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Xukuumada Somaliland Iyo Digniinta ay Ka Soo Saartay Shirka Muqdisho





Hargeysa(Qaran) Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa sheegtay in talaabo adag laga qaadayo qof kasta oo udhashay dalka oo ka qeyb-gala shirka Muqdisho ka furmaya axada fooda inagu soo haysa, loona aqoonsanayo mid jariimad khiyaamo qaran ah ka galay wadankiisa.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha Mudane C/Laahi Ismaaciil Cali(Cirro) ayaa warsaxaafadeed uu maanta ka soo saaray Magaalada Hargeysa ku sheegay in aanay Somaliland waxba ka khusayn shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee Kooxaha Dalka Soomaaliya uga furmaya magaalada Dagaaladu naafeeyeen ee Muqdisho,waxa wasiirku ku hanjabay in cidii Somaliland ka soo jeeda ee shirkaas iska xaadirisaa ay tahay cid Somaliland ka gashay dunuub aad u culus.

Wasiirka daakhiligu wuxuu cudkaday in golayaasha Baarlamaanka Iyo Xukuumada Somaliland hore daboolka uga qaadee mawqifkooda ku wajahan in aan qadiyada Somaliland gor-gortan geli-karin.


Bil ka hor ayaa aqalka Odayaasha Somaliland(Guurtidu) Ay ansixiyeen Go'aan ay ku badhitaarayeen qaraarkii labada aqal ee Baarlamaanka Somaliland ee ay hore ugu mamnuuceen in aan laga qeyb-geli karin shirka Soomaaliya loo qabanayo, taasi oo ayna Somaliland, waxba ka khusaynin badiyaaba raga iyagu shirkaasi taga ee ka soo jeeda Somaliland ayaa ah qaar la xarbiyaaya calooshooda oo aan cidna matalin isla markaasina aan awood u lahayn in ay soo galaan dhulka iyo dadka ay sheeganayaan ee ayna matalin, taasi oo ay hada ka soo ilbaxayaan raga ay shirarka ay tagyaan ay wax kaga cuni jireen.


Sideedaba raga xagaasi taga ayaa ah qaar la haystayaal ah oo aan cabiri karin fikirkooda siyaasadeed isla markaasna waxa ay ku khasbanaadaan dhankii kasta ee loo jeediyo ama loo ka xeeyo, sababta oo ah iyaga oo la ogyahay in ay yihiin rag u jooga meesha dhuunigooda.

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hadhwanaag 2007-07-14 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Wasiirka arrimaha dibada Somaliland Md. Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Cali [Cabdilaahi Cirro] ayaa shalay digniin culus u jeediyey Cidkasta oo u dhalatay Somaliland oo hungureysa inay ka qeyb-gasho shirka dib-u- heshiisiinta Soomaaliya inay danbiile khiyaamo qaran ka galeen Somaliland tahay.


“Qofkasta oo u dhashay Somaliland oo ka qeyb-gala shirka dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliya ee muqdisho, loo aqoonsanayo sida uu dhigayo sharciga Somaliland dan-biile khiyaamo qaran ka galay dalkiisa”, ayuu yidhi Wasiirku isaga oo la hadlayey cida ka qeybgasha Shirka dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya..


“Dawlada Somaliland hore ayey Golayaasheeda iyo Xisbiyadeedu ay u cadeeyeen in shirkaasi [dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya] aanu khusayn Somaliland iyo muwaadiniinteeda, sharci-gaarana ay ka soo saareen Barlamaanku cidii tagta shirkaasi iyo ciqaabta ay mudanayaan” ayuu yidhi Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Cabdilaahi cirro isaga oo faah-faahin ka bixinayey denbiga lagu qaadayo cidda shirkaas ka qeyb-gasha.


Digniinta Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Cali [Cabdilaahi Cirro] ayaa ku soo beegantay, iyada oo ay qaar ka mida War-baahinta Somaliland qorayeen maal-mahan in Magaalada Laas-caanood ee Gobolka Sool loogu talagalay in laga qaado ergooyin iyo Madax-dhaqameedyo, wixii laga helo deegaanada Somaliland ee ka qeyb-galaya shirkaasi, iyada oo la filayo sida ay Saxaafadu qortay xubno ka tirsan Gudida sare shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya ay soo gaadhaan Magaalada Laas-caanood.


Dhinaca kale, sida ay tibaxayaan Warar xog-ogaala ayaa sheegayaa in madaarada iyo dhulka xadka Somaliland la leedahay Soomaaliya aad loo adkeeyey oo la baadhayo dadka soo galaya iyo kuwa baxaya, kaas oo beri Axada oo ay ay taariikhdu tahay 15 July 2007a ka furmidoona Magaalada Muqdisho shirka Cali Mahdi qabanqaabinayey ee loo qabanayo Kooxaha Soomaaliya.

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Hargeysa (Ogaal)- Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland, Md, Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Cali (Cirro), ayaa digniin ku bixiyay, in ciddii reer Somaliland ah ee tagta, ama ka qayb-gasha shirka magaalada Muqdisho lagu wado inuu ka furmo, loo aqoonsan doono inay tahay dambiile qaran, isla-markaana, la marin doono ciqaabta uu mudan yahay.


Wasiirka Daakhiliga Cabdilaahi Cirro war uu siiyay Idaacadda BBC-da, wuxuu ku sheegay, inay Goleyaasha Qaranku hore u xaqiijiyeen, in aanu bulshada Somaliland khusaynin shirka lagu qabanayo magaalada Muqdisho. Sidaa daraadeed, wuxuu ku celiyay in ciddii Somaliland u dhalatay ee ka qayb-gasha shirkaa dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliya, loo arkayo qof khiyaamo qaran ka galay Somaliland.


Hadalkani wuxuu ku soo beegmay xilli magaalada Laascaanood iyo Gaalkacayo ay soo gaadheen xubno sare oo ka tirsan guddida shirka dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliya.


Dhanka kalena, warar xog-ogaal ah ayaa tibaaxay in dariiqyada dhulka ee Somaliland iyo Puntland xidhiidhiya iyo garoomada diyaarada Somaliland aad loo adkeeyay, lana bilaabay baadhitaano gaadiidka cirka iyio dhulka cidda raacaysa lagu hubinayo.

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Sideedaba raga xagaasi taga ayaa ah qaar la haystayaal ah oo aan cabiri karin fikirkooda siyaasadeed



Marka kii reer SL ah oo shirkaas ka qayb galo, waa nin dhuuni oo la haysto oo si madaxbanaan ah u fikiri karin lakiin kii xukumadda SL u hanjabtay oo aqbala amarka lagu soo rogay waa nin raggeedi ah oo miirkiisa iyo xoriyadiisaba qabo?


An interesting line of reasoning I must say.

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Hargaysa(Hormoodnews)Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland Mudane Ismaaciil C/laahi Cirro ayaa uga digay in qof kasta oo u dhashay Somaliland ee ka qayb gala shirka kooxaha Soomaaliya la sheegayo ee lagu qabanayo Muqdisho in loo aqoonsanayo mid danbi khiyaamo qaran ah ka galay Somaliland.



Wasiirka Daakhiligu waxa uu war saxaafadeed soo saaray Maanta ku cadeeyay tallaabada sharci ee lala tiigsanayo cidii Somaliland u dhalatay ee ka qayb gasha shirka Kooxaha Soomaalida ee sheegay in uu uga furmayo Magaalada Axada Muqdisho , oo uu xusay in qof kaasi uu danbi khiyaamo qaran ka galay Somaliland.


Wasiirku waxa uu tilmaamay inay Golayaasha Baarlamaanka Guurtida iyo Wakiiladu ay hore uga soo saareen Shirarka Soomaaliya qaraaro sharciyeed oo lala tiigsanayo dadka isku dayaya in ay Somaliland ku milaan

kooxaha Soomaaliya.



Wasiirku waxa uu xusay in xukuumada , Xisbiyada iyo Golayaasha Baarlamaanku ay hore u sheegeen in aanay Somaliland khusayn shirkaasi.


Dhinaca kale , Madaarada iyo xuduuda Somaliland la leedahay Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegayaa in heegan loo galiyay oo la baadhayaa dadka iyo gaadiidka halkaasi u gudbaya.

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Mr. Oodweyne


Actually it seems as you have competely missed the gist of my previous post which was to highlight and discuss the specificly tailored 'edict' as you so eloquently phrased, issued by the Interior minister of concerned self-declared entity, in a more critical, questioning perspective - and not as you seem to have thought, argue on wether the National Reconciliation Conference is a corrupt Tupperware Party organized by 'Ethiopia-R-Us' or not.


I'm not completely surprised that you, in your capacity as a secessionist, replied with a simplistic and classical straw-man fallacy by going on a diatribe against your obvious mouton noir in this case, namely the TFG. But well have to leave this irrelevant love-hatred of yours now for a while and cut to the chase with the issue that I was intending to raise.


Now, while taking into consideration the red-green-white coloured blinkers that might alter your reasoning and once again force you to choose the going-around-in-circles route (which are of a rather Tour-de-France-like magnitude I must say) - the main purpose of my post is to question the actual nature of this 'edict' by assessing the main reasons behind the birth of this indisputable proposal, of which supposedly, there is a national concensus on as far as its concern.


In order to remain as pedagogic as possible, I'll lay forth what I believe is the true nature of this 'edict' by lending (a modified version of) the classic interrogation technique practiced by Little Red Riding Hood (its suitable to use a fairy tale character since where handling the case of a fictive country) when confronted with the new wolfish image of her grandmother:


Little RR Hood: Why have you prohibited attendance to the NRC in Mogadishu dear wolf?


Wolf[sL Interior Minister]: Since it is a Somali conference and since your a Somalilander I've concluded theres no point for you to attend it.


Little RR Hood: But why are you threatening to punish me with treason If I go?


Wolf[sL Interior Minister]: It is to make our preception regarding the sovereignty of our self-declared country, clear.



What I'm trying to paint here is that, my belief as far as this 'edict' from the SL interior minister is concern, isnt one made as much out of discrediting TFG on behalf of all Somalis, as it is a protective measure introduced to hedge the Hargeisa Administration against the possibility of being forcefully detoxicated by a more inclusive, more reconciled, post-TFG entity from the prolonged addiction of Cannabis Independence.

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(Garowe Online) - Authorities in the breakaway Somali region of Somaliland have placed security forces on high alert on the eve of a much anticipated reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, residents in the region's capital Hargeisa said on Saturday.



Reports surfaced in recent days that elders and politicians from Somaliland might travel to the Somali capital and participate at the conference, which is officially scheduled to kick off tomorrow.


The interim government in Mogadishu, backed by Ethiopia, has billed the convention as a "conference of clans" where issues from power-sharing to disarmament would be openly discussed among Somalia's various clan groupings.


In May, Somaliland authorities warned the region's inhabitants to stay away from the conference or be charged with treason. [ Full story]


The region's administration did not take part in the 2002-2004 peace talks in Kenya, which resulted with the establishment of the current interim government.


Somaliland police and intelligence at local airports and road checkpoints leading to southern Somalia have been ordered to keep special watch for possible conference participants, officials said.


Citing the region's constitution, Interior Minister Abdullahi Irro described to reporters the extent of legal punishments that will be justified against those who commit "national treason" by attending at the reconciliation conference in Mogadishu.


Leaders in Somaliland, the northwestern portion of Somalia, declared independence from the rest of the country in 1991 and have since setup a democratically elected government with its own constitution, currency and armed forces.


No nation in the world has recognized Somaliland as an independent country.

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Mogadishu waa meel Xabashi iyo Kabaqaadkoodu dad Soomaaliyeed ku gumaadayaan oo ku gumaysanayaan. Meesha qofkii taga waa danbi wayn oo uu ka galay not only the Somaliland people but also the Somali people in general.



Taariikhda Soomaaliyeed baalmadaw ayay ka galayaan inta meesha ku shiraysa ee Xabashigu ku dul kaajaayo. redface.gif



Diktoor Oodweyne

Welcome back ind.

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Quite frankly, as much as I hate the TFg and their tribal bootlickers, this move (if it is true) makes a mockery of the case for somaliand. Is somaliland not a democratic government with indvidual freedoms? I say let those who want to participate in the meeting to give approval to occupation and genocide do so! Banning and giving orders is why somaliland was victimised by the Afweyne regime in may 1988. If somaliland wants to be different- a nation- it should be different. Banning, curtailing freedom, rule by dicreto etc means that it nothing of significance has changed!

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This has nothing to do with personal democracy and freedom. Somaliland has a value and national interest that could not be broken.


Those individuals are not going to the conference to say they are by themselves but the issue that they will say they are represending the whole nation.


There is a government and an Administration elected by the people and only them can make any representation of the nation.


Any biidhiqaate should be arrested and brought to the justice.

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Jaceylbaro, Do you want to live under an adminstration that wants to curtail your freedom to go to meetings? Is your dream of somaliland one that dictates?


"Those individuals are not going to the conference to say they are by themselves but the issue that they will say they are represending the whole nation. "


I say let them do. The world knows that as the many other delegates they are CALOOSHOODA u shaqeystayaal who are tempted by a few dollars and not a common cause.

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