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Bossaso port booms with business - report with PICS

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Dhaq Dhaqaq Ganacsi Aad U Xoog Badan Oo Laga Dareemayo Dakada Boosaaso


Waxa Si Aad Isa Sootarayay Dhaq dhaqaqa Gacansiga Dakada Wayn Ee Magalaada Bossaso Ee Gobalaka Bari Oo Isbuucii La Soo Dhafay Ay Dakadu Ay Aad U Camirnayd,Iyada Oo lagalaya Xiligii Bad Furanka Dakada Wayn Ee Gobalaka Bari Ee Magalada Bosaso ,


Waxa Si Aad Ah Ugu Dagayay Dakada Maalmihii Tagay rashinka Noociisa kala Duwan Haba Ugu bataane Maciishada Qutul Daruuriga Ah Noocyadeeda Sida Burka Oo Siwayn Ugu Muuqday dakada maanta Waxa kale Oo Si Talan taaliya Ugu dagayay Timirta Oo Xiligaan lagu Guda Jiro Bisha Barakaysan Ee Ramadaan Kariima Caalamka Islaamka Aadka Looga Isticmaalo ,


Dhanka Kale Waxa Si Xooliya Looga Dabulayay Dakada magalada Bosaso Bagaashka kala Duwan Ee Isugu Jira Qalabka Dhismaha Guryaha iyo Noocyada kale Ee Bagaashka,


Maraakibta Iyo Donyaha kale Duwan Ee Shixnada Usida Dakada Magalada Bosaso Iyo Guud Ahaan Deeganka Dowlada Gobaledka Puntland Ee ka Kooban raashinka Ayaa Ah Kuwa Aad U camiran


Sikataba ha ahaate Qaar kamid Ah ganacsata Gobalaka Bari Ayaa Kula Kulmay Dakada Magalada Bosaso Oo Markaa ladagaya Alaaboyin Kala Duwan Ee ka yimid Caalamka Waxay Warbaahinta Calamiga ah SBC international Ay Ugu Warbixiyay in Ay Siwanaagasn ay Ay Udagamayan Badeecooyinkii Deeganka Puntland ,



Mid ka mid ah Ganacsatada Gobolka Oo u waramaya SBCInternational.




Dakada magaalda Bosaso Oo Isha Dhaqaale U Ah Dowlad Gobaledka Puntland ayaa Waxa u Shaqa tagay Dad Inta Badan ka Dhacasada nolol Maalmod kooda Ayaa dhan Kooda ka warbixiyay Sida Ay u Arkaan Xiliga Bad Furanka Dakada magalada Bosaso Oo Ay Ku Sheegayn In Aad ugu Qanacsan yihiin Wakhtigaan Balse Waxa Intaa Ay Ku Dareyn In uu Wali Jiro Sicir Bararkii Baahsan


Isku Soo wada Xeeriyo Dakada Magalada Bosaso Oo Ay ka dagayan Maciishada Qutul daruuriga ah Ayaa lasheegay In Ay Waxa Wayn Ay ka badali Doonto Sicirkii Maciisha Ee Cirka isku Shareeray Bilihi la Soo Dhafay.

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Since the business is booming, which is great news, the other two that are booming as well had to be stopped and must be stopped, and they are "Pirates" and "small boats off to Yemen on daily basis packed with people, teenagers mainly"


The business would be good and bright if those two obstacles are eliminated.

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Originally posted by nuune:

The business would be good and bright if those two obstacles are eliminated.

Weligey wax ka talo xuun ma can you suggest to bring an end to two prime income generating progects.

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by nuune:

The business would be good and bright if those two obstacles are eliminated.

Weligey wax ka talo xuun ma can you suggest to bring an end to two prime income generating progects.

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Juje, adna markii Cadan laga hadlo Siyeeloow waad u ordi jirtey, war heedhe, goormaad series noqon doontaa, waad un ka sii dareesaayee, wallee soonkii baa kugu dheeraadey oo ku kala gooyey.



But truth to be told, rag baa ka macaashey Pirateska iyo doomaha dadka lagu qaloombiyo oo daara ka dhistey iyo dunya

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Originally posted by nuune:

Juje, adna markii Cadan laga hadlo Siyeeloow waad u ordi jirtey, war heedhe, goormaad series noqon doontaa, waad un ka sii dareesaayee, wallee soonkii baa kugu dheeraadey oo ku kala gooyey.

But truth to be told, rag baa ka macaashey Pirateska iyo doomaha dadka lagu qaloombiyo oo daara ka dhistey iyo dunya

Ok sxb keep on ringing the truth to those who see the better side of the vices you mention.....ada Siyeeloow igu iman doona marki lagu arko nin qaldan.

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lol Juje, siyeeloow buunka ayaan ku afuufi jirey maxaad ka garan adigu anaa sujui weynaadey ahee oo ku soo xuub siibtey :D



Hadaadse farxada Duke fara gashato adaa ka maali doona, hadalkeygu saas ayuu u dhignaa, livestock iyo dooro badan baa laga dhoofiyey dakada buu kugu soo buttaacin ee aayar banoonta daji niyahow.


Wax wara Abuunaa Nur Cade smile.gif

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Tell 'em....Arrrrgh.



Hey Somalis, ask your self this guys: What is a Malaysian, Taiwanese or Turkish owned fishing boat doing in the Exclusive Economic Zone of a Country like Somalia, that doesn't have an effective government that can protect its own EEZ? Huh? Tell me?


Don't y'all know that it is illegal to be in the EEZ of another country without a license. These fcuking boats getting hijacked by pirates aren't innocent. They along with countless other Middle eastern,Asian and European trawlers are overfishing and dumping chemicals on Somali waters. I am glad the pirates these days are making these dogs from around the world think twice about doing such shit to our EEZ.


An organization called Greenpeace has calculated that over $300 million dollars worth of fish is stolen from Somalia each year. Now compare that to how much our pirate brothers make, from attacking these thieves, whenever they hijack em.


And it is because of all this illegal fishing and dumping by these foreign trawlers that encouraged our fishermen brethren to hijack these ships,in the first place. To teach them a lesson not fcuk with our coastal waters. But then they discovered that the greedy owners of those illegal vessels were willing to pay millions to get their boats back. Fishing seemed ridiculous, now that all a poor Somali fisherman has to make some money is speedboat up to one these ships, board it, and ask for the owners to pay up....its like taking candy from a baby!







dhulQarnayn :cool: Supports em!


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^Is that you in the pic and how much did you make on your last capture? smile.gif


It is one thing to chase the illegal fishers and those who dump than to extort innocent tourists.

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Originally posted by dhulQarnayn:

dhulQarnayn :cool: Supports em!


^^^ Those are not somalis - look they are wearing bullet proof vest - not self respecting somali pirate would seen wearing bullet proof vest - so perhaps you are not supporting Somali pirates

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

^Is that you in the pic and how much did you make on your last capture?


It is one thing to chase the illegal fishers and those who dump than to extort innocent tourists.

Did you say "innocent"?


Saaxiib Dabshid, they maybe tourists, but no one ever gave them permission to travel along our coastline. They need a licence to do so, and since they aint no government around to provide them with one, the should NEVER intrude our coastal waters. And that is why, they aint "innocent"!


You can call those poor boys, pirate extortionists, all you want; but I look upon them, more or less, like a sort of Somali coast guard, albeit without government authority.And the monies they've collected so far from those illegal tourist ships and the like, are nothing but overdue FINES, collected BY Somalis, FOR Somalis!



dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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