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Another huge explosion in Puntland

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Bosaso: Qarax ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso.

8. november 2009


Bosaso(AllPUntland)- Qarax xoog leh ayaa ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso ee gobalka Bari, sida ay sheegayaan Tafaasiilaad dheeri ah oo laga helayo laamaha amaanka ee magaalada BOosaaso.


Qaraxan ayaan la garan karin cid lala beegsaday, Saraakiisha amaanka ayaa sheegay in ay goobta ka ag dhawaayeen ciidamo ka tirsan dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya, agagaarka dekeda weyn ee magaalada Boosaaso, halkaas oo ah meel mashquul badan marka loo fiiriyo howlaha baaxada weyn ee ka socda.


Goob-joogayaal ayaa usheegay APL in ay arkayeen dhaawac laga saaray goobta qaraxan ka dhacay, balse Ilaha caafimaadka ayaa ka gaabsaday in ay sheegeen dhaawaca qaraxan uu sababay, inkastoo aan cidna soo hadal qaadin dhimasho in ay halkaasi ka dhacday.


Saraakiisha dawladda Puntland ee gobalka Bari ayaa usheegtay APL in ay og yihiin oo kaliya khasaare dhacay, balse aysan xaqiijin karin tirada dadka dhaawacmay, waxa ayna guud ahaan beeniyeen in ay jiraan askar ka tirsan ciidamada dawladda Puntland oo ku waxyeeloobay qaraxaasi.


Puntland beeninteeda ku aadan in ay Askar ka tirsan waxba ku noqon, qaraxaasi waxaa diidaya dad goob-joogayaal ahaa markii uu dhacayay qaraxan, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay ciidamada amaanku rasaas fureen, isla markaasna uu khasaare soo gaaray ciidamada markii qaraxu dhacay.


Faahfaahin kala soco www.AllPuntland.


F. C. Maxamed


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You seem happy by claiming they are in the Mud? Don't bask in these incident(s). The government has made no comment on any of it, which I don't understand. The small incidents may turn into bigger ones if the government doesn't start addressing them publicly and mobilizing the people. Of course Garoweonline has never mention a single thing nor the puntland government website. I hope they don't take this lightly.

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This nonsense does not need addressing, by anyone other than the security apparatus of the city. I have not seen a single shred of evidence that this incident was caused by anything other than a young man playing with a hand grenade. It is unfortunate that the teenager blew his arm off but this had nothing to do with any act of terrorism against the people of Bosaaso.


ThankfulSP : Please take these sons of mo'oryaanimo, who find newsworthy every little incident in Puntland, for what they really are--Naysayers through and through, who are wounded by the peace and progress enjoyed by Puntlanders, whilst their cousin's arms and legs are constantly being chopped off every-time they resort to their social pastime, Isbaarooyin iyo dhac!

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A bomb in here or there does happen everywhere in the world. This is not a matter to be celebrated, god may help those injured or died.

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Mr. Somalia, I know where people like Sabriye & co are coming from, always posting negative news from one region and never from theirs. If they were so concerned they'd write the good and bad.


However, my concern is that these relatively little incidents will be exaggerated in the media and people will start thinking that they are worse then they are. It seems the Puntland government thinks that if they don't acknowledge this news, people will forget.


I understand that these things happen all over the world and especially in Africa, but the people need to know what the government plans on trying to do to stop them.


If the people throwing gernades aren't getting the governments attention or feel that they can get away with it, they might become even more bolder and start making their attacks larger.

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^ The PL government has plans and it isnt for everyone to know about it at the moment. The good thing about puntland is people know each other and majority of the people who are involved this sort activities arent puntlanders. So it does not take a lot to change the coarse.

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

Mr. Somalia, I know where people like Sabriye & co are coming from, always posting negative news from one region and never from theirs. If they were so concerned they'd write the good and bad.


However, my concern is that these relatively little incidents will be exaggerated in the media and people will start thinking that they are worse then they are. It seems the Puntland government thinks that if they don't acknowledge this news, people will forget.


I understand that these things happen all over the world and especially in Africa, but the people need to know what the government plans on trying to do to stop them.


If the people throwing gernades aren't getting the governments attention or feel that they can get away with it, they might become even more bolder and start making their attacks larger.


These are small incidents and the police have done a great job so far. And at the end of the day, all that matters is that the Police have the backing of the people and the government. in the long run, these misfits and trouble makers wont have a leg to stand on.

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Brother, you appear to be more concerned with addressing the messenger rather than the message. Besides, how else can you or anyone for that matter describe the horrific sight we are witnessing of puntland?


Can you not find it with in your self to denounce these developments and channel your energy towards striving for a better and a peaceful puntland rather than being offended by the truth?


Let us call a spade a spade, shall we?!

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You read the title and it says "HUGE EXPLOSION" u're like "Gosh" and rush to open the thread ,,,, then you find our it is just a hand grenade thrown to somewhere ..................

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