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Sheekh Sharif and the withdrawal of Ethiopian Troops from Somalia

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He is getting on my nerves these last few days with naive comments about how confident he is about the genuine will of Ethiopia to withdraw from Somalia.


Now, a little bit of penny advice for this novice sheikh. This neophyte 'diplomat' is in a new business: politics. I wish to remind him that Politics has no laboratory models.


Economists would say models for politics, like models for other human behaviours, are stochastic.


Where you are grappling with fast-changing, fast-flowing factors, you do not slam doors; lock them up, bolt them even.


Rather, like a bad man who strays into nuptial chambers of a married woman, you sleep and wink with this one unblinking eye firmly on the exit.


You do not speak with the finality of God. But that is exactly what the Sheikh has been saying; that the 'Ethiopians will leave if no one shoots at them'. What a moron, I am tempted to say to this man. Why can't he shut up and wait how things transpire in the fued between the TFG?


Xinn's onslaught on the horizon, but someone needs to stop the nonsensical talk of this sheekh.

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Johnny B   

^ AT, There are more than enough of political immaturity to accuse the good about but this one, your point of contention that is , namely, the Ethioipian withdrawal, is not one.


If it's a matter of shooting the Ethiopians you had almost two years to shoot at them, whatever resulting it may give, the good sheikh is on the money, as it ONLY gives them the excuse to further cause deasth and distruction rather than 'kicking them out' as it were.


I'd like you to convince me more so i skip saluting Xiin with standing ovation.


Somali politics at this junctutre are not mt forte but the futileness of your contention forced me to demand more of you.


As much as i ask Xiin for a more peaceful carvan that includes rather than excludes,I ask you for better than 'fight them'... i want more than that , i want a vision that brings the republic back.


'ha lays dilo , dagaal waxan ahayn dawo lagu waaye ' is too flawed for a political logic to digest.


ps'''Weli laba garom ma inoo heshay?... ;)

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Should he not also calculate on the position of Alshabab and those doing the fight, at least. This is not to belittle his naivity that the Ethiopians have come to restore peace in Somalia, as you seem to imply inadvertently. They came for a purpose, which is to ensure a mini-colony, in the form of a government that is subservient to their demands is installed. They will not rest without ensuring that!!!!


On the wider struggle issue, 2 years is too short to expect the fruits of a liberation struggle or to discredit the success of it. Where did you see a colonizer defeat in fortnight?


Now that you think the good sheikh is on the money on this one, let us, as Achebe would say " all see with what amount of care the urchin would delivere the parcel!"

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Johnny B   

^I resist to buy the downgrading of the contention point to the 'calculation of the Al-shabab', as that is even more futile since the good sheikh is familiar with the 'al-shabab' whose despite whatever agenda (ew individual might have under their skin )s nothing but an organization whose sole motto is the adaptation of the 'Sharia' whatever that may mean.


The purpose of Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia is let's say 'irrelevant' as far as their withdrwal scheulde is concerned, we're far behind the point where we judge their intention as it were , we're here to see them leave, and the sooner the better.


The Wider struggle will continue , lest you confine it at the streets of Mogadishu, it's as wide as to the outskirts of Harar and beyond the 'Garisa' valley ,as far as the good sheikh's organization is concerned, at least rhetorically that is, despite 'Hargeisa' and 'Bossassos' and the TFG's sell-out and stoogic attitudes.

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Ok! what is your proposal? I wouldn't like to delink the motive of the attack to the withdrawal. But let it go, and what now? what should be done?

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Johnny B   

Now you're asking me those questions only an xpert could answer, nevertheless, to answer you i'd say firstly the 'Somaliweyn' dream is weakened to the limit that it only thrives at the hearts of those in the Territories ( klinka ))and the south.


That demands according to me a 'gogol' for our brethen in Hargeisa/bosasso as to why harbour such a grief that risks the inhilation of the Republic ( here i'm taking the puntlanders sentiments of succeding if Yey doesen't get crowned and properly at that seriously into consideration), sad but such or ever worse sentiment is harboured in the North.


My intial suggestion would be , let us satisfy our bretehn and accept them rather than alien them , 'awalba reerku sabarkeynuu ku dhaqanaa' as it were.

in another words i rather crown Yey and hug Riyaale to ease their greif and hope them realize that they rather love me the kid from Mogadishu and one from Qbaridaharre instead of the one from Addis.


Arrinku waa halkaas awoowe.

soo dhawaaw hee. ;)

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^^Before you were sure he and his caravan were failure.

Before you thought his were bad ideas.


Before you thought he was naive...etc.


Now proven you knew not much about the larger movement, you think some greatness of sort was thrust upon him...


Allow alle...

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^^But you were against this caravan in the first place right? You wanted the war to continue, no? You supported the zero sum game,maaha xaaji Oodka?


In fact, I am not even sure if you still hold the same positions you held few months back. So explain your self saaxiib. Because I am observing some trends here :D

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^^In hindsight, one could look back and come up with all sorts of explanations as to why particular event happened the way it did. According to you Sharif is lucky b*std…i.e he just happens to be offering something that’s both palatable in political sense and timely to both uncle Sum and Ethiopia :D . That easy...


Except there is a rude truth lurking around the corner. The notion of peace caravan preceded well before the time Ethiopia’s momentum or Unlce Sum’s political stamina worn out. But lets not look back now adeer…


Tell me now whether you see its larger value if not its political genius? And while you are at it, tell us also whether you think it’s good idea to form a government where this side of the opposition and the tfg in its current structure come together to transition the country?


Unlike my friend Aw Tusbaxle, I hope you agree with me that Ethiopia’s withdrawal is a foregone conclusion…

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Guys, it looks like the HIV Ethiopians will not meet there agreements on pulling out of somalia.


Today is the 24th and they were supposed to pull out of Mogadishio by the 21st.


The only way that the HIV Ethiopians will leave somalia is by sheer force and the only language they understand is sheer violence.


We waited on sheikh Shariif to see if the agreement would be meet but it has not and the international community that he speaks of is still supporting the illegal and brutal ethiopian occupation of somalia.

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Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee ka taliya magaalada Kismaayo oo sheegay in aysan ka hari doonin Ciidamada Itoobiya xitaa haddii ay dalkooda ku noqdaan


Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee gacanta ku haya Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta u ah Gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa wuxuu shaaca ka qaaday in wixii ay Ciidamada Itoobiya ka sameeyeen Soomaaliya ay Xoogagga Islaamiyiinta ka sameyn doonaan gudaha Itoobiya.


Guddoomiyaha Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo Shiikh Abuukar Alseylici oo ka hadlayay xaflad lagu soo gunaanadayay aqoon isweydaarsi loo qabtay macallimiinta dugsiyada Qur’aanka ee Magaaladaas ayaa sheegay in xitaa haddii ay Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ka baxaan Soomaaliya aysan ka hari doonin, ayna uga daba tegi doonaan gudaha Itoobiya.


“Ciidamada Itoobiya ugama hareyno dhibaatooyinkii ay dadkeena u geysteen, waana uga daba tegi doonnaa Itoobiya”ayuu yiri Shiikh Abuukar Alseylici oo sheegay in aaney caqligal ahayn in Ciidamada Itoobiya ay dhibaato ka geystaan Magaalooyin ay Muqdisho ka mid tahay, Magaalada Addis Ababana ay nabad ahaato.


Shiikh Abuukar Alseylici waxaa kale oo uu ka hadlay Ciidamo ay Dowladda Kenya soo dhigtay xadka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, wuxuuna sheegay in haddii ay Ciidamadaas gudaha u soo galaan Soomaaliya ay la dagaallami doonaan.


“Annagu ma nihin kuwo lagu cabsi geliyo taangiyo iyo diyaarado dagaal, haddii ay gudaha u soo galaan Soomaaliyana jawaab ayay naga heli doonaan hubka ay ciidamadaas wataana gacanta Islaamka ayuu soo geli doonaa”ayuu yiri Shiikh Abuukar Alseylici.


Hadalka uu sii daayay Guddoomiyaha maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya in dowladda Itoobiya oo fulineysa Heshiiskii ay Jabuuti ku gaareen Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dibuxoreynta garabka Jabuuti ay qorsheyneyso in ay ciidamadeeda kala baxdo Soomaaliya.


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Alsaylici is right. They must follow Ethiopia upto Harar and give them hard time, to teach them a lesson. That attacking a neighbour to please Uncle Sam is not always rewarding.

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^^^As always--stuff iyo caanoboore baan kugu salaamay. Now with the pleasantries out of the way-- how dare you expect our 'brave' deviants will come aid the timorous ONLF? Baryootanka jooji ninyahow, and liberate yourselves from the clutches of the ethiopian occupation of your region.


Maalin walba Somaali aan waxba shuqul kugu laheyn baad kadaba qalaadaa ee orod fadhi ku dirirkaaga xabashida internet-kooda la'aad. Meeshaan waxaa ladhahaa somaliaonline, and it aint icon_razz.gif


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Dear DQ,


The problem with you is that you are a poorly schooled fake wordsmith who suffers from the folly of thinking that words are synonymous with ideas.


Because you do not know the difference between words and ideas, you are typically thoughtless and is prone to debating individuals and their social identities through the use of what you imagine are fancy words ironically uplifted from Victorian literature. And in most cases, even those words are STOLEN.


Now, is it incument on me to debate with a theif of words?


On the issue, with your tribal bigotry, you always reveal the mindset of the stooges and 'Ethiopia-lovers' you and your filthy uncle subscribe to. And in most cases, your utterances help us in knowing what you intend to do and to be prepared. In many ways, you are a very "useful I.d.i.o.t".

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