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Puntland Passes The 2010 Budget. $40 Million

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GAROOWE : Xisaabiyaha Guud ee Puntland oo ka warbixiyey Miisaniyada Sanadaha 2009-2010.

Posted to the Web Jul 27, 13:44


Garoowe:-Xisaabiyaha Guud ee dowlada untland Cabdirisaaq Xasan Muuse ayaa maanta waraysi khaasa siiyey Puntlandpost ayaa ka warbixiyey miisaaniyadii 2009 ee ay shalay ansaxiyeen Golaha Wakiilada Puntland waxaana uu sheegay in ay 45 mudane meel mariyeen ansaxinta miisaaniyada 2009-2010 taas oo cadadkeedu ahaa (lix boqol sodon iyo lix miyan) 636,000,000 milyan.


Mr. cabdirisaaq ayaa sheegay in sanadkaan miisaaniyada Puntland ay dheeri ku noqotay 8,000,000 bilyan taas oo ah mid ka baxsan miisaaniyadii sanadka 2009 soo galay Puntland sidoo kale waxaa uu xisaabiyuhu sheegay in sanadka 2010 ay rajaynayaan in uu dhaqaalaha Puntland kor u kaco.


Mar aan wax ka wadydiiyey in dhaqaalaha Puntland uu saamayn u gaystay xoolahii horay uga dhoofi jiray dekada wayn ee Boosaso ay hada ka dhoofeen dekada Barbara waxaana uu intaas ku daray in aysan wax saamayna ku keenin dhaqaalaha Puntland soo galay sababtoo ah waxaad ka dareemi kartaa miisaaniyada sanad u soo xerootay Puntland sidaasna waxaa yiri Xisaabiyaha guud ee Puntland Mr. Cabdirisaaq Xasan Muuse.


Ugu dambayntii, waxaa uu intaas ku daray xisaabiyuhu in dhaqalaha Puntland uu marayo heerkii ugu sareeyey islamarkaana ku tilmaamay in uu yahay mid sidii loogu talo galay u socda waxaa uu sheegay in madaxda sare ee Puntland ay wax ka qabteen xakamaynta dhaqaalaha Puntland.



Siciid Cabdisalaan Siciid

Wakiilka Puntlandpost-Garoowe


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You guys will probably start arguing that this is not right blah blah blah. So I'll save you the hassle.


Go here and press in the somali shillings 636000000 and see what the equates to in american dollars.


Shilling Convertor


Ps: This is updated convertor also. Which you can verify on the website or better yet read the quote below.


The Somali Shilling is the currency in Somalia (SO, SOM). The symbol for SOS can be written So Sh. The Somali Shilling is divided into 100 centesimi. The exchange rate for the Somali Shilling was last updated on July 27, 2010 from Yahoo Finance

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^ :D


1 USD = 30,000 SOS


636,000,000 = $21,200 USD


But I think the correct figure is: 63,600,000,000 (63 billion 600 million) - which is then roughly around 21 million USD.

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Suldanka well sue yahoo finance because it appears you are correct and the multi national yahoo finance is wrong. As far as im concerned I trust my reliable sources

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If farole raised up the tariffs on bossaso port alot more would come in but he doesn't to keep steady flow of business for traders.


Plus remember 3 airports are being planned.


Galkayo is getting renovated $250,000 terminal.

Garowe is getting new airport and terminal that is capable of holding 10 jumbo jets.


Plus Bossaso is nearly done and will be able to hold 20 jumbo jets when complete. When these key infrastructures are done alot more tax will come in from the airports as more goods and flights will go straight to bossaso or garowe from the world.


I predict alot of yemen/ethiopia/uae/jabuti/malaysia/indonesia flights to happen regulary. And possibl sudan as we are streghtening ties with them also at the educational level.


Plus the U.N and Hayadaha will use our port and airport to dock and undock goods destined to the hellhole of usc which is a bonus for us.

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You don't need to use a website to calculate Somali shillings... nobody tracks that worthless paper anymore. smile.gif


The rough estimate for Somali shilling is between 30,000 - 32,000 shillings to the dollar. And for Somaliland shillings it is between 6,000 and 6,500 to the USD dollar. You can then calculate your exchange value from there.

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Well puntland currency isn't the same as hamar. They use two different banking systems. Didn't u see what happened in galkayo recently?

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I cant calculate puntland a/4 and a/5 from hamar exchange rate waa two different notes with different bank rates. Hamar uses a different form of somali shilling and has their exchange rate set at hamar. So using hamar note and bosaso note is two different issues ama wixi galkayo ka dhacay wad taqan

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Originally posted by Cowke:

I cant calculate puntland a/4 and a/5 from hamar exchange rate waa two different notes with different bank rates. Hamar uses a different form of somali shilling and has their exchange rate set at hamar. So using hamar note and bosaso note is two different issues ama wixi galkayo ka dhacay wad taqan

Mnarkaa ma waxaad leedahay hadaan lacag somali shiling ah ka so qaato bosaaso waa inaan bedeshaa in Hamar si ay lacag ka bad iigu dhashay because the exchange rate is different because of the two cities they're originated from. even though both notes say SOMALI SHILING?


That doesn't make anysense.


How do they know lacagtaan sito halkaan kala imid? Ma Buttland baa ku qoran?

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Xildhibaan Maxamed Cali Guuleed oo RBC uga Warbixiyay Ansixinta Xisaab Xirka Dowlada Puntland Sanadka 2009 (Dhageyso)


(Garowe) RBC: Xilibaan Maxamed Cali guuleed oo ka mid ah Golaha Wakiilada Puntland xubina ka ah gudiga dhaqaalaha ee Golaha Wakiilada Puntland aaya RBC uga warbixiyay xisaab xir maalintii shalay ay sameeyeen Golaha Wakiilada Puntland kidib markii Wasaaradda maaliyada ay holaha xisaabxirka ay horkeentay.


Waxa uu sheegay mudanahaa in ay meel mariyeen xisaab xirkaa islamarkaana ay cod u qaadeen 45 Muadane waxuuna tilmaamay inta aan la ansixin ka hor in Golaha ay ka doodeen isalamarkaana ay su.aalo waydiiyeen wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland faarax Cali shire.


Mudane guleed ayaa intaa ku daray in Golaha wakiilada ay laba kal fadhi ay sanadkii yeeshaan labadaa kalfadhina ay yihiin mid miisaanayida lugu ansixiyo iyo mid xisab xirka lugu ansixiyo waxuuna sheegay in kalfadhigii shalay golaha yeesheen uu ahaa kii xisaab xirka .


Maalintii shalay ayaa Golaha Wakiilada Puntland meel mariyeen xisaab xirka sanadkii tagtay ee miisaanayadii 2009 waxaana sidoo kale horay u ansixiyeen miisaanayadii 2010 inkastoo la filayo xisaab xirka sanadkaa in ay dhacado bilaha soo socda .


Muadanahaa ayaa tilmaamay in dhaqaalaha ay sanadkaa isticmaashay Dowlada ay gaarayso 682 billion taa oo loo kala qaybiyay 178 bilion oo aheed ciidamada iyo howlahooda halka qarashka guud ee Dowlada uu ahaa 285 bilion halka sidoo kale howlaha kale wasaradaha ay ahayd 219 bilion taa oo isku gayan noqonaysa 682 bilion .


Waxa uu tilmaamay xilibaanka marka sidoo kale 26 boqolkiiba waxa uu sheegay in lugu mareeyaya howlaha ciidanka amniga halka 42% loo isticaamalay hormarinta dalka waxaa sidoo kale dhanaka haya,ddaha lugu qarasha gareeyay 32% sida uu sheegay mudanaha oo u waramayay RBC .


Ansixinta Golaha wakiilada ayaaa ku soo adaysa xili sidoo kale la filayoin dhawaan Golaha ka doodaan arima badan oo horyaala waxana la filayaa in dhawaan waxyaabahaa oo dhan ay meeel marsiin doonaan.




Xafiiska Garowe


C/raxmaan ilkacase



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