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Vote Of No confidence.....!

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The goverment of mockery led by Geedi has been shown the door by the parliamantarians who did not find their names in the long list of the Government.

This is turning out to be a joke...I bet more farce is to follow.. :D:D


Xukuumadda Prof. Cali Max’ed Geeddi oo la riday


Kulankii baarlamaanka FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo maanta leysku riiqay, ayna ka dhacday doodo ad-adag oo mararka qaar ku dhawaanayey gacan ka hadal ayaa ugu dambeyntii cod loo qaaday xukuumadda Prof. Cali Max’ed Geedi waxey isku raaceen 153 xildhibaan in la rido xukuumadda, iyadoo uu ku dhawaaqay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan in xukuumadda Prof. Cali Max’ed Geeddi codkii ku kalsoonida loo diiday, isla markaana madaxweynuhu uu mar kale soo magacaabo ra’isul wasaare cusub, ama uu dib u soo magacaabo ra’isul wasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi.


Xildhibaanada u codeeynayey ridista xukuumadda & xildhibaanadii loo magacaabay xilalka wasaaradaha muhiimka ah ee doonayey in aanan la ridin xukuumada ayaa doodoodii waxey noqotay mid hal meel halis ah gaartay, waxeyna wararka ka imaanaya kulankii maanta sheegayaan in la arkayey xildhibaan ka mid ah golaha wasiirada oo xildhibaanada kale ee beeshiisu ay ka gaartay gacan ka hadal, iyadoo xildhibaanadii codeeyey ay muujiyeen in ra’isul wasaare Prof. Cali Max’ed Geedi uu jebiyey qodobada 12-aad & 45-aad, isla markaana dhismaha golaha wasiirada aanu aheyn mid sharci ah.



Wixii warar ah ee ka soo baxay madaxweynaha & ra’isul wasaaraha ee ku saabsan aragtidooda ridista


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I also endorse the comment made by my ex-rival ( :D ) and great friend Smith. But what am pondering here and perhaps he could help me is , would the president and his backers the Ethiopian really accept this democratic sign from 'parlamanka ayey so dhob-dhoben'.

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Juma LOL, :D


would the president and his backers the Ethiopian really accept this democratic sign from

He has no choice, the old man has to learn otherwise his Presidency is nothing. As for the Ethiopians to hell with them, If the action of the Parliment hurt them then by all means lets celebrate.. :D:D


The problem now is will he pick dear old Geedi again who has proven to have no imagination what so ever - Look at the Cabinet ;)

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Ali Geedi seemed to be very arrogant in his live Question and Answer interview on BBC the other day. He showed no respect for the Parliamenterians... well they hit back.

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damn Smith you have changed sxb Wallahi you are turning softie , cause I would have assumed your response to Suldanka would have been , no the President will now appoint Riyaale as the next PM.... :D:D .

Warya come back to your bold-self sxb Smith, other wise am going to quit SOL, there is no use of arguing with the one who lives in cockooland (Nationalist).


Ali Geedi seemed to be very arrogant in his live Question and Answer interview on BBC the other day. He showed no respect for the Parliamenterians...

And you know what else annoyed me the way he kept on saying in his 'slang' 'dowladeydii'...damn bet he is now counting the cost of annoying the parliamentarians.

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Juma, I was always soft man :D , I just want this damn project to work. When I saw the list of cabinet ministers it made me laugh out loud like, how did the old Colonel and the Professor come up with this? Damn I could have made a better government, actually I could form a better government? gives me an I dea for a topic


why dont we form a cabinet and email to the President, Juma care to help LOL :D

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Yep sxb that is a good idea, lets start by suggesting Ngonge as a prime-minister. In that way we will be sure Bari-Nomad and Bashi will be excluded from the cabinet and our dear OG-girl will be given a Minister without a protofolio. While the likes of Raula, Ameenah, Northern will be given high portoflios...... :D

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lol, damn... :D


What about you as PM who would you pick and remember not to miss the 4.5 distribution or you will be foul of article 45 and then like Geedi will see the door. :D

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This is not good mates. I'm actually quite angry at those 153 MPs. Any cabinet will always have to include the militia leaders if it doesn't want to be another farce. And about Gedi not respecting the powersharing arrangements is complete bull. My only problem with the new cabinet was that it was too large, with many meanibgless and useless portfolios.

These darned MPs need to know that time is running, the government needs to be installed in Mogadishu as quickly as possible. They also need to understand, as was stated in the grand conference in Stockholm, that there will always be Somalis that have problems with any government formed.

Juma, I'm happy to live in cuckooland, if it's not the same land where you roam with your selfdestructing and shortsighted mindset. Celebrate today, but I assure you Abdullahi Yusuf will come to Mogadishu eventually. With or without Gedi.

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Smith sxb.That is the core of the problem sxb, the mentality of the 4.5 distribution. It is ok and understanble as far as the parliament is concerned, cause that is the current legislative body though it does not have a popular mandate and it is a creation of groups of warlords and their henchman. But fair enough lets make it a bencchmark.

A t this stage it should be made clear to them that the 4.5 distributions ends here and that they have the (unfortunate for Somalis) role of passing bills and approving and disapproving Governments decision. The role of the President should be as it should be in the constitution which they adhered and accepted that classifies it as a 'ceremonial.

And the PM appointed should be from outside the parliament and he should name his cabinet from outside that boundary too and it should not exceed more than 16-18, and chosen according to capabilities. This will make sure there is balance and checks amid the Parliament and the cabinet with the President arbitrating. hence we will have a cabinet that is capable and accountable and a parliament that does its function.

Unless this issue is addresed now Smith we will contunuoasly have animosity and envy among the parliamentarians those who are and those who are in and those left out of the cabinet.

They should differentiate that now and the President needs to make that decission now before we embark on another unforseen circumstances.

In real and ideal scenarion and attempt to bring Somalia back to its feet we cannot have a 'cabinet' that is based on 4.5 distribution and that is combined of individuals who have never managed a shop let alone a civil body.

It is fair to note that the individuals from S/land need to be granted high portofolio in order to convince the citizens from there that they have a consideration in here. That i can accept in order to counter he threat of sececcion peacefully at this stage.

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