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The Clash Thesis: A Failing Ideology?

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Originally posted by J'maal11:

^^ ur wlcm.


Viking, lol I know the book bro, I have it at home. As apocalyptic as the guy's theory seems, I don't think its scary or holds water for that matter. Sxb read some Critical Theory perspective on these issues, cos the realists are simpletons who only 'pretend' to explain a world in which they have helped to create.


Sxb, I did not agree with everything that Huntington said in his book but he had brought up some imoprtant issues which seem to be very true in the world we live in. He mentioned (if I recall well) China, India and Japan as 'civilisations' and if we see how the events are unfolding, the three seem to be taking huge steps to be recognised in the world. Japan is going fora permanent seat in the Secuirty Council, China and India are seen as the new emerging superpowers (both economically, militarily and population-wise) who will have a major impact in the world. The EU (Christian Union as he called it) is also expanding to accomodate the other Christian nations like Bulgaria, Romania etc. There were 12 members of the EU when I read the book some years back and I believe today there are 25 or so, and as Huntington predicted, Turkey is not one of them.


He also correctly stated (according to my understanding) that the 'Muslim civilisation' lacked a 'core state'; all the other civilisations according to him had one. I beleive this to be true too because if Turkey or Iran (the two he thought had most potential) had taken that role of being the 'head' or voice of the Muslim world, then a balance to our favour would be created. But Turkey is busy kissing a$$, trying to join the Christian Union and the 'Western civilisation' is doing all it can to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons which would make it a power to be reckonned within the 'Islamic civilisation'.


It was an interesting read, not as facts but as theories which would probably shape the world in the near future. I don't think he was right in everything he said, never the less, it was an interesting read.


Thanks for the tips, I will try and read them soon. At the moment am reading more "theories", lol. This one is by George Monbiot (of The Guardian) in his book 'The Age of Consent'.

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The first war on terror took place in the 1980’s when America was under threat by the great powers of Granada, Nicaragua and Salvador. The great leader of the time President Reagan father of the free world fought against all odds to defeat these rogue nations that posed the gravest danger to civilisation itself. After the cancer of Central America was cut out a new tumour began to grow.


A man of action was needed to rise to the occasion to confront the new evils of the world. This man was a simple, devout and courageous fellow, who was loved by all the folks for he responded to a higher calling. George Bush II. Like his hero Reagan picked up the torch of liberty and peace and like a supreme athlete ran with it illuminating the world, against great odds and with no help that peace full nation of ours managed to vanquish the great evil posed by that powerful entity Iraq.

lool :D:D:D , off my seat laughing I almost cried like waaaw, I gave it to you pal


I have yet to see like this, hilarious. Keep them coming teach them boyz, once again two thumps up to the General.


Reagan picked up the torch of, how do u expect them to know!


Great stuff

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President Bush is a man on a mission against tyranny where ever it might raise its deformed head. He champions the weak against the strong and will ensure that the United States is protected at home through the actions of our brave and gentle soldiers.


The doctrine of preventative war has worked well in Iraq, for how else could one have stopped that state from becoming a safe haven for terrorist's?


“Our enemies are ruthless and innovative, they are always thinking of ways to harm this country and so are we.†The president succulently sums up his underlying belief that America rocks.


In his few years in office the President has faced off against many ruthless and cunning opponents and has liberated many people near and far. He out powered the Beast of Baghdad, liberated Haiti from that evil one eyed President.


Our friends in Israel, Colombia, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan should rest assured that the President appreciates the effort they have made and the steps they have taken in creating a free, democratic and just societies in which the rule of law reins supreme.

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El Geneerale, would you spare us that lavishly -furnished cant of those evil neacons. Save (my little brain tells me other wise) you’re one of those naively misinformed people in the western hemisphere!


P.S:-Your first post sounded a sarcastic and sardonic of sort, which I liked. The repeat is too good to be satirical, me thinks.

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The free loving nations of Israel and Tajikistan would find it difficult to understand your position.




Bush Jr says it all for me mate.. “Our enemies are ruthless and innovative, they are always thinking of ways to harm this country and so are we.â€

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