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General Duke

Puntland is the new power of Somalia.

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^I skimmed through all of it. YOu can spot the non facts from far.


He says (as mentioned in his last Pragraph) that Somaliland has had only 2 Presidents.


1. Tuur AUN. 1991-1993

2. Igal AUN 1994-2002 (died in office)

3. Rayaale 2002-present(replaced Igal as president, later elected to full five yr term).

That is three President elects and not 2 genius.


---With impending elections coming.


ps. Poker, let us leave this thread, before Qalbi and his crazy crew come and shut this thread down with personel insults. Faankooda aan udayno. ;)

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Red Sea adeer I am sorry you had to make up history to comopare to the progress of Puntland.


Tuur was chased out and exiled from the secessionist enclave and became a puppet of warlord Aydeed [is this not correct]


Egaal thus ran the show until his death and his deputy has run the show untill now. Riyaale also gave himself an extension by using force.


Puntland has had smooth transfer of power from Yusuf to Hashi. From Hashi to Cade and now from Cade to Faroole..


Nothing to compare adeer..

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Well done to the people there. and good luck to the new president. We wont judge him now.....and see what he does during his term

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Madaxweynaha Puntland Oo Maantay Soo Gaaray Magaalada Bosaso.


Wafdi Ballaaran Oo Uu Hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboledka Puntland C/raxmaan Max’uud Faroole Ayaa Maantay Soo Gaaray Magaalada Bosaso Ee Xarunta Ganacsiga Maamulka Puntland Waxaana Uu madaxweynuhu Safaro Kala Duwan Ku Soo Kala Bixiyaya Inta U Dhaxaysa Bosaso Iyo Garoowe Isaga Mudo Laba Haben Ah KuSoo Hakaday Magaalada qardho Ee Xarunta Gobolka karkaar .

Madaxweyne Faroole oo u Gacan Haatinaya Dadweynihii Soo dhaweeyay Ka dib Imaatinkiisa .



Madaxweynaah ayaa waxaa Safarkiisan KuWeheliyaya Tiro Ka Mid Ah Golihiisa Wasiirada Oo Uu Ka mid Yahay Wasiirka Dowladaha Hoose Iyo Horumarinta Gobolada C/Laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka Jiir ,Wasiirka Maaliyadda ,Iyo Wasiirka Amniga C/Laahi Siciid Samatar Iyo Wasiiro Kale .

madaxweynaha iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminaya oo isgarab socotay.



Madaxweynaah Ayaa markii Uu Soo gaaray Magaalada Bosaso Waxaa Uu u sii Gudbay Aqalka Madaxtooyada Maamulka Puntland Waxaana Uu halkaasi Kula hadlay Saxaafadad Isaga Oo Ka Waramay Safaradi Uu Ku Soo Degmooyinka U Dhexeeya Garoowe Iyo Bosaso, una mahad Celiyay Dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee Maanta Sida Weyn ugu soo dhaweeyay gudaha magaala ganacsiga Puntland.(Dhageyso)

Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole oo la hadlaya Saxaafada .



Isku Soo Wada Duuboo Safarka Uu madaxweynuhu Maantay Ku yimid Magaaladatan Bosaso ayaa waxaa uu noqonayaa safarkii ugu horeeyey oo uu ku yimaado magaalada Bosaso tan iyo wixii ka danbeeyey ka gadaal markii loo doortay madaxweynaha puntland doorashadii ka dhacday magaalad garoowe oo ahayd doorasho si caddaalad ah u dhacday.


ayadoo madaxweynuhu tagitaankiisa uu tagay aqalka madaxtooyada puntland ee magaalada bosaso ay noqonaysaa markii ugu horaysay oo u ufariisrto amaba gudaha u galo aqalka madaxtooada bosaso tan iyo marki lo doortay madaxweynaha puntland .

Madaxweyne C/Raxmaan Maxamed Faroole iyo Wafdigii uu Hogaaminayay iyo kolanyadii Gelbinaysay oo ku soo fool leh Boosaaso sida sawirka ka muuqata


Dadweyne, Masuuliyiin maamul, Iyo Odayaal u taagan sidii ay u soo dhaweyn lahaayeen Madaxweyanaha PUntland.



kolanyadii gelbinayay Madaxweyanaha Puntland oo u soo dhow kontrolka Boosaaso


Dadweynihii Iyo Ardaydii Magaalada oo Safay Hareeraha Wadada Dheer ee laamida islamarakana soo dhaweynaya Madaxweyne Faroole


Madaxweynaha iyo kolanyadii Gelbineysay oo dhex jibaaxaya Bartamaha Boosaaso.


Madaxweynaha oo markii ugu horeysay Tan iyo Doorashadiisii lugta dhigay Boosaso.


Wasiirka Dowladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer Miyiga C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka Jiir.

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