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Ship docks at Mogadishu first time since 1995

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MOGADISHU, Dec 16 (Reuters) - A boat docked at Mogadishu port for the firt time in nine years on Thursday but only after Somali gunmen opened fire at the vessel in a failed attempt to prevent its arrival, residents said.


The boat turned around and moved out to sea after the militiamen sent bullets spattering into the water around it, but the later docked when the gunfire died down, witnesses said.


There was no immediate word on why gunmen opened fire.


But residents note the sea port lies in a no man's land between the territories of three Mogadishu warlords: Hussein Aideed, Muse Sudi Yalahow and Mohammed Jama Furuh.


The boat was carrying a consignment of goods for a group of businessmen who had spent the past couple of days cleaning and rehabilitating the port voluntarily.


Mogadishu's sea port, and its airport, have been closed since 1995 due to militia mayhem.


In the absence of the main sea port a private port called El Ma'an north of the capital has dominated the city's maritime trade, which is mainly with Yemen, Kenya and Dubai. El Ma'an is owned by a group of businessmen who have their own militia and weapons to protect their interests.


Somalia collapsed into lawlessness with the 1991 overthrow of military ruler Mohammed Siad Barre and has since been without an effective central government.


A government was established last month after two years of reconciliation talks among clans and militia factions in the safety of neighbouring Kenya but the administration has yet to return to Somalia to start work.

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Excellent news indeed. A good sign.


Rare ship docks at Somalia port


A cargo ship has docked at the main port in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, for the first time in nearly a decade.




It was carrying thousands of tonnes of food, fuel and other goods from Dubai where many Somali traders are based.


The port has been closed for years as local warlords have been locked in a power struggle to control it.


If it is able to re-open fully, it could prove a powerful boost to the local economy, and to efforts to re-build the country.


Potentially lucrative


The first ship to arrive at Mogadishu's commercial port since UN peacekeepers left in 1995 docked only after gunmen opened fire in an unsuccessful attempt to stop it.


The vessel, chartered by a Somali businessman, docked at the port which is a short distance from the centre of the capital, and is served by a reasonable road.


In the absence of a central government and security forces, rival factions have been fighting for control of this potentially lucrative source of revenue.


Since no one could agree who should run it, the port remained shut and became a symbol of the country's collapse into lawlessness.


It is the same story with Mogadishu's main airport.


Instead, businesses have been forced to bring goods into the capital using a beach an hour's drive away.


Cargo has to be transferred to smaller boats before being brought ashore by hand. It is a time-consuming and expensive process.


Such is the degree of insecurity that the beach at el-Ma'an has more than 1,000 gunmen defending it.

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this was bloody funny! nobody knew why they fired at the boat!! all i can say is that it wasnt the first and it wont be the last time!!


i can picture cy cutting thru there with a speed boat!!lol..!


lets hope so!! :confused:

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Doontii ugu horeysay ee shalay ku soo xiratay dekadda weyn ee Muqdisho oo saaka lala soo beegsaday madaafiic hoobiyeyaal ah(Hogaamiye kooxeedkii weerarkaasi geystay oo ka waramaya sababaha uu ku maagay)


Dekadda weyn ee Muqdisho oo muddo 9 sano ah u xirneyd khilkaaf siyaasadeed oo u dhexeeyey hogaamiyeyaasha kooxaha Muqdisho, ayey muddooyinkan howlo dayactir ah oo dhammaaday ka wadeen guddi ganacsato ah, kadib markii ay soo shaac baxday in hogaamiyeyaasha kooxaha ee ka soo jeeda beelaha ****** oo uu ku jiro Max’ed Jaamac Furux oo maleeshiyooyin isaga taageersan ay dekadda gacanta ku hayaan ay isku afgarteen in howlaha dekadda & dib u furideeda ay u xilsaareen guddi ganacsato ah oo 11 xubnood ah ayaa waxaa shalay dekadda ku soo xirtay doontii ugu horeysay ee siday badeecooyin bagaash, raashin & shidaal ahaa, iyadoo doontaasi oo aheyd doon weyn ay dekadda ku soo xiratay 10:00 subaxnimo (Afar saac).


Qadar saacado ah ayey ku how-shoonayaan shaqaalaha dekadda sameynta wiish-kii loo isticmaali lahaa dejinta rarkii doonta saarnaa oo ciladeysnaa, waxeyn qaadatay hagaajinta wiish-ka ilaa xilli saaka waaberigii ah, waxaana saaka aroortii laga war helay madaafiic hoobiyeyaal ah oo lala soo beegsaday doontii oo markaasi diyaar u aheyd in rarka saaran laga rogo, waxaana ay rasaasta lala soo beegsaday doontaasi keentay in kabtankii doontaasi baroosinka goosto, kana dhaqaaqo dekadda ilaa masaafo dhan 20 KM, isagoo u dhaqaaqay dhinaca xeebta ilaa doontu ka libidh-to, waxaana sidoo kale, dib u gurtay doomo kale oo rar siday kuwaasoo lagu waday in ay saaka ku soo xirtaan dekadda, iyadoo xalay dad-ka degan nawaaxiga dekadda ay sheegeen in ay arkayeen maraakiib xeebta ku soo dhowaaday.


Hogaamiye kooxeedka C/qaadir Xasan Beebe oo maleeshiyooyin isaga taageersan ay farriisin ku leeyihiin xaafadaha Shibis, C/casiis & Shingaani ayaa sheegtay in weerarka loo geystay dekadda in ay ka dambeeyeen maleeshiyooyinkiisa, uuna ka soo horjeedo koox ganacsato ah oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin danley, oo buu yiri waxaan horay ugaga dignay in ay hantidooda ku soo biimeeyaan biyahaas.


“Horay ayaan ugu sheegnay ganacsatadu in aysan hantidooda ku soo biimeyn dekaddaas, oo aan ka soo horjeedno in kooxo ganacsato ah ay si gaar ah ugu intifaacaan hantida dekaddaas ka soo xeraato oo ah hanti Qaran, mana ahan wax aan aqbaleyno in koox danley ah ay ku dhawaaqdo furitaanka dekadda iyadoo aanan laga heshiin waxyaabihii sababay xirnaanshaheedii†ayuu yiri C/qaadir beebe oo hogaamiye kooxeeydnimadiisu ay soo shaac baxday dabayaaqadii 2003-da, wuxuuna sheegay in uu weerarayo haddii dekadaasi ay ku soo xirtaan doomo & maraakiib.


Shaqaale isugu jira kuwii ka howlgeli jiray qeybaha xafiisyada dekadda, xamaaligii dekadda & dadweyne meherado ganacsi ah ka sameystay gudaha dekadda & banaankeeda oo maalmahan ay dayactir & dhisme ku wadeen ayaa si weyn uga niyad xumaaday weerarada lala soo beegsaday doontii shalay halkaasi ku soo xiratay, waxaana saaka mar weriye ka tirsan bogan indha-indheyn u tegay dekadda uu ku soo arkay dad gudaha dekadda ku xoonsanaa oo saaka ilaa xalay sugayey xilliga la billaabayo dejinta rarka doonta saaran, iyadoo la arkayey halkii shalay ay doontaasi ku soo xiratay oo saaka cidlo ah.


Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho



This is a very sad story. There was some hope for the citizens of Mogadishu and its surroundings as late as this morning but that seems to be gone now. I have a feeling that there is a conspiracy beyond the claims of the so-called fresh warlord who has admitted to have ordered his militias to fire at this ship and the port. I think there is a need for whoever is in charge of this mission of re-opening the port to talk to the owners of all the make-shift ports and get them sign an agreement stating that they will not jeopardize such attempt of bringing life back to the millions who live in and around the capital.

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^^ waryaa shiraap.


You think the people of Mogadishu are enjoying this situation, much less choosing for it? It wasn't too long ago when Hargeisa's airport and Berbera port were being held by clan militias and reduced the important infrastructural centres into no-go areas.

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You think the people of Mogadishu are enjoying this situation, much less choosing for it?


the people who are firing on ships, the people who are selling the guns, the ones controlling the millitia the ones controlling the airport are all "people of muqdisho" so how did they not choose this situation its not alliens that are doing this.


every man sleeps in the bed he makes.

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whatever am sleeping in am happy with it.. very happy indeed i wish i can say the same for you unfortunately

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I think just the fact that the ship has actually docked and broke the "code law" (to say) is enough for me. It's a start and a very promising one indeed.

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

how primitive and backward some people are. :eek:

Lool..! Primitive..! Come again sxb..! And what do you call those sentencing 16 year old to prison, for what..? For conspiring to kill the Vice-president.

Damn and you have the audacity to come around and call people primitive.

However much you term the people of Mogadishu primitive, rest assured it is zillion light years ahead of your backyard.Oh yeah ! and as for the port , dont worry there ae many others in the surrounding that are operating and its financial status controlls the exchange of the little market that exists in any other part of the region.

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qurac or whatever else ou call yourself.Charity begins at home.i am happy that

A)i am still a somali and with my fellow somalis despite the difficulties.You on the other hand are kissing *** all over the place just to get recognision which will never come

b)i am at peace and whipped your *** when you came over in aricadeeye


c)muqdisho is still my capital and when our government comes home we shall welcome it and we will simply order you to disarm which you will duly do because you are an behind kisser.


D)we will throw all the peodophiles in jail or maybe in a zoo to make sure that the world see what a bunch of primitive children kidnappers and rapists look like.So yes you are making your bed.enjoy it 'cos you aint going to get another pal

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rest assured it is zillion light years ahead of your backyard.

Has he seen Muqdisho as of the current? :D


Even with the civil war and Muqdisho being the hardest hit, the city is thriving as always. There is a reason for it having been the leading African city for centuries and for it having been picked as the capital.


Muqdisho sxb is thriving as always.



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Jumatatu and HornAfrique, now let's not get way over our heads about the greatness of Mogadishu as of current. I believe many residents in Mogadishu would disagree.

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