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Camel Mlik

The government is not divided anymore!!!

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Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, accompanied by half a dozen government officials and members of the parliament, arrived in Jowhar today from work related visit to Nairobi Kenya. Parliamentarians and government officials who came with him were part of a larger group who originally sided with Mogadishu based faction leaders and held their sessions in Mogadishu, refusing to move to government’s temporary operations headquarters, Jowhar.

Speaking with SomaliNet, the prime minister said the government is not divided anymore and every peace loving member is now in happily Jowhar. We hope the rest will follow suit and join us. Members of Mogadishu camp started coming to Jowhar in the past few days.


The prime minister thanked government and parliament members who changed their view about his leadership and decided to work with him wholeheartedly. He called his trip a success. Dr. Qamar Adan Ali told SomaliNet she came to Jowhar for national cause and was very happy to be in Jowhar today.


Mogadishu faction leaders who are losing political ground to the government accused their former allies who went to Jowhar voluntarily of seeking bribe from the president.


In other development, the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative to Somalia, François Lonseny Fall met with President Abdulahi Yusuf in Jowhar Tuesday. They discussed about current situation and United Nations’ role in Somalia’s road to recovery. Mr. Fall held a press conference after the meeting in which he acknowledged Mogadishu's current unsafe situation and accepted Jowhar as Somalia’s temporary capital city.


News Category: Somalia


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Jowhar based faction has scored a goal today by asking Kenya to close airports, but we wait and see if mogadishu faction can get back to the game quickly.

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"The government is not devided anymore"


That can be true only if you consider who is in Jowhar to be the only members of government. Shariif is not there yet and other members whose presence can have an impact. Besides, Jowharaa tiriye haddii garoowe caasimadda soomaaliya laga dhigo for good, life will go on in Xamar as usual, won't it? The government won't have a say in what goes on in Muqdisho as well. They will be irrelevant to the city and its population. My only disappointment then would be if the city remains lacking of central authority, but inshallah, that vacuum will be filled by muslims who will take matters into their own hands in the near/far future as things are leaning towards that end.


Dowlad awalba looga cabsi qabay dhibaato hor leh iney la timaaddo iyo xorriyad darri, ma kula tahay in lakala jecel yahay magaalada ay ka dhigtaan saldhig? We want this government as far away as they can be but with security in the town. That is our wish. It was the expectation of the people in accepting A/Y's presidency, that the presence of his government in the town might have changed matters for the better. Now that is not available, what difference will A/Y and his government make in Muqdisho? Nothing.


Ina Geeddi proved his inherent ineptitude. It had been the norm for the likes of him to rely on others later when they get fried. Xoolanimadiisa, he is happy with A/Y's betrayal to his birth town and happy with his role as a piecemouth. Dadnimada waa loo kala dhashaa. Some are cajoled that this government is theirs, and they basically come along for the ride without foresight accepting anything dished out to them.


I hope dadka xamar deggan iney helaan si dhaqsiyo leh central authority. They know how to make a living and never relied on corrupt government to give them what they want. Naturally, there is no reason to bleed for the absence of A/Y and his crew if they decided the town isn't for them.


As for freedom of business and ability to import goods from outside the country, it is an open border. Jowhar groups better not think about controlling it(which they can never do anyway). If they do however, it is back to war.


Siyad Barre waxyaalaha loola diriray waxaa ka mid ahaa, cunaqabateyn xag dhaqaale iyo lack of business freedom, with the exception of few individuals who imported goods to the country, The rest had difficult time taking any substantive steps towards progress. So, what makes this corrupted individuals masquarading as government officials again any different if they try to impose such limitations on people just because there is political disagreement? It will be "give me death or give me liberty" always as it had been.

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Dowlad awalba looga cabsi qabay dhibaato hor leh iney la timaaddo iyo xorriyad darri

Ilaa iyo markaad noomaad noqotay hadaad runta sheegtay.

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Horn, That is your perception since I have written a comment that is true but unpalatable to you. Government should be an entity that governs with the interest of people at heart, in this case, you have a warlord as president whose mission had ever been to undermine any existing system unless he directly benefitted from it and became the top dog. At present, he is still himself doing the same thing he did in the past. Given these historical facts, are you telling the people to not have fears about the future if they let such a man rule the country with NO strong checks and balances?


Saaxib, xoriyadda waa qaali, and there is no somali person today people can trust with leadership without apprehension and fear. That is because all players are corrupted and proved their corruption beyond bale. I honestly view any uncritical A/Y suporter, to be nothing more than someone with blood on his mouth for his advocacy of violence, and given the chance would become a murderer himself.


I believe in dadka waxba uusan isku darsan haddaan meesha islaanimo oollin, waayo, you let a somali man rule over you, and you have your life taken away.


As for freedom, people have it, it is a question of what they have done with it and going to do with it. Unfortunately, tribalism got the better of them and they devided themselves into sub groups with differing interests, hence, the enless stagnation. There will be a time when they will go beyond that and realize the value of what they have gained. Before that time comes, they should be wary of anyone who doesn't have the characteristics of a just man or someone who doesn't have their interests at heart. They should ignore the hypocritical screams about naitonalism and bury it till there is no corruption. Waxaan maqlay iney dad soomaali ah yiraahdeen hadda ka hor, Gaalba gaal iima dhaammee, aaway keygii galbeed. If what THEY are going to end up is the same dispicable person who lives amongst themselves but a weaker version, why empower the bigger more deadly one who already gave a preview of what he wants to do? A point to ponder for those concerned.

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The governemnt was never divided. The few individuals who are now stuck in Mogadishu have shown that they are the ones who are trying to keep the problem going. Insha Allah our MP's will see reason and even happless Sharif will wake up..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The governemnt was never divided.

Of course it wasn't! If we ask you, the government has three leaders: President Abdullahi Yusuf, Prime Minister Abdullahi Yusuf and Parliamentary Speaker Abdullahi Yusuf. And the undivided government's power extends from Kismaayo to Puntland and even can order the shutdown of Hargeisa airport.


If life was fiction, I think you'd be the first robotic prototype designed to replace the human race. Cajaladaad maalin kasta ku soo celcelisid naga daa. I remember you chastizing some pro-Sharif branch folks in the past for their celebrations for Indhocade's "hasty action" in invading Baydhabo to help Xaabsade's failing militia. Aren't you doing the same thing by celebrating for a victory whose fruits Col Yeey has yet to taste?

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