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Ethiopia in the driving seat...!

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Originally posted by Caveman:

What the rest of us (Somalis) could do is kill these warlords, each Tribe should point blank murder their warlord. This whole government is 100% warlords, it won’t work.




I agree with u but we asking something that will not going to happen dear, no Qabiil that is going kill anyone of thier "Warlords"..............

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Hold up people. This is just mafrish talk of Juma, you are a fool if you take his ranting seriously or even give it the slightest consideration.

I suggest you wait and see what happens.

Don't you all forget that there's always one person who wants this government to work more than you do. That is Abdullahi Yusuf himself.

I must say I haven't expected this cabinet list, but I can only say that I'm disappointed when I see negative results. It's too early for that.

So just be happy that Somalia has reached another important step in the building of the new government. I must admit though this cabinet is a joke at first glance, but hopefully there's some reason and tactic behind the drugbarons/warlords named at the highest positions.

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Originally posted By: Bari_Nomad


Originally posted by wind.talker:

This is all mighty and dandy but where's the evidence..?


The beauty of the Net is that any moron can make a webpage and announce all his conspiracy theories. Ethiopia's unnatural interest in Somali political affairs isn't anything new. But these morons who post coffee shop talk and act like its journalism don't deserve a minute of my valuable time. Neither to the morons who believe such nonsense.



Well said.

I am second to that.



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Abwaan hore oo Soomaaliyeed baa yiri "Ninka degey rugteennii, Ruqiyana ku guursaday, Timaheedii kala ridey, Dumaal uu rag leeyahay, gardarrada ku raadsadey, haddaan laysku ruux go'in, midkeen rubadda laga jarin, ragannimo maxay tahay"?


Walaalayaal halla iska daayo guulwadaynta oo halla dareemo hagardaamada taliska tigreegu Soomaalida ku hayo.

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blame blame and more blame! and the funny thing is, we are blaming others.


Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa "War hebeloow, hebel ayaa ku caayayey! habel markaas ayuu kujawaabey, war habel muxuu icaayaa, colbaan nahay'e."


Haatan, hade xaalku sidaas ayuu ka dhigan yahay.

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Qaabka ay dowladda Etiyoobiya fraha ula soo gashay magacaabida wasiirada DWKMG


Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa Wafdi qarsoodi ah maalmo ka hor Nairobi u soo dirtay, iyadoo sargaal sare oo magaciisa la dhaho Ato Tadhase Amama uu si cad uga hor yimid in raga qaarkood ay qabtaan wasaaradaha qaarkood.


Ilo rasmi oo laga helayo rag ku dhow dhow Xafiiska Ra'iisul wasaaraha ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Habeen ka hor maalintii lagu dhawaaqay wasiirada la badalay Magacyadda qaar sida Cabdi Maxamed Tarax oo lagu wedey wasaarada Gaashaandhiga, hase yeeshee ay dowladda Etiyobiya ka hortimid magacaabida jagadaas.


Ato Tadhase Amama ayaa si cad u hor istaagay in Shaqsi beesha SPM ka socda loo magacaabo wasaarada gashaandhiga taasoo keentay in saacadihii ugu dambeeyey la badalo Magaca xilibaan Cabdi Maxamed tarax oo lagu badalo cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Cali Beer oo ka socday Beesha warsangali ee beel weynte harto oo ay wada dhasheen beesha SPM .


Absamaha ayaa arintan aad uga xumaaday iyadoo bilahan dambena ay jiraan in la isugu yeeray xoogagii ururka SPM ee deegaanada Juuboyinka kuwaasoo diyaar u ahaa inay la shaqeeyaan xukuumada cusub.


Jago ahaan inkastoo wasaarada warshadaha ay muhiim tahay hada miisaanka meesha SPM iyo siyaasad ahaanba uma aysan cuntamin in hal wasiir oo qura ay ku yeeshaan golaha wasiirada maadama tayo ahaan iyo dhul ahaanba ay haystaan deegaan muhiim ah laguna xisaabtami karo.


Waxaa sidoo kale qabiilo ay *********ku ka mid yihiin oo ka xun sida wax loo qaybiyey waxayna taasi sababi kartaa inuu dhaawac ki yimaado hamigii loo qabay dowladan cusub.


Qowdhan Faatule


Somalitribune,Nairobi- Kenya

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You know what!! I'm sick of hearing Ethopia this and Ethopia that. Haddii aan Allaah i cadaabeyn waan leynlahaa Warlordska daba dhilifka u ah Ethopia, anigoo waliba soo soocanaya raga aan ogahay inay naftooda u hurayaan dadkooda iyo waliba dalkooda.


Aniga waxaan oran lahaa madaama ay ragu Soomaaliyeed u tabar la'yihiin inay maamulaan dalkooda haloo dhiibo "Dumarka" ayagu ha maamulaan wadanka. Hal dhibaato baa imaan la'heyd taas oo ah "Anigaa kaa dahab badan iyo anigaa kaa Dirac badan" taana ma keenila'hayn dhibaato fara badan.(kaftan)


Balse haddii runta loo noqdo, ragii Soomaaliyeed waxay u kala baxey kuwa la soo cararay Naftooda iyo kuwa isku dhajiyay wadankii ee u shaqeeya "Ethopia" bal haddii aan runta ka hadalno "Raga" maanta Ethopia ku SHAQAYSATO ee garan la' inay Ethopia cadow nagu tahay damacsan tahayna in Soomaaliya waligeed NABAD noqon waxa aan ka sugayno bal iisha?


Qofku haddii ALLAAH caqlisiiyay waxaa lagu gartaa markii uu qofu u yimaado uu u sheego inuu dhibaato ka taliyo Qofku wuu fakaraa oo wuxuu is waydiiyaa "Waa maxay Danta Qofkan ugu Jirta in aan Dhibaatadan Sameeyo" kolkaa buu Yiraahdaa baxoo iga tag Masamaynayee.


Marka Ragaan caqlikoodiiba "Xabasho" Basbaas cuntay u taliso Maxaa laga Sugaa?


Waxaanba Ka Cabsadaa inuu "Dhiikar" igu Dhaco Ciil daraadiis.


Wabillaahi Towfiiq:

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^^^Dar Alla ku deg..! This lot cant do anything to you....They had the vote of the Somali so called Parliament but all all they carried on their shoulder the aspiration and hope of long suffering Somali people who yearned to be governed after 14 years of anarchy and mayhem, only their dreams to be turned sour by the very people they had hope to turn and consult the 'Xabashi' on matters that genuinely concern solely the Somali people.

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U might think I'm joking but I'm not. U know what! I follow all the current issues about Somalia, but every time i hear somthin about Somalia somehow somewhere Ethopia is in there, so now I'm at the piont where I can't take it anymore :mad: :mad:



very upsetting thing to hear :mad:


Go figure:..............

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An Eid gift to you all.


This is actually one of those rare posts when Duke has criticised the TFG (he’s even almost criticising Ethiopia). :D



Horn’s first reply is also worth a read. :D




Whatever happened to Juma? If he were ‘exiled’, I reckon the fact he was responsible for this thread qualifies him for a pardon now. :(

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