mooye. Qiro ninyo taa smile.gif

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