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Originally posted by rokko:


geeluu ragaadka kasaaraa

riyahana shilinta buu ka guraa


ninku waa dhaqtar xoolaad nooh

Waryaa,thats not what Vet Dr's do, I am the proud son of a distinguished Vet DR. They diagnose & then let the vet assistants[The likes of Naxar] do the shilin pulling :D

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War ileen balo,Adeer,Where did the PM get his money from?


Milking Cows?

I am not the one accusing our prime minister of getting from here or there. the burden of proof, am afriad, is on you. so tell us why it is not possible for ghedi to have gotten his money from anywhere but these "institutions" or stop accusing government officials of curroption.

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Waa runtaa Somalithinker!


Aakhirkana cancer baa meel walba intuu ka galo ayaa waxay ku dhintaan dal shisheeye habaar qabooyin. :mad:

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Originally posted by BiLaaL:

Building Villas' for oneself is somewhat understandable, given the kind of men we are dealing with. What i find difficult to take is why they find the need to appoint their cousins to such important posts. Do these 'cousins' have any qualifications for the assiged posts? Doesn't Geedi fear the embarrassment that will follow from any mishaps arising from his counsin's inability to do the job.

Su'aashaas tan amee kaaga jawaabtaa? Sii aqri.


Wasiirka ugu shaqada badan Xukuumadda Federaalka iyo Mas’uuliyiinta sare ee Dowladda oo khilaaf uu soo kala dhexgalay


Axad, Maarso 25, 2007 (HOL): Waxaa khilaaf uu soo kala dhexgalay mas’uuliyiinta sare ee Dowladda Federaalka iyo wasiirka la isku raacay in uu yahay midka ugu shaqada badan Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kaasi oo ah Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Ismaaciil Maxamuud Hurre Buubaa.


Khilaafkan oo hadda soo shaac baxaya ayaa wuxuu salka ku hayaa sida ay sheegayaan warar aanu ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo faragelin ku sameeyay xilka Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda, iyadoo taasina ay u cuntami weysay Wasiirka.


Wasiirka ayay wararku sheegayaan in ay mas’uuliyiintan isku qabteen kadib markii ay Xilalka Safiirnimo u magacaabeen shakhsiyaad ku heyb ah oo qaarkood aanan lahayn aqoontii Safiirnimo, gaar ahaana Safiirro ay u magacaabeen Dalalka Mareykanka iyo Kenya, iyadoo ay ahayd in uu magacaabistaas wax ku lahaado wasiirka ama xitaa la ogeysiiyo


Sidoo kalena, waxay wararku intaas ku darayaan in uu Ismaaciil Buubaa uu aad uga sii carooday nin uu Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf u magacaabay Xoghayaha joogtada ah ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda, kaasi oo uusan ku qancin Wasiirka.


Si kastaba arrintu ahaatee, khilaafka soo kala dhexgalay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliy oo haatan bannaanka u soo baxaya ayaa haddii uu sii socdo waxaa uu keeni karaa in uu Wasiirka xilka ka tago amaba xil ka qaadis lagu sameeyo, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in Ra’iisal Wasaare Geedi oo Dalka Sacuudiga uga qeybgelaya shir ay halkaas ku leeyihiin wadamada Islaamka uu ka tegay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda oo Baydhabo ku sugan, tiiyoo ay ahayd in uu Wasiirka ka qeybgalo shirka gogol xaarka ah ee ay Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda Wadamada Islaamka ku yeelanayaan Magaalada Riyaad ee dalka Boqortooyada Sacuudiga.


And to answer your other questions, they do know dowlad ku sheegaan inay shaqeynin oo meel ay gaarto jirin, so inta yar soo gisho ayee ku tumanayaan, oo jeebkooda ku buuxsanayaan.


Ninkaas danjiraha Keenya loo magacabay ee ilmo'adeerka yihiin, shaqadii danjirnimo kaliya ma'aha, oo taas wax ma tarto. He is also a 'treasurer,' oo daqlihayaha Geedi ah, oo wixii Qaramada Midoobay iyo Midowga Yurub laga soo qaado dhan oo ku saabsan dowlad ku sheega xukuumadda Geedi [sida lacagaha wasaaradooyinka] ninkaas ayee kusoo dhacdaa first.


And no need to tell you meeshee ku baxdo now.

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Do you have caddeyn in lacagta gurigaan ay tahay lacagta qaranka. Back your statements with facts please qiyaas ma soconeyso..

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Thanks for the article. It provides a good illustration of the confusion abound within the TFG.


Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:
Ninkaas danjiraha Keenya loo magacabay ee ilmo'adeerka yihiin, shaqadii danjirnimo kaliya ma'aha, oo taas wax ma tarto. He is also a 'treasurer,' oo daqlihayaha Geedi ah, oo wixii Qaramada Midoobay iyo Midowga Yurub laga soo qaado dhan oo ku saabsan dowlad ku sheega xukuumadda Geedi [sida lacagaha wasaaradooyinka] ninkaas ayee kusoo dhacdaa first

Sidaan haku socdaan, iyagaa ku jabi doono. I believe the TFG's achilles heel will be their lack of implementable fiscal policies. Soon the donor countries will realise this and cut off all funding or demand intermediaries to better manage finances. This will of course bring in aid agencies who are themselves corrupt; meaning less and less money will reach their intended targets.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

faraax, you say you are the proud son a vet yet continue to insult their proffession. how proud your father or mother must be!

I wasnt insulting the Profession,I just questioned how this vet made his money. It doesn’t show on his biography as a tycoon or wealthy businessman,so where could he have amassed such wealth in such a short period? I suppose branding cattle, vaccinating a sheep againt chronic trypanosomiasis & running a private dipping center makes that much money huh? Give me a break!!


But anyway,the Burden of proof is not on me or anyone questioning the Dr's assets. Its for you to debunk my accusation(s). I question his source of income Because, like I have said, I know there is no money to be made as a vet in Africa. I have been to numerous Vet conventions as a kid. I have also seen documents & studies that showed the decline in recruiting new Drs,because its not that lucrative profession in Africa, How in the world did this Doc beat the odds?


If the former Dr turned stooge got his money another way, then, the Somali people have every right to question the timing of this purchase. How come he had to buy this house now, why not all his 2 years he was a PM or all those years he was a DR? He had to buy this house soon after he led Ethiopia to invade his nation in the pretext of getting rid of "Al-Qaeda" huh?


Anyone can see the connection here.He was paid handsomely for his role in routing out "terrorist", His Master, the Prime Menace of Ethiopia, got paid a little over $75M soon after the invasion. This is all questionable, my suspicision is that the Vet, sold off his country for a meager sum if you will.


Shame, Shame on him….

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

loool@ Jacaylbro. This is what the TFG does. Jacaylbro, I will give you a clip...


(1) Abdillaahi Yusuf (bussy with the Clan posts)

(2)Ali Mohamad Geedi (bussy with the cash)

(3)Abdi Rizak Jurila ( bussy with Geedi )

...and Melez Zenawi is busy with their backside. :D:D:D

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Mind you this Mohammed Dheere looks like a basketballer. Had they brought to U.S.A as child, i think he would have done something. But i suppose he is making enough money as a semi professional/geel jire, warlord.

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

Mind you this Mohammed Dheere looks like a basketballer. Had they brought to U.S.A as child, i think he would have done something. But i suppose he is making enough money as a semi professional/geel jire, warlord.

:D:D:D He is not only geeljire, baac waaye sidii bajaq camal u cod eg mar uu afkiisa kala furo. Muxuu ka dhahay the Stooge?


"Odey ciyaal suuq waaye oo birkimihii iyo joodariyaashii naga xaday, xataa nabadeey nama dhihin oo furihii irida banaanka ugu tagay..."

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