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Extremist Propaganda Justice

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The extremist group of Alshabab have conducted one of their inhumane, shortsighted and politically motivated form of ‘’justice’’ again.


So far these bunch of extremists have shown us their shortsightedness and incompetence in solving societal ills. Their way of solving societal problems can be summarized as taking over a city/region by sheer force and then setting up their oppressive dictatorship in which they force the people to abide by their rules, how idiotic those rules may be. The sole justification for their way of conduct is ‘’Islamic Law’’ but who is doing the interpretation of the Islamic Law? Independent Islamic scholars or new-born Muslims who have introduced to Somalia an alien interpretation of our religion after they returned from Pakistan or Afghanistan?



Lets look at this particular case of the 4 young Somalis who have been sentenced to amputation of leg/arm because they were engaged in robbery.


Few questions concerning the case of robbery:


- Is robbery not a result of lawlessness and lawlessness not a result of anarchy and conflict?

- Shouldn’t we target the societal problem systematically and thoroughly by solving the causes instead of cutting off arms and legs?

- Aren’t people product of their environment and shouldn’t we take the environment in which those people live into consideration?


Few questions concerning the case of ‘’trial’’:


- Was the judge an independent official working in an independent judiciary system or a member of Alshabab which automatically makes him biased and politically oriented/motivated?

- Was there any transparency concerning the trial process? Who defended the 4 young men? How long did the trial take place? Are they the only robbers in Mogadishu?

- Why have they proceeded to this controversial sentence amidst a heated conflict in Mogadishu city and Somalia in general? Is it part of their war, namely part of their Propaganda war?


Few questions in general:


- Is this the way the extremists solve societal ills?

- Will they apply such shortsighted, politically motivated, highly obscure and secretive procedures in solving other societal ills?


They have disabled this young Somali man in the above picture because he was corrupted by the 18 years of lawlessness and anarchy in Mogadishu city. Now he has to go through live not only mentally scarred by the 18 years of living under anarchy like the rest of the lost generations in Somalia, but he is also physically remembered about those years of lawlessness and the mistakes he made in live.


That young teenager is not alone, what about the teenager that was brainwashed to blow himself up and in the process take mora than 30 innocent people with him just to assassinate 1-3 opponents of Alshabab? He too is the product of his environment, after living many years in anarchy he was one of the fortunate teenagers who were sent to schools, most probably Islamic school. His parents never envisioned for their kid to become a suicide bomber when they were paying his school fees, he was brainwashed by extremists who apply extremists methods in solving societal ills as a result of years of anarchy.



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Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Ilaa 4-dhalinyaro Soomaali ah ayaa maanta Maxkamadda Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin waxa ay ku fulisay xakunka Xadul Xiraabah gudaha Xerada Maslax ee gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho.




Dhalinyaradaan 4-ta ah oo isbuucaan guduhiisa qirtay in ay geysteen fal burcadnimo ah ayaa mid kasta oo ka mid ah waxaa laga jaray lug iyo gacan is dhaaf ah.




Goobta uu ka dhacay Xukunkaani oo ay soo buuxdhaafiayeen boqolaal dadweyne ah ayaa Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin waxaa ay ka jirtay mid kasta oo ka mid ah dhalinyaradaasi Gacanta Midiga iyo Lugta Bidix.




Wakiilka Al Shabaab ee gobolka Banaadir Sheekh Cali Max’ed Xuseen oo goobta kula hadlay Saxafiyiinta ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ay qaateen masuuliyadda Daryeelidda iyo Nafaqeynta dhalinyaradaani.




Dhinaka kale wakiilka Al Shabaab ayaa waxaa uu digniin u diray dad uu sheegay in ay dadka dhacaan iyo kuwa dadka Xada kuwaasi oo uu sheegay in lagu fulin doono hadii la qabto xukunka ay ka qabto shareecada Islaamka hadii aysan ka towbad keenin.




Dhalinyaradaani ayaa Isbuucaan Waxaa ay Maxkamada xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ay ku xakuntay in mid kasta oo ka mid ah laga jaro Lug iyo gacan is dhaaf ah,waana markii ugu horeeysay oo mudo sanado ah laga fuliyo Caasimadda Muqdisho Xukun lug iyo gacan goysmo ah.




Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.




Dhageeyso Wararka 1:30-duhurnimo Maalin waliba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.

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First of all welcome to the 1000 post range


Secondly what do you say to the people that those criminals robbed?


What about those that the criminals killed? Do they not deserve justice?


Law has returned to the land, the days of anarchy will hopefully be behind us soon and we should welcome the development that no one can get away with crimes.


The situation is not ideal, but it is better then letting criminals get away with their crimes.


Prevention is better then cures.


Thirdly don't fall in the trap of labelling actors in the Somali war, using tags such as extremist, moderate.....etc. It will only cloud your vision and make it harder to understand the situation on the ground. Those tags are also not helpfull since foreign actors created them to divide the Somali people.

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Thanks for the welcome.


First what kind of information do we have?


Did these 4 guys kill people? How many?


All we know is that they were engaged in robbery, and all I am saying is:


- If we want Justice lets seek genuine Justice instead of politically-motivate d justice which is used by the political pretenders as a PR.




What about the method of trial? Obscure, secretive trial and sentence by handpicked men/judges of Alshabab?




Extremist is the right term to be used for Alshabab, frankly the term is rather soft when we look at the things they are engaged in and their views on Somalia and the world. The unity of Somali people is best served if everyone can air his/her views and we can talk about our differences openly and freely in order to come to an agreement. So far, Alshabab is working against that Somali unity.

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Originally posted by me:

Secondly what do you say to the people that those criminals robbed?

What about those that the criminals killed? Do they not deserve

How did you come to the conclusion that these young even robbed and killed people let alone the fact the conditions that comes along with fulfilling such jurisdiction in Islamic Sharia.



While you are at it please tell me how old is this boy and whether he deserves such jurisdiction.


This is a justice of the barbarians and has nothing to do with Islamic Sharia.

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Originally posted by Meiji:


First what kind of information do we have?


All we know is that they were engaged in robbery.

The information we have as you pointed out is that they were engaged in robbery and that is a criminal offence.


What about the method of trial? Obscure, secretive trial and sentence by handpicked men/judges of Alshabab?

Also you pointed out there was a trial. We can discuss the fairness of the trial, but why don’t you be fair to the people that were robbed by those criminals? Remmeber the criminals didn't even give a trial.


Wouldn’t these criminals have gotten away with it if they weren’t stopped?


I do not see what is wrong in this situation other then that you disagree with those that are bringing justice to those that need it the most.

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Originally posted by Juje:

How did you come to the conclusion that these young even robbed



We are using the same information to come to two different conclusions.


Dhalinyaradaan 4-ta ah oo isbuucaan guduhiisa qirtay in ay geysteen fal burcadnimo ah ayaa mid kasta oo ka mid ah waxaa laga jaray lug iyo gacan is dhaaf ah.

You condemn the trial and I assume your saying no crime took place, without giving additional information on how you came to that conclusion.


If you doubt that a crime took place, then you are also doubting the authenticity of the information that we are using and by that you undermine your claim that no crime took place.

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Originally posted by me:

then you are also doubting the authenticity of the information that we are using and by that you undermine your claim that no crime took place.

AUTHENTICITY..? :mad: :mad:

You really have a nerve...there is nothing authentic or real facts about the information you are relying on....this whole scenario was as someone put it 'extremist PR justice'

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Lets get few things correct:


- Justice needs to be pursuit in every occasion. The victims and alleged criminals deserve both justice. Justice that is politically motivated and above all shady leads to unjust, i.e innocent people can be sentenced for crimes they did not commit, or criminals can be punished disproportionally for the crimes they commited just because the trial is politically motivated.


- Alshabab CLAIMS that these 4 young men have been engaged in robbery:


Waxaa sidoo kale la soo bandhigay Hub
in ay Wax ku Isbaareysan Dhalinyaradan la soo Xiray iyo Waliba Moobilo iyo Baastoolado
la sheegay
in ay Dadka ka soo dhaceen

from moutpiece of Alshabab


- The 4 men are captured by Alshabab militia and are judged by an Alshabab official while Alshabab key leaders take advantage of the opportunity to air their Propaganda:


Waxa Fagaaraha Xukunku ka dhacayey kahadley Ma’uuliyiin ka tirsan Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab kuwaas oo kala ahaa Sh.Fu’aad Max’ed Khalaf, Waaliga Gobolka Banaadir ee Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab Sh.Cali Max’ud Xuseen, iyo Qaadiga Maxkamadii Xukunka Riday oo lagu Magacaabo Cabdul Xaq.

The above three men gave speeches in that sequence, first Fuad Shongole (national leadership level of Alshabab), than Banadir official of Alshabab (regional leadership level of Alshabab), than the socalled judge with the name ''Haq'' as last.


That alone shows that it was not a trial but a show used to air political believes and extremist views.


- The trial itself is very obscure and secretive.


Nobody knowes how things went, nobody knowes if these men committed what they are accused of, and more importantly have they consulted independent Islamic scholars to look at the corresponding punishment?


- The victims have confessed, but who knowes how this confession was obtained?


Raga la Xukumay oo Saxaafada la hadalyey ayaa Sheegay in ay Geysteen Danbiga lagu soo eedeeyey isla markaana ay ku Qanacsan yihiin Xukunka lagu riday.

For all we know they could have been given the choice of: losing your live and maybe that of more family members or losing your leg/arm.



So in conclusion:


What happened is not justice, but a political display which is covered under the slogan ''seeking justice and solving a societal ill (robbery)'' while no independent investigation nor trial has happened.


The timing (amids heated war and in Mogadishu city) alone shows that it was not justice but a showdown part of their Propaganda war. And in this, 4 young men have been the victims.


We ALL agree on the need to punish criminals and thus seek justice not only for the victims but for society in general. BUT to use this need for justice and deliver a politically-motivate d and obscure version of justice is not what people NEED AND WANT.

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Originally posted by me:

I do not see what is wrong in this situation other then that you disagree with those that are bringing justice to those that need it the most.

Playing the devil's advocate must have a limit!! This is bloody ridiculous that a child whom is a product of the chaos that is Somalia is today prosecuted in such a harsh manner just BECAUSE he stole what???


And WHERE in OUR Sharia Laws does it permit such an act on a minor? :mad:


I am actually physically disgusted,and those whom support such action are imbiciles too...

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Me: Please tell me if there is the fulfillment of justice in here why are the 'soldiers of justice' behind this minor covering and hiding their identity.

This is rubbish and utter disgust

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Mad men the lot of them. The picture is of a kid, and where are the witnesses? Where is the court? All we have is some youths surrounded by men with covered faces.


This is the medicine to the mad.

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