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Habash are imposing the Birr currency on it's Somali region

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Dhulka Somalida ee Itoobiya Ka Taliso oo laga Mamnuucay Isticmaalka Shilinka Soomaaliga


Jig Jiga-17.January.2005 Wararka ka imaanaya dhulka Soomaali Galbeed ee Itoobiya ka Taliso ayaa sheegaya in gabi ahaanba deegaanadaas laga mamnuucay Isticmaalka lacagta shilinka Soomaaliga.


Joojinta Isticmaalka lacag Soomaaliga ayaa horey waxaa amar ugu soo rogey is maamulka Soomaalida ee deegaankaas iyo waliba Dawlada dhexe ee dalka Itoobiya waxayna u dhaqan galeysay si tartiib tartiin ah, balse haatan ayaa la sheegay in shilika Soomaaligu uu deegaanadaas ka noqdey xaashida oo kale oo aysan cidna wax ku gadan.


Ma jirto sabab rasmi ah oo lagu sheegay sababaha deegaanadaas caqiibo beelka looga dhigey shilinka Soomaaliga, waxaase la sheegay in ay ugu wacan tahay shilinka Soomaalida oo qiimo beel ku dhacey, iyo Lacago sharci daro ama Faalso oo dhulka Soomaali galbeed uga soo jabey deegaanada kale ee Soomaalida.


Warku wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa in arimaha kale ee qiimo beelka ka dhigey lacagta Soomaalida ay ka mid yihiin shaqaalaha Dawlada, Ganacsatada waa weyn iyo Dadka lacagaha dibadaha looga soo diro oo dhamaantood isticmaala lacagta Birta ee Itoobiya, taasina ay keentay in Isticmaalka lacagta Soomaalida ay ku koobnaatey Dadka danyarta oo markii dambe qaatey go’aankii Maamulka iyo in ay ka guuraan adeegsiga shilinka Soomaaliga.


Qof ku sugan Magaalada Jig Jiga ee Dhulka Soomaalida Itoobiya ka taliso oo codsadey inaan Magaciisa la sheegin ayaa Idaacada SBC u sheegay in hada uu jiro jahwareer aad u wayn oo ku aadan habka loo isticmaalayo lacagta Birta, taasi oo Dadka ku keentay inay qaab ay wax ugu gataan lacagta Birta ee haatan sida rasmiga ah uga dhaqan gashey deegaanada Soomaalida Galbeed.


SBC News Desk



This process was going on for a long time. I witnessed that the useless Birr currency in Galkayo's money exchange market is on the rise, because of it. Businessmen there connected to Wardheer, Godey and Jigjiga cannot easily do business anymore without the Birr like it used to for decades.


This is part of a gradual process of the subjugation of the Somali Ethiopians by the Habash. It looks like the loss of our Dire Dawa to Addis Ababa and many districts absorbed by the Oromo region were just a start.

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^^You are calling them Somali Ethiopians!! So what is the big deal if they use Ethiopian currency instead of Somali!!!? After all arent they SomaliEthiopian :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


You are very right they are just one of the Ethiopian nationalism like Oromo, tigrey and others. They should accep that ... please keep reminding them dear!! redface.gif




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yo libaax! dananesh! is 4 ladies! so since birr is currency, its male so its dananah!! thats all my knowledge about etho lingo!!


ladies are dananesh! lol... dudes are dananah!! every where i go in la! i run into there ladies so they taught me that much!!lol..!


true story! i ran into this gal at the supper market last Friday! all she bought was just meat! i am looking at her thinking, holly smoke, tonite is raw meat dinner! right! she looks at me and start yapping that stuff... i go i am somali, she like ok how are you!! i go am i ask her if i am invited!! lol.. she goes, its only ziree ppl eating all this stuff u can come!! they cant say three!! lol!! i told her that i already ate and was just joking! even the damn grocery bagger was Etho!! i tellya, i rather hang with any other blk folks then these ppl!! what a liars!! i dont understand why their try so hard to know u when u tell them that u is somali! dont they know the story!! sleeping with the enemy is forbidden!!



biir kulaha! didnt we somali use to say biir waa boodha!! i wonder which somali leader did this shit!! ohhhhh! is it cabdi!!..... dont say so! cuz i might go ape!! :confused:

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