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Kismayu: Fighting kills 7

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Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo oo ku guuleystay in uu kala qaado labo ciidan oo dhawaan ku dagaallamay galbeedka Kismaayo


Khamiis, April 23, 2009(HOL): Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa maanta ku guuleeystay in uu kala qaado labo ciidan oo dhawaan ku dagaallamay deegaanka Cabdalla Biroole oo qiyaastii 60km kaga beegan dhinaca galbeed Magaalada Kismaayo.


Dagaalkan oo ka dhacay 3 maalmood ka hor deegaanka Cabdalla Biroole ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday ilaa iyo 3 qof halka 7 kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen. dhaawicii labada dhinac ayaa la soo gaarsiiyay isbitaalka weyn ee magaalada Kismaayo halkaasi oo lagu daweynayo dhaawacyadii soo kala gaaray labada dhinac.


Sidoo kale galabnimadii Talaadadii ayay ahayd markii lagu rasaaseeyay gaari TOYOTA Pick up ah oo ka tagay magaalada Kismaayo kuna sii jeeday goobtii ay dagaalladu ka dhaceen meel u dhexeeysa Kismaayo iyo Deegaanka Cabdalla Biroole iyadoo tacshiiraddaasna ay sababtay geerida darwalkii gaariga waday.


Dagaalkaan ayaa u dhexeeyay labo ciidan oo ka kala tirsan Ururka Islaamiga ah Xizbul islaam iyo maleeshiyo deegaank aah . arrintaan ayay si weyn uga xumaadeen dadweynaha Ree Kismaayo. Shalay ayaa deegaanka uu dagaalka ka dhacay waxaa u amba baxay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Kismaayo waxayna dhexdhexaadin ka dhex bilaabeen labadii ciidan ee halkaasi ku diriray, iyagoo ugu dambeyntiina ku guuleystay in ay kala qaadaan labadii ciidan, walow uusan jirin heshiis buuxa oo ay kala sixiixdeen labada dhinac ee dagaallamay.


Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online

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The essence of the conflict is: there is a tacit agreement between parties of Kismayo admin to prevent any armed groups to establish foot in the region regardless of Qabiil they belong. When local clans tried in Jammaame, alshabaab immediately dispersed them. In Cabdille Biroole, a local militia wanted to form a military base, and one group that is part of Kismayo admin immediately dispersed them.


Is it sustainable? Time will tell. But it’s a good strategy in my opinion to monopolize the military power in the region.

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Paragon, fair enough bro. I hope things to settle down and piece prevails.


For the rest of yall, let us work together to bring piece and stop the bravado for sake of God.


Xiin, thanks for the update.

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Originally posted by Daandurreey:

^yaa idin dulmiyey oo ka eed sheeganee?


cuqdad iska saar aboowe. cid wax ku yeeshay oo ku yeeli karto maleh. hadii labo maleeshiyo isku dhaceen, inuu qabiil kaa hadliyo waa foolxumo aboowe. meel laguu raaco yeelo oo principle lahoow aan aheen reer hebelkeena aa la dulmiyey.

caanoole iyo shabaab iyo turki iyo kuwa kaleto ee is ceerceersanaayo kuligood dulmiga waa ka buuxaa. maleeshiyo kheer ma leh. adigan Ilaaheey ma tihid oo runta iyo waxa dhaceey ma ogid. hal reer keliya ha ku eedeen dulmiga. qabyaalad iyo dhiiga inuu ku kaco reer hebel dartiis (reer hebel oo weliba la-sheegato ah oo wax dhiig run ah idinka dhexeenin) ma ahin.

War adigu ma yaraantiibeey dabeel ku martey? Waa maxay quraafaadkan aad qarda-jeexeeyso? Qabiil ha raacin, cuqdad ha qaadin iyo principle yeelo iyo futuut aanan loo baahnayn ayaad inoo la imaneysaa. Waxaanad u egtahay in aad adiga wax kuu qarsoon yihiin ama uu fahankaagu yaryahay oo aad sidaad doonto wax u fasiraneyso. Hadmee la yiri qabiil baan la jirnaa ama qola kalaa laga soo horjeedaa? Ma gambadaa kuu waranta? Kaw! Take off your tainted goggles and see things are they are, rather looking at them as you ought them to be. Comprehend, damn it!


War hayna marin habaabinin baan ku iri ee waxa laga hadlayo ka hadal, haddii kale se afka qabso. The talk is about basic principles of justice and rightful self-defense. If a place is peaceful; if a native peace-keeping is already effective; if there is no dulmi in that area then it should be left alone, and not be bothered by hypocritcal zealots veiling sinister motives. And I support their moral right to self-defense. If you have other deluded ideas in your mind then tell it to the bloody winds. I don't give a hoot.

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Gheelle, it's funny how some people jumped the gun accusing some groups of expansionist desires when indeed the whole thing has little to do with Qabiil from Kismayo admin’s perspective. Shows Somalis has still long ways to reach political majority needed for sustainable peace.

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^Political majority at the expense of who exactly is the question?


It has nothing to do with qabiil? Well that's an opinion you are entitled to, I guess.

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^^Paragon, 80 boys from a local sub clan wanted to set up a mucaskar in Cabdille Biroole, and it was forcefully closed down. The death of the boys is regrettable, but when there is authority, one understands why they would prevent clannish militia popping up in order to keep the peace.


Similar things happened inside Kismayo before, and in Jammaame recently. I am puzzled where these accusations are coming from. All I knew was there was and still is some discussions about changing the Kismayo admin, and that too has nothing to do with Qabiil as much our friend Gabal labors to suggest it has.

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^What is this authority you speak of that closed the camp? How representative is it? And why would a local militia want to set up a camp if they are equitably represented in this 'authority'? And how do you expect a non-native, unrepresentative authority to decide on the affairs of the locals?


It looks like we are evading the reality here. In everything that happens in Somalia, qabiil plays it's part. And the sooner we recognise that basic fact and find ways past it's dangerous effects, the sooner we'll succeed or we'll always continue chasing our tails. The basic line is this: the natives must own local authority. You try the opposite and then you have catastrophe.

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^^Well I shared with you what I know. Why dont you share us with the information you have about the incident as you seem to be prevvy about it awoowe.


If you are suggesting that every qabiil should have its own melitia, then that is a recipe for disaster as we tragically experienced before. The Authority in Kismayo is known, it has three componenets to it, I dont know why you are asking me who they are. Midda kale, locals in Kismayo had Mucaskar in the city that was closed down and violently taken over. I think it was right then, as it's right now.


If you are asserting these locals are not represented in the admin, that's a different issue. But I am not aware of qabiil si gaara Kisamyo iyo Jubbooyinka loogu dulmiyey

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I must disagree with my kinsmen from SANAAG on this one. You are making a meal out of it. The situation has ended and there is no need for some of the saber rattling and chest beating going on in some quarters. The situation is calm and the peace prevails.


Also Xiins assesment seems to be accurate since this was not a clan being targeted by the admin.

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xiin posted: The Authority in Kismayo is known, it has three componenets

When authority in Kismaayo was formed, It consisted two components. when did the other one came into the picture. Is there any guy you can name in the Kismaayo adminstration that hails from Caanoole comp?

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