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Samsam Axmed Ducaale on her way home at last

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Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo ku soo fool leh Boosaaso kadib markii xabsigii laga sii daayay

Posted to the Web Feb 02, 15:54



Boosaaso:-Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo in muddo ah ku jirtay Xabsiga Hargaysa halkaasoo ay kula kulantay dhibaatooyin isug jira, Xarig, kufsi , jirdil ayaa haatan ku soo fool leh magaalada Boosaaso kadib markii ay dadaal dheeraada u galeen dib u soo celinta xoriyadeeda Hay’adaha u dooda Xuquuqul Aadanaha.


War saxaafadeed uu shalay u qaybiyay saxaafada gudaha ee S/land Wasiirka Cadaaladda ee maamulka la magac baxay S/land, Axmed Xasan Cali ( Casoowe ) ayuu warsaxaafadeedkaas ku sheegay in ay cafis u fidiyeen Samsam Axmed kagadaal markii ay qiratay dambiyadii ay gashay soona qoratay qoraal ay ku dalbanayso in la cafiyo waa sida qoraalka loo qoraye.


Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo ah muwaadinad u dhalatay Puntland ayaa maxkamada gobolka Hargaysa ku xukuntay 5 sano xarig ah, kadib markii maamulka Daahir Riyaale uu ku ee deeyay in ay Samsam waday hawlo basaasnimo ah oo lagu khaarajinayo madaxwayne-kuxigeenka S/land Axmed Yaasiin lagana soo abaabulay magaalada Boosaaso.


Maamulka Daahir Riyaale ayay waji gabax ku noqotay in uu qirto dhibaatooyinka llixaadka lahaa ee ay Samsam u gaysteen ilaalada Madaxwayne-kuxigeenka S/land Axmed Yaasiin, oo isugu jiray kufsi, Jirdil iyo xarig, kuwaasoo dhan ka ah Islaanimada iyo bini aadanimada, waxayna ku celceliyeen in aan Samsam loo gaysay wax kufsi ama jirdil ah haba yareetee, hase ahaatee warar la xaqiijinayo ayaa ku waramaya in Samsam jirkeeda laga helay dhaawacyo muujinaya dhibaatooyinkii loo gaystay inanta da'da yar kadib markii ay baaritaan kusameeyeen dhaqaadiir ay ka mid yihiin kuwa ajnabi ah.


Sikastaba ha'ahaatee dhibane Samsam Axmed Ducaale ayaa lagu wadaa in ay dhawaan soo gaadho magaalada Boosaaso oo ay horay uga ahayd ardayad wax kabarta.


Axmed C/salaam


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Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo Puntland loo soo wado iyadoo Gar & Mag la'aan ah


Hargeysa-01.February.2005 Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo ah gabar yar oo reer Boosaaso ah oo in mudo si sharci daro loogu haystey Xabsi ku yaaln Magaalada Hargeysa ayaa la sheegay in laga siidaayey xabsigii lagu hayey oo lagu wareejiyey saraakiil ka socotey Qaramada Midoobey gaar ahaan qaybta Xuquuqda Aadanaha oo dhawaanahan socdaal ku aadaanaa xariga inantas da'da yar u joogey Magaalada Hargeysa.


Sarkaal lagu magacaabo Qaalid Bin Najax oo u dhashey Wadanka Kuwait iyo xubno kale oo qaarkood yihiin dhakhaatiir ayaa Magaalada Hargeysa waxay u yimaadeen sidii ay Maamulka la magacbaxay Somaliland uga sii deyn lahaayeen Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo mudo lagu xabisay Hargeysa qaybo ka mid ah sharafteedana meel ka dhac loo geystey.


Wadahadalo qaatey saacado badan oo Saraakiisha Qaramada Midoobey ay la yeesheen Madaxda Maamulka Somaliland gaar ahaan Ninka Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ka ah Maamulkaas oo lagu magacaabo Axmed Yuusuf Yaasin oo si gardaro ah oo xuquuq ku tumasho ah Xabsi ugu hayey gabadhaas ayaa mar dambe lagu guuleysay in la siidaayo Samsam oo lagu wareejiyo xubnaha Qaramada Midoobey iyadoo gar iyo mag la'aan ah.


Dad xog ogaal ah oo ku sugan Magaalada Hargeysa isla markaana codsadey inaan magacooda la sheegin sababo xaga amaanka ah ayaa u sheegay Idaacada SBC inay haatan Samsam gacanta loo geliyey Wafiga Qaramada Midoobey iyadoo lagu wado in maalinimada Barri ah laga soo dajiyo Magaalada Boosaaso ama Garoowe.


Sii daynta Samsam Axmed Ducaale ayaa la sheegay inaysan helin wax xuquuq ah ama gar ah oo ku aadan sababihii Xabsiga loogu hayey intaas oo bilood iyo waliba tacadiyadii nafteeda loo geystey oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Kufsi, dil iyo ku tamasho nafaasi ah.


Warar si hoose SBC Online ay ugu sheegeen Dad xog ogaal ah ayaa xaqiijiyey in Samsam ay baaritaan ku sameeyeen Xubnaha Qaramada Midoobey taasi oo ay cadaatey in loo geystey Kufsi iyo dil naxariis daro ah, waxaana marqaati noqdey nabaro lagu qiyaasey in loo geystay gabadhaas dhawr bil ka hor oo ka muuqdey lugaheeda, taasi oo meesha ka saareysa wararkii ay inta badan sheegeen Madaxda Maamulka Somaliland oo ay ku tilmaameen in Samsam Axmed Ducaale aan loo geysan wax dhib ah.


Samsam Axmed Ducaale ayaa haatan waxay ku sugan tahay meel aynan si rasmi ah u helin magaceeda oo ka mid ah Magaalada Hargeysa waxaase Xabsiga looga saarey iyadoon aan helin inaba haba yaraatee wax mag ama gar ah oo ku aadan gaboodfalkii lagula kacay.



SBC News Desk.

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i think her uncle who is a somaliland minister should be shot for being such coward and not even saying one word in her defence in all that time what a wetbag.


apparantly she wrote a personal letter to Riyaale himself asking for pardone.

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qudhac i am with you on that. that socalled minister should be put to death. am talking a bullet between his eyes. he is a disgrace to all the cowards, even cigaal shidaad would turn in his grave for stooping cowardice to an all time low.

glad samsam is released from prison. first thing is to check her medically and comfort her. even though she is released, it is without gar (justice) and mag (damage payments) like sbc said.

one thing is for sure, samsam waa loo aarsan doonaa sooner or later. that is a fact.

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

i think her uncle who is a somaliland minister should be shot for being such coward and not even saying one word in her defence in all that time what a wetbag.

That was uncalled for man. What do you think we are? a lawless country? The minister has done the right job for not interfering with the justice system. Our judicial system is constitutionaly independent.


There were some mistakes on the part of the government made during this case, but in all, they followed according to our system. They deserve an applause for that.


If Zamzam feels that she was innocent, she had the chance to make an appeal to the higher courts. On the otherhand, if she thinkgs that she had been wronged or mistreated while in detention, then she has the right to sue and bring all that she thinks were involved to court. That is our system, no body jumps queues or cuts corners.

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The news of Zamzam’s release brings relief and joy to her immediate family and friends.It also brings sense of vindication and triumph for the Somali media, which to its credit kept her story alive both in the print and the cyber. What this news won’t do is to undo the bad legacy that Zamzam’s unlawful detention leaves for her captors. And the political consequences of her incarceration may be far reaching than initially anticipated by Reyaale’s government.


The fiasco of Zamzam: the imprisonment; the subsequent torture and suffering; and the denial of due process; has negated one fundamental argument for Somaliland’s bid to secede. It exposed the inconsistency of the unceasing claims and depictions of Somaliland as a beacon on the hill. A bright star in the darkness! A country where judicial due processes are granted and people’s democratic aspirations are respected!

Contrast that with Somalia (South), so the argument went, where a complete collapse had befallen.


But that was believable before Zamzam’s debacle unfolded.It exposed the dark reality and the nature of that state. A state that still has not overcame the clannish emotions, to which it traces its origins, and its vengeance yearning character. Zamzam’s story also highlighted how Somaliland is pre-occupied with that old habit of settling scores. In its totality, the way SL government abused that little and innocent child was a voluntary self-disclosure of a sort! BUT it was a much-needed one for people like me who were impressed with Somaliland’s self-governance and its successful presidential election.


The notion of independent and internationally recognized Somaliland is indeed tempting proposition for many Somalilanders, but the means to reach it are full of ironies. Baashi, a nomad of SOL, has discovered few of those ironies by simply doing some ‘cold reasoning’ in his writings. One obvious paradox that has come to light in the Zamzam’s story though is Somaliland‘s much publicized, with full legitimacy, grievances of the human right abuses of the former regime and its, Somaliland’s, cruel mistreatment of this girl. It is as though this state wants to have it both ways. Another irony, which I don’t want to get in to it, is its insistence to include other Somalilanders in its union, some times by force, in the name of territorial integrity. It is like the old irony of starting ‘prescribed fire’ to prevent a big and wild fire! Or so it seems!


Despite the outcome of Somaliland’s bit for recognition and even with her release, Zamzam will leave an ever-lasting scar on the face of her captors.



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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

quote:Originally posted by Qudhac:

i think her uncle who is a somaliland minister should be shot for being such coward and not even saying one word in her defence in all that time what a wetbag.

That was uncalled for man. What do you think we are? a lawless country?


I'm sure this wasn't your intention but that little piece made me laugh. But QUDHAC, you're right man. That guy is a coward. He should've said SOMETHING!


Good thing the much-talked about chick is finally being let go. Warkeeda baaba iga batay!

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sxb i wasnt talking about our judicial system this was more of a personal level, i mean if i was going through a court system and my uncle was in that position i would expect him to say something atleast.


but i think they did the right thing by pardoning her after all we could concentrate on more important issues than to chase around a chick even if she was nosing around.



by the way this will teach any amature basaas wannabe one hell of a lesson.. cos hey if you dont like our justice system well stay in your effing country no one asked you to cross the border. :mad:



hehehe am joking kidds dont start the baroor all over again now we had enough weepers to last us for months. icon_razz.gif

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ZamZam has suffered enough for life unjustly at the hands of fooxle Ahmed Yassin the V.P of Somaliland. Who ordered the 16 years old orphan child to be put in jail for attempted assassination. With no evidence and her lawyers jailed, the kangaroo court led by the dishonorable dwarf judge sentenced the underage girl 10 years but immediately commuted it down to 4 years because she was only 17 years old and added one year jail time for claiming to be of the clan of Ahmed Yassin. Who are the heroes and who are the losers.




Her brother who first exposed the jailing and rape of Zamzam. First by contacting Hargaysa media Jamhuuriya, Haatuf etc and Ahmed Said Cige of the BBC. They all refused to touch this story. Next he contacted Human rights organizations in Hargaysa especially Raqia Oomar.


Her mother who came to Hargaysa and got jailed for three days and kept fighting for her little girl


Raqia Oomar who advocated for the right of ZamZam and got four courageous lawyers who defended her until they themselves got 3 years jail time from judge.


The four lawyers: Yusuf Ismail Ali, Fawzi Sheikh Yunis Hassan, Abdirahman Ibrahim Alin and Mohamed Said Hirsi


Internet websites who kept the story alive until Amnesty internationalized it., and who especially showed courage to defend the indefensible.




Fooxle Ahmed Yusuf Yassin who was ultimately responsible for this tragedy. Sack him and send him back to USA to collect his welfare checks. He can't be representative of the great people of Hargaysa.


Maxamed Cige Cilmi, Taliyaha Booliiska Somaliland. Sack him and you will see him begging on the streets of Hargaysa


The six CID officers accused of raping Zamzam. Sack them and bring them to justice. Today it is Bosaso, then Erigavo, them Burco, then eventually Hargaysa.


The dishonorable judge Abdirahman Jama Hayaan. Sack him. He is not fit to wear the robe. He knows nothing about law or justice or even the appearance of the law.


Axmed Said Cige & independent media in Hargaysa who first refused to air the story and then blindly reported the lies of the government officials.


Her uncle: No shooting please. He is already dead with shame and remorse. Doesn't he know your income is already decided for you by the Almighty Allah and if you do the right thing Allah will not forsaken you.


The biggest looser of all is Zamzam. All she wanted was to visit her uncle for the summer break and instead was put into a nightmare by cruel men who have no regard for justice or fairness or decency. Let us collect funds for her and show her that there are people who do not know her and yet feel her pain and want to extend a helping hand.

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