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Sanaag Predicament...

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Xadeed plains in Sanaag. For this is where no tree is in sight for miles and miles and a direct combat – manly one at that – can be fought with a clear distinction between the winner and the looser; where the oppressive sun’s heat just breathes hot fumes down your throat, scalding its walls; where not even a shrub is a available to hide behind in; where a fleeing coward can be spotted easily and guillotined at a later stage; where a reward for valour will be greatly pleasant and that for cowardice greatly unbearable.



Hadeed Plains, Sool Plateau (much of Sool is settled by reer Sanag. Nugal is the right name for Sool region), Gebi valley, Calmadow, and Guban(coastal).


These areas are all in Sanaag. What a stunning country.

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^^No one said reer Sanaag arent for Somalinimo. Thats the point we are making; before that Somalinimo comes to exist, the people need regulatory structures to keep law and order. More importantly, to restrict external interferences.


Caamir, remember, Somalia is now a 'federal' state, so the creation of self-governing autonomous states is permited under the charter. When there is a legitimate and nationally recognized national state, the people of Sanaag would carry the blue flag to its capital, if they so desire. Till then, nin raggoo adoo kale ah inaad u sacab tunto oo uu isna laad kugu rafaco goortuu doono laga rooni!

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Maakhir, this cagajuglayn business between the two administrations has long been unresolved. And from your post I understand that you are in support of the view that Somaliland administration sustains this vast land of Sanaag, but does this mean that it (Somaliland) is rightful in enveloping it (Sanaag) in a proprietorial shield – or Puntland for that matter if it did sustain it with its profits from Bosaaso port?


My dear Maakhiri , are you suggesting that the measly, though much-need, succour should be bartered for an eternity of subservience under any administration that offers it? Both Somaliland and Puntland have supported Sanaag over a period of time, but wasn't that all simplu to gain its trust and vote – purely clandestine operations camouflaged as aid.


Sanaagians should after all determine their own fate, a view reaffirmed by the Odayaal of Dhahar recently. The problem to the predicament, as well as the solution to it, of course, lies with the Sanaagians. It is only they who can after all decide where they want to be, as the Odayaal strongly stated. They need not be coerced, pushed, pulled and wrung persistently, for neither Puntland nor Somaliland have any interest in the people – it is the region, the land, the resources that count and the flambouyant display of might that is important to them.


This of course is the political perspective of things with regards to the two administrations. The people of Sanaag, however, maintain very good relationships with both the people of Somaliland and those of Puntland, and have been living with them for a very long time, so whatever the International World has allocated to it has been fairly reaching it – though complaints have been heard constantly. The long existing peaceful ties between the Sanaagians and their neighbouring brethren has always been evident in their sociability and amity, despite a few skirmishes at times.


ThePoint – to say that most Sanaagians are or are not with the notion of Greater Somalia is purely on the basis of my personal opinion, and I would say that they do want a Greater Somalia.

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^^LX, share latest updates with us. How is the prospect of war errupting agian? Does SL retreat default the region to return to its status quo?


What was the locals version of this Riyaale vs. Waqaf fiasco? Fill us in saaxiib...

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Paragon, haddii intii kale isa soo raaceen, maxaa aniga iaga reebi walaalaheen. Iyagaba waa isa soo raaceene? cidna sacabo uma tumaayo ee xaqiiqda ayaa ah in Cade Muuse dadka kala qaybiyey oo dhibaatooyin abuurey ee reer Sanaag iyagaa aasaasey Puntland. Shekadani waxay bilaabatey 1994 oo uu Allah ha u naxariistee, suldaan Cabdisalaan Suldaan Mohamoud uu ka mid ahaa raggii metalaayey Isimadda Puntland.

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LX, you are certainly cognizant of where I stand on this issue of sub-lands and my unwavering loyalty for the pursuit of our own state as an alternative to ameliorate the crisis of abstract claims on Sanaag and Sool ever since I became a member in this forum.


The point I was making is that recently people in Sanaag have been controled by stooges who do not manifest actions that constitute socially responsible behavior. They, for instance, disrupt the flow of our allocated aid for political reasons. Local sources tell me that the man named Cashuur have disrupted and prevented international aid from the secessionist entity mainly he was instructed to behave this way to enrich himself and remain at the helm of security affairs and label anyone from Hargeisa "somaliland" which in technicality means "terrorists". His authority supersedes all even to the detriment of the community. I have only shown analytical proof of the two entities, as to which entity poses more danger to the region in terms of meddling and intervention.

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Another set of events are said to be unfolding in the Sanaag region again. Somaliland troops are said to be in Biyaguduud, near Xingalool, and marching on their way to dhahar. The Puntland troops are said to be in Baraagaha Qol, near Dhahar. Alas! there is no one wiseman in their midst to foresee the evident consequences of such a clash!

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Originally posted by Maakhir:



The point I was making is that recently people in Sanaag have been controled by stooges who do not manifest actions that constitute socially responsible behavior. They, for instance, disrupt the flow of our allocated aid for political reasons. Local sources tell me that the man named Cashuur have disrupted and prevented international aid from the secessionist entity mainly he was instructed to behave this way to enrich himself and remain at the helm of security affairs and label anyone from Hargeisa "somaliland" which in technicality means "terrorists". His authority supersedes all even to the detriment of the community. I have only shown analytical proof of the two entities, as to which entity poses more danger to the region in terms of meddling and intervention.

With my heart as crystal clear and looking at both sides of the issue, I think Maakhir has great point here.


Our dear friend our Caamir on the other hand is looking at the situation 'reer hebel bay way isa sooraceen' inaga maxaa inaga maqnaysiiyey? that is sad really.



My point would be: okay let us say that poeple in Sanaag aren't on the same boat with Somaliland, however what possibly would litttle aid brought to some areas in Sanaag do that is causing Puntland to gather up arms and resist it regardless?

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SL and PL need a good lecture from Dr. Phil. It’s obvious; their mutual lover can’t or won’t fully commit to either.

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Kow: Let it burn baby, I wanted this war for so long, I really did, I want the waqooyi to experience what the death traingle in the south experienced, then maybe we would become a bit more humble because it would indeed be a sobering experience and all you fadhi ku dirir captains, colonels and generals would feel it in your pockets too, when your cousins and uncles get on the phone screaming Yaman ayaan usoo dabaalanay ee lacag noo soo di-ra.


Bari hore ayaa lay sheegay, soomaalidu waxay dirirtaa marka calooshoodu buuxdo, inta aduunyada kale ee dirirto marka gaajadu hayso, marka maanta reer waqooyiga caloosha ayaa u buuxda in ay isku dibir jabsadaan ayee rabaan, marka aan aragno ka laga hor daaciyo.


Ta labaad: Arka bal odaygan


Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

My point would be: okay let us say that poeple in Sanaag aren't on the same boat with Somaliland, however what possibly would litttle aid brought to some areas in Sanaag do that is causing Puntland to gather up arms and resist it regardless?

I wonder since when is 'aid' brought by technicals and jirri? And what aid are the secessionists bringing, ma rasaas ayee u qaybinayaan dadka? hadii ay arintu saas tahay, dee 'aid' dhanka kalena wey ka soo socotaa, Burco iyo Ceerigaabo bal bakhaaradoodii u sii diyaarida, meel la kala dhigo áid-kan' ayaa la waayayaa.


Badacase I am glad that you are getting to see the whole picture, that the people of sanaag are not really on the same bandwagon as the secessionists. This is a positive development congratulations, too bad it took you this long.

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Another set of events are said to be unfolding in the Sanaag region again. Somaliland troops are said to be in Biyaguduud, near Xingalool, and marching on their way to dhahar. The Puntland troops are said to be in Baraagaha Qol, near Dhahar. Alas! there is no one wiseman in their midst to foresee the evident consequences of such a clash!


Sad Development if its true. But wait i thought Puntland army was near ceerigabo and ppl from ceerigaabo were beging for the mercy of daraawish/dhafoorqiiq, not to attack.

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

Another set of events are said to be unfolding in the Sanaag region again. Somaliland troops are said to be in
, near Xingalool, and marching on their way to dhahar. The Puntland troops are said to be in
Baraagaha Qol
, near Dhahar. Alas! there is no one wiseman in their midst to foresee the evident consequences of such a clash!

Bisinka! If this is true then it would be a sad development.


Laakiin Somaliland Dhahar maxaa loogu sheegay horta?

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