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Can you pray to allah for the person you love?

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Asalamu Celykum, how are you brothers and sisters.


My q today is if a anyone falls in love with someone, can you pray to allah for them to love you back. Is there any duah that's out there that you recite everytime you think of them. Do you pray 2 rakat(prayer) to allah for you to end up with them. How is the best way to go about this. I would love all the sister's and brothers of islam to help me out with this topic. Please no critisim or harsh words.


Thank You!

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Qac Qaac   

i know u could make duah for everything, but i don't know special one for this issue, but allah should make easy for you,


there are sheikhs in here, who i think, they are more qualified to answer your question, i am not qualified at all, brother Nur, go ahead and take over.

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Finest Sister


Salaams sis. I hope this is not a trick question? cuz my heart is pounding out of synch, I hope I am not that lucky brother?



Just kidding, sis, joking is OK I guess, because you asked readers not to be harsh to you, how can anybody in their right mind be so insensitive to a fine sister like you?


But on a serious note, your question is a common one, some people go as far as Makkah, and stand in Arafah ground and pray all day for someone they love " O Allah, yaa raxmaan, yaa Raxiim, I love that girl, please make her love me so I can marry her" is some of the exotic duaa that some people supplicate to Allah SWT.


In the south of Somalia, there is an old proverb about your situation, it goes like this:


Kaligaa waalo wareer waaye!

Ha laguu waasho wanaag waaye!

Isla waasha waqti waaye!


I leave the trasnlation as an excercise for you, ask Ayeeyo Xareedo, if she can explain this proverb for you.



Now, From the Islamic point of view, from Quraan and Sunnah, love is a real phenoimena, let us have a look in the Quran:


The wrong Love:


The wife of Pharaoh of Egypt fell in love with YUSUF, Allah SWT says about her: "Qad shaghafahaa xubban" meaning she fell in love with him, they say love is blind, this married woman was a victim of this problem.


The right love:


Between married couples " Allah SWT says" Wa jacala beynakum mawaddatan wa raxmah" meaning, He(Allah) made you ( married couples) love eacj other and be kind to each other"


The questionable love:


Omar Ibnul Khattabs son loved his wife so much that he was home with his wife most of the time, not even coming for jamaat prayers, Omar asked him to divorce his wife since she was not helping him in the cause of Allah SWT.


So, in your situation, what you have is called in Arabic Cishq. and it is an ailment of the heart when it loves other than Allah SWT. If you make duaa to end up with that guy, you may end up ion hell, because you do not know where he is heading to, only Allah knows, so the best duaan is to say:


" Yaa xayy yaa qayuum, bi raxmatika astagheeth, aslix lii shaanii kullu, wa laa tukilnii ilaa nafsii darfata acyun"


O (Allah) the eternal, the ever active, make all my matters go right, and do not delgate my own matters to me even for the wink of an eye".



And for change, try the love of allah SWT, I did, it is awsome, wallahi, that is the right love and the only one who deserves to be loved like you've secribed is Allah not a human.



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