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Maadaama meeshaan dadka ku jiro jeclaaday inay taariikhdooda iska indhatiraan, waa in dib loo xasuusiyaa who their real enemy was and is.


This will be an occasional series xasuusin u ah walaalaheena jecel inay isiloowsiyaan cadowgooda ugu horeeyo ee adduunweynaha ka jiro -- Amxaaro/Tigreey.



From Time magazine, Isniin, 20 Febraayo, 1978


With a little help from a strange assortment of friends


What has suddenly become the world's hottest war is raging in he Horn of Africa between the Ethiopian army and Somali guerrillas who are backed by their ethnic cousins in the Somali Democratic Republic, and the tide of battle changed dramatically last week. Five months ago, the Somali guerrillas had all but driven Addis Ababa's forces out of the [soomaali Galbeed*] desert (see map), an Ethiopian region inhabited largely by Somali nomads. Now Ethiopia has launched a spirited counterattack to regain the [soomaali Galbeed] — and perhaps drastically upset a complex balance of forces throughout the entire region.


What has transformed the Ethiopians from losers into almost certain winners has been the arrival since mid-December of the most imposing arsenal of military equipment that the Soviet Union has assembled anywhere outside the Communist world: $900 million worth of tanks, field guns, rockets, radar, artillery, mortars and missiles. To help with the hardware, and otherwise shore up the sagging Marxist military regime of Lieut. Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam, Moscow has also provided Addis Ababa with a polyglot army of soldiers and technicians. According to Western intelligence reports, the roll includes 1,000 Russians, 3,000 Cubans (of whom 2,000 are believed to have been involved in last week's fighting), 1,000 or so troops from the radical Arab state of South Yemen and perhaps 2,000 East Germans, Czechoslovaks, Hungarians, Poles and Bulgarians (see box). In addition, the Ethiopians are still assisted by about 40 Israeli technicians, who help to service military planes and install and operate electronic communication and surveillance equipment.


It is the massive Communist aid that has made the difference in the fortunes of war. For weeks, some 25 Soviet naval vessels have been standing by in the Red Sea off Eritrea province, where the Ethiopians are fighting a civil war against three liberation fronts. The Russian flotilla is presumably there to protect a Soviet sea lift to the Ethiopian-held port of Assab. Meanwhile, the Ethiopian air force, probably assisted by Cuban pilots, has been conducting bombing raids on the Somali city of Hargeisa and the port of Berbera, where the Soviets had a missile and naval base until the Somalis ousted them last year. The offensive began last week when Ethiopian armored columns, spearheaded by Soviet T-54 tanks, poured from the strongholds of Harar and Dire Dawa. Air cover was provided by MiG-21s and American-made F-5s left over from the days when the U.S. was Ethiopia's chief arms supplier.


By week's end the Ethiopians were reported to have swept 20 miles to Babile and taken positions to the south and east of Jijiga, from which they had been driven last August. The Somalis admitted that their forces in the [soomaali Galbeed] were in a "tactical retreat," and on Thursday the Mogadishu government called for general mobilization "in the face of a threatened Ethiopian invasion."


Full article



* Changed to Soomaali Galbeed.

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^This is a timeless piece and one that should be shared with every Somali person. Million thanks for sharing it sxb.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Hadee Xabasho wax kuu galaan aad dhibsaneysid midownimada iyo walaaltinimada Soomaalida, adigee ku jirtaa.

Yaa ku dhahay xabashaa u danaaninaa sxb. Mid kasta dano gaar ah ayuu u dhimanayaa adiga nafsadaada xataa waxaa dhahday Aniga waxaan kasaa Ibbi iyo Fowsiyo oo labodoodaba muucaarad ku ah TFG sidaas daraadeed adiga waxaa lagu dhihi karaa investment tigaada ayaad ilaasanoosaa. your opnionkaada it is biased therefore can't be considered to be objective.

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Buur Cad   


This will be an occasional series xasuusin u ah walaalaheena jecel inay isiloowsiyaan cadowgooda ugu horeeyo ee adduunweynaha ka jiro -- Amxaaro/Tigreey.

MMI, you are making it sound that Somali love and happiness and unity is inversly related to tears, sadness and misery in Ethiopia.


1977-78 indeed a glorious time for brave Somalis who killed lots of Ethiopians, many kids in ethiopia became fatherless, many women became widows. You are reminding us as if those were days all somalis were like brothers.


1977-78 was also the beggining of civil war in Somalia. Since those days, Somalia never had peace. It was all downhill from there on.


Today Somalia is down with stab wounds from her own children yet the Tigre/Amxaara ennemy is not finishing her. They say " you don't kick when a man is down". Good for them.


Even when these shameless Arabized blacks call Jihad on them, they have refrained from attacking. They trid to work with the elected government. I don't think these people like to fight ignorant clansmen who wouldn't last half a day.


So Mr MMA, go ahead and make peace among yourselves first. Recover first. War can wait.


Once you are fully recovered, and the rains are in and it is all prosperity, and you start exporting some goats and camels to the Saoudis, and you finish burning the forest to sell the charcool to who else and from those proceeds you buys some guns and bombs, then, then my friend, then you will attack Ethiopia and celebrate Somali love.

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:

^This is a timeless piece and one that should be shared with every Somali person. Million thanks for sharing it sxb.


What must not be hidden is the following, so future generations do not repeat this mistake, either from somalia or ethiopia.



On the diplomatic front, the regime undertook some fence mending. An accord was signed with Kenya in December 1984 in which Somalia "permanently" renounced its historical territorial claims, and relations between the two countries thereafter began to improve. This diplomatic gain was offset, however, by the "scandal" of South African foreign minister Roelof "Pik" Botha's secret visit to Mogadishu the same month, in which South Africa promised arms to Somalia in return for landing rights for South African Airways.


Complicating matters for the regime, at the end of 1984 the Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF) (a guerrilla organizaton based in Ethiopia seeking to free the ****** and unite it with Somalia) announced a temporary halt in military operations against Ethiopia. This decision was impelled by the drought then ravaging the ****** and by a serious split within the WSLF, a number of whose leaders claimed that their struggle for selfdetermination had been used by Mogadishu to advance its expansionist policies. These elements said they now favored autonomy based on a federal union with Ethiopia. This development removed Siad Barre's option to foment anti-Ethiopian activity in the ****** in retaliation for Ethiopian aid to domestic opponents of his regime.



7 years after this decision WSLF with its allied fronts from other parts of ethiopia, joined the Transitional Government, Passed a Federal constitution and now has established Somali Regional state.

Yes there was so much tears, sweat and blood paid for it, but every point the WSLF set to achieve for the Somali has been achieved.

It is now main part of the ethiopian constitution that if any state or nationality feels agrieved and doesn't see a solution within the federal system. can secceed from the federation and do things as the state or nationality see fit.


Particularly this article was put in the constitution by the Somali as leading with support of other ethnics and peoples.

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Xasuuqii Boorame


Xabashidu (Janaayo 30, 1984) weerar diyaaradeed ee ay la beegsatay Boorama waxay ku xasuuqday 37 arday oo da’doodu udhaxaysay (6-14)sano iyo 4 macallin, halka dhaawucuna kor u dhaafay 39 arday iyo 5 macalin , waxaa kaloo dadka ku nafwaayay weerarkaas kamid ahaa 4 hooyo oo xaamilooyin ahaa kuwaasi uu sugnaa MCH-ka




Deeqo Yuusuf Cige




Axmed Cabdi Barre




Cabdullaahi Nuur Cumar




Hibo Barqad Qayaad iyo Qayaad Barqad Qayaad


Waayo ummad kasta oo uunkan ku nooli waxay leedahay dhacdooyin taariikheed oo soo jireen ah oo ay ku dhaataan ama ay ka dhiidhiyaan, waana laba midkood uun:

  • Taariikh xambaarsan badhaadhe iyo himilooyin wanaagsan oo la hantay.
  • Taariikh xambaarsan tiiraanyo, dhiilo ama dhacdo xusuus reeb xun leh.
Haddaba dhacdooyinkan is huwan ayaa badanaaba waxa weeleeya maskax kastoo caafimaad qabta taasi oo ku dul suntan, raad-raaca taariikheed ee jiilba jiil uga sii taariikhoodo, arinta aan ugoleeyahay ee aan ubanbaxay wax kaqoristeeda islamarkaana aan ushanqadhiyo dhalinta facayga ah ee gayiga degan ayaa ah, akhristow raad-raaca taariikhda ee guunka ah oo maanta si urugo iyo naxdin leh u xusaysa bar-baartii, ubixii, sida xun ugu riiqday weeraradii waxshiga ahaa ee aan lookaala aabo yeelin ubax iyo xaamilaba.


Hadab bulshoweynta reer Awdal yaa ah bulsho ehel u’ah ilbaxnimo iyo aqoon dabo dheeraatay, isla markaan ku dhaadata taariikh guun ah oo soo jireen ah, waxaaana taasi marag ma doon u ah ilbaxnimadii Adal iyo sooyaalkii soomaaliyeed ee kahaqaaday guud ahaan Awdalta maanta taaso ahayd boqortooyo awood cudud iyo ilbaxnimo gaadhay oo xukunkeedu gaadhsiisnaa ilaa shawa(Ethiopia) taas oo la odhan karo waa halka ilbaxnimadii soomalidu ay ka soo dhab qaadatay.


Hadaba hadii aan ugudo galo dhacdan naxdinta leh ayaa waxay ubilaabmaysaa sidan hoose.


Amintu waa goor barqa ah abaaro 10:30 AM, bishii janaayo 30keedii, 1984 kii waana maalin farxad iyo rayn-rayn badan ay dadkuna faras magaalaha Boorama (xarunta iyo caasimada gobalka Awdal) ay tuganyihiin oo raxmaad iyo nimcada illaah ku mashaqeeyay taasi oo ay dheerayd jawi bilan oo ay weheliyaan neecaw iyo reexaan udug badan oo ka soo dhabanaayay dhinaca buuralayda iyo xeebaha gobolka.


Laakiin nasiib daro waayahan faraxa badan u mayna hiilin shacabkii u sacabotumaayay ee u heelanaa, Kadib markii 6 diyaaradood oo nuuca dagaalka ay ka soo gudbeen dhinaca xadka xabashida kuwaas oo bartilmaameed rasmi ah ka dhigtay ubax aan waxba galafsan oo duruus ujoog ku ahaa dugsiyadoodii. Deegaamo xaafadeed iyo xarumo ganacsiba, gardaradaa aan geedna lagula soo gaban ayaa waxaa ku galbaday 37 arday oo da’doodu udhaxaysay (6-14) sano iyo 4 macallin, halka dhaawucuna kor u dhaafay 39 arday iyo 5 macalin kuwaas oo sixun u dhaawacmay ,waxaa kaloo dadka ku nafwaayay kamid ahaa afar hooyo oo xaamilooyin ahaa kuwaasi uu sugnaa MCH-ka ag dhawaa dugsiyadaasi sida xun loo weeraray (ataagay).


Markasoo ay bulshada caalamkuna ay ku mashquulsanaayeen waa xiligaasiye ka badbaadinta dhalaanka nafaqadarada, macaluusha, xanuunada iyo cidhibtirka jahlinimada, ayay xukuumada xabashiduna ay awoodeeda ku tijaabisay ubad Soomaaliyeed oo birimagayda ah, shikina kuma jiro in xukuumadaha xabashidu ay yihiin xoog u taagan bur-burinta shacabka iyo barbaarta u hanaqadaysa gayigan.


Anaga oo kuhadlayna magaca bulshaweynta reer Awdal iyo eheladii dhibanayaasha ayaan ugu baaqaynaa dadyowga nabada jecel in aydhinac uga soo jeestaan ficilada xun ee ay cadaysteen xukuumadahasi xabashidu, arintu sikasta ahaatee dhacdadani waxay fariin ugudbinyasaa bulshoweynta soomaliyeed in ay cadowgooda u foojignadaan waxaana la, arkaa in dhinbiilihii hore ay wali dhab holcinayaan , inkastoo xasuuqaasi naxdin we-wel iyo tiiraanyo ku sogootiyay bulsho weynta reer awdal hadana waxaa xusid mudan in ayna cidna dabooli Karin ubax soo foodhacaaya.


Balse su’aasha la isweyndiin karo ayaa ah intee ayuu leekaa taageeradii ay ufidisay xukuumadii milatariga ahayd ee siyaad barre dhibanayaashii ay dhacdani ku hafsatay ?


Jawaabta ayaa ah mid cad dadka inta badana ay aaminsanyihiin in wax gar-gaarah oo sidaasi ubuuran ayna dadkaasi helin, balse wax uun lagudboonaa dowlada in ay shicibaka ka difaacdo duqaynta arxandarada ah balse taasina ma ay dhicin, waan taas ta sobobtay in uu wax kooban noqdo taageeradii ay bulshoweynta reer Awdal uqabeen xukuumadii xilligaasi.


Iskusoo wad xooriyoo hada waxaa lataaganyahay xiligii dhibanayaasha lagu xusilahaa taalo laga dhex qotamiyo faras magaalaha caasimada gobolka ee Boorama, si aan maanka iyo quluubta ugu hayno ubaxaasi inaga baxay dhamaanteen ,waayo bulsho kastaa waxa ay leedahay calaamad ay kuxusuusato dhacdooyinkan nuucan oo kale ah.


Gabogabada iyo gunaadka qalinkayga urugo qormaaya kuna hadlaya magacayga iyo magaca dhalinta reer awdal iyo magaca qoysaskii dhibtu gaadhay ayaan waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh ugubinaynaa dhamaan bulshoweynta reer awdal meelkasta oo ay joogaan dal iyo dibadba iyo guud ahaan bulshoweynta soomaaliyeed, taariikhduna way xusi ubaxaasi saxiibadayo, wehelkayo, kuwaas oo nala qoondaynlahaa dhabada nolasha waxaase hubal ah in ay rabi ku galaday janatu firdowsa naxariisna, ay hugooga noqotay dhamaanteen allaah raxmaanka ahi samir iyo iimaan ha inaga siiyo aamiin.


Magacda ubaxii ku nafwaayey xasuuqii foosha xumaa ee Xabashida


Ilyaas Ibraahim Maydhane

Ismaaciil Muuse Tubeec

Abaadir Xaaji Ibraahim Xaaji

Axmed Idiris Ibraahim

Axmed Ibraahim Xaaji Booq

Ubax Cumar Maydhane

Anisa Daahir Caateeye

Maxamuud Maxamed Daahir

Yaasiin Daahir Ibraahim

Cabdi Xasan Cali

Cabdi Axmed Yuusuf

Xuseen Maxamed Nuur

Sucaada Cabdulle Faarax

Maxamed Xasan Faarax

Nimca Maxamed Xirsi

Rashiid Xuseen Cige

Cabdi Ismaaciil Xasan

Maxamed Awaadan Cabdi

Khadra Maxamed Xirsi

Maxamed Idiris Miicaad

Cabdirisaaq Sheekh Maxamed

Sahra Aaden

Faadumo Orodkudharag

Faa’isa Xaaji Ibraahim Muuse

Ruqiya Maydhane Muxumed

Hibo Axmed Cali Yeey

Maxamed Xasan Xandulle

Hinda Axmed Cilmi

Hibo Barkhad Qayaad

Qayaad Barkhad Qayaad

Deeqa Yuusuf Cige

Mustafe Cilmi Weyrax

C/laahi Nuur Cumar

Axmed Cabdi Barre

Kaltuun Abubakar Sheekh

Warla Cilmi Subagle

Sucaad Cali Obsiiye

Inta ka arag sawirada dhalinta yar Xabashada xasuuqday 24 sano kahor. Eebbana ha u wada naxariisto dhamaantood.

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