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Mogadishu on the brink of guerrilla war

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We don't need to oppose any nation nor animus because we're a disunited, fragile, shattered and battred nation/b] and if you can't see that, then you obviously in self-deinal and need help!



Trinket Case scnerario:


It's a classic case of let's sprint, although we're not able to walk! Afterall isn't that what destroyed the courts! A nation of sprinters. It's a child's disease/naive persons believes! 'Yes' I can do it without training/practise, it's really easy'! That's not the real world!


For example let's say for curiousities sake: 'There's this beast a real fighter, who was training for years fought in regional competitions and won several medailles!'


He is somebody, that is renowned for his ability in the fightsport! But here's the catch the man was training for almost his entire life and he's healthy, although a bit thin but his muscles are really strong! He's done his preparation and feels good about himself, he could rally on his friend aswell, who is the world's best fighter!


Now the second person in the equation, is someone, that did not train alot, in fact he's obese and suffers from a mild heart-condition!


He likes to sit on his couch and eat alot of 'potato-chips' until he's about to vomit! All he does is watch TV and laugh, he's only excercise is flipping the remote-control from one TV station/channel to another and using the 'bath-room'!


When ever he tries to climb up some stairs, he's heart is about to fall out, he gets all sweaty and he's heavily breathing (lack of oxygen)!


Now this same guy, who is a uncultured and mis-behaved moron aswell from watching to much TV (Kids it's true television makes you dumb)!


His friends want to move him out of 'living-room' in which he made into a rubbish-collection unit or a dump-ground!


But that fat obese guy, doesn't want to clean after himself nor does he want to play by the rules and lately a friend of his, who is a 'real' sheikh, he took advantage from him and said he was willing to clean up his whole mess!


The house seemed alright but the potato-ships were still in the couch and the cans of sugerly fizzy drinks, which was 'banned' by his local sheikh are still hiden behind the sofa!


Also he didn't move of his couch as promised. He put on some new clothes but it's all for show! He pulls all the strings and his naive friend sheikh thinks he's involved in some kind of revolution, that will change the face of this world.


Little does he know, that the fat obese guy has his own plan. You guessed it as their is a new head, who does not compromise and is someone who hates obese and lazy folks has emerged and lately organised some kind of plan on how to move the obese guy of the culture and away from the TV so that all people have equal access to it and that they don't have to watch all the crap and un-ethical TV shows the obese guy likes so much!


Obese guy is a bully, he grabs all the things he likes by force and lately he was given a moral justification by his naive sheikh friend!


Now the obese guy wasn't satisfied with being the house-keeper of the living room (the largest room in the house) and the kitchen!


Now he's trying to move in, into the three other rooms to install new TV's because he says he needs to decorate the rooms to new themes that are in 'tune' with what he's watching. He' say's 'he's tired of the same old scenery and does want to enlarge the lounge', actually he's proposing not to knock on the door and ask friendly if he can do what he want's to do but he wants to demolish the walls between him and the other rooms so that he could enlarge his lounge and create new areas and theme tunes for his cinematory pleasure and TV viewing experience!


As I said he's a moron and an A-grade in it aswell! He said 'I cannot have doors and boundiers such as walls, I need immediate access to my different 'hot-spots'! Simply speaking he's a meniac!


The people told him 'Would you please mind some privacy', we don't want to be polluted by your dirt'! 'Leave us alone for gods sake!' But he will not give in because he's got the support of his 'naive' sheikh he still believes he's part of drastic revolution that will change the face of this universe!


Because the other house memebers cannot defend themselves against this moron, they hired the guy mentioned earlier, the beast and fighting machine, a master in the art of Fightsports to help them train in order to be able to expel that fat and obese guy!


Because the trainer had pastly be helped by the trainee, he said 'I will help you and do it for free'! 'I usually charge alot of money but because you did me an earlier favour, I will do you one aswell, I'm a decent human-being!'


The obese guy know got all agetiated and said I'm going to wage war of this new fight trainer doesn't leave by 19:00 tommorro evening!


The other people kindly reminded the obese guy that they called him for training purposes and that he should be left alone!


The obese guy said 'No, I'm afraid he has to go'! We had a rivalry with a one of the people he shares house now, an old enemy he is!


The obese guy felt a false sense of security because he was threating the fightermachine and even 'took' his cap and he never protested. He must be really weak why don't I narrow the time limit and tell them he should leave by today 22:00, if not I will destroy him!


He's naive sheikh friend said 'Yeah, you even took his 'hat' off exposing his baldness' and he didn't even move a finger and yeah the other members in our house are weak aswell you hit one of them and he didn't even hit you back!


This will be a piece of cake and an easy ride for us. The new head of the house will be crushed and we will do what we want to do! It's an unholy alliance of people, that think they're doing a revolution that will change the face of this planet and others who want to keep the loot and extend the area of control by demolising all walls in the house and another group of people, who don't like the new head of the house because he's not related to them!


So come 22:00 and they launched an attack as they promised. The obese guy was hammered and beaten really badly, so he called on his naive sheikh, who went to the Hajj but who mobilised an army of four-year olds unfortunatley the four-year olds because they had 'deadly' weapons were really beaten up by the fighting machine to the dismay of the obese guy!


The obese guy left the children to die and ran for cover! It's amazing how one can run, if he's life is in danger, he even managed to jump which he previously couldn't!


The obese guys fault was that he provoked an unneccessary fight that he could not sustain. He was unprepared and oculd not in a millions time defeat this fighting champion, who was training for years, whilst the former was eating his potato-chips!


The children he brought to the fight scene were no-match aswell to the fighter machine and it's really sad how they'd had to die, really sad an a tradegy!


Now the fat guy is being chased and inshallaah he will be brought in front of a trial for his many crimes agaisnt other people who were living in his house, vicinity and the small children he used in a fight he could not win!


But the supporters of this unethical guy, never stop to amaze. They talk about miracles but if you don't do your work/job then you will be crushed!


We believe in god only will not help because that would go agains the sunnah of our creator!


Shout, wail and say slogans as much as you desire but if you didn't do any preparatiosn you're most likely to fail. We're muslims is not enough!


Dedicated to genuine court supporters and the rest of the naive lot! God helps the people who help themselves! Simple.

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darn it! People these days are really somewhat 'ungrateful' to people giving them a helping hand!


No more can't you grab a 'blind-guy' just by the arm and 'forcefully' help him over the busy car-junction, you likely get abused by him and a knock from the folded white stick he's keeping in his hand!


Gone are the days when you just could walk and smile to an old lady afraid of crossing the street with 'Would you mind, if I'd gave you an arm to cross the street', she'd probably would phone the police with her latest gudget the new nokia phone, she bought the other day because she fears she's being robbed.


She'd probably would phone up the anti-terrorist branch because of fear of my white turban (believe it or not, I'm a turban-wearer), can't leave the house without one!


Mystic once again, I'm extending my help to you and folks like you, I'm merely simplyfing things for you and for that you get a 'mouth-ful' of abuse!


Instead of praises and thanks, mystic decided to turn against me!


This world has really drastically changed because what happened to all the decent people? Have they all perished? People that atleast could appreciate a helping hand!

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