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Che -Guevara

Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo madaxweyne u soo sharaxday Shiikh Shariif Sh

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Axad, January 25, 2009(HOL): Golaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo shir ku yeeshay Magaalada Djibouti ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu xilka madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya u soo sharaxday Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed.


Xubnaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo shir ku yeeshay Hotel ku yaala Magaalada Djibouti ayaa isku raacay in uu musharaxooda kaliya uu yahay Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysigaas Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed, waxaana shirkaas kadib saxaafadda u aqriyay qoraalka golaha ka soo baxay Prof. C/raxmaan Xaaji Ibbi oo ka mid ah xubnaha ugu firfircoon golahaas.


Shiikh Shariif oo isna ka hadlay madasha looga dhawaaqay musharaxnimadiisa ayaa wuxuu u mahadceliyay xubnaha Isbaheysiga ee u gartay in uu musharax u noqdo, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in uu aqbalay in uu musharax u noqdo Isbaheysiga.


Xubnaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo 275 Mudane ku leh Baarlamaanka Dowladda Midnimada Qaran oo isu geyntiisa dhan 550 mudane ayaa wuxuu soo sharaxday hal musharax oo u taagan xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya, halka dhinaca kale ee TFG-da ay jiraan musharixiin dhowr ah oo xilkaas si is-barbar yaac ah ugu tarmaya.


Waxaa jira musharixiin badan oo jagadaas u hanqal taagaya, kuwaasi oo isugu jiray kuwo dowladda Federaalka ka tirsan iyo kuwa banaanka ka ah, kuwaasi oo iyana horay u soo qadimay musharaxnimadooda xilka madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya.


Horay waxaa isu soo sharaxay Sii hayaha Xilka Ra’iisal Wasaarenimada Soomaaliya Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde), Ra’iisal Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi, Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed Gacma-dheere, Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeyr, Guddoomiyihii hore e maamulka Gobolka Banaadir Cadde Gaabow, La-taliyihii madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Yuusuf Cumar Azhari, Jen. Maxamed Siciid Xirsi Moorgan oo dhinaca Ammaanka La-taliye uga ahaa C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo musharixiin kale oo iyana isa soo bannaan bixin doona saacadaha soo socda.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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"Isbaheysigu wuxuu xilkaasi u soo sharaxday guddoomiyaha isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta dalka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed, waxaana lagu soo xulay in uu yahay nin ku haboon inuu maanta u soo celiyo Qaranimadii luntay, heybadii iyo karaamadii ku laheyd dunida, wuxuuna Sh. Shariif oo kaga qoran taariikhda Soomaaliyeed ee cusub baal dahab ah, waxaana laga filayaa in isaga oo kaashanaya ALLAH (SWC) uu salka u dhigi doono hanaan dowladeed oo sida ugu haboon isugu xiran una wada shaqeeya wuxuuna u howlgalayaa sidii Amni iyo kaal dambeyn dalka ugu soo dabaali lahaa, dibna ugu soo celin lahaa shacbiga Soomaaliyeed kalsoonidii iyo qaranimadii iyo sharaftii yio karaamadii la luntay".


Sheekh Shariif ayaa isna hadal kooban ku yiri sidan:

"Bismillaah, Al-xamdullillaah, W.W. CALAA RASUULILLAAAH wa bacdu, Awalan, Allaa mahadleh, kadibna waxaan u mahad celinayaa golaha dhexe ee isbaheysiga iyo madaxdiisa waxaana uga mahad celinayaa kalsoonida dheeraadka ah iyo wada shaqeyntii marxalada adag, waxaana rajeynayaa Insha allahu tacaalaa in dedaalkaas aan si midnimo leh u sii ambaqaadi doono, wax kasta oo la tabaanona waan ka cudur daaranayaa, maxaa yeelay Bani'aadam ma dhameystirna, inta aan qabaneynay daacad-nimo iyo waxay naga aheyd intii aan kari karnay, haddana sidaas ayaan ku shaqeyn doonaa Insha allah, sharaf ayayna ii tahay maanta inaad i sharaxdiin, diyaar ayaana u ahay Insha allahu mas'uuliyadaas, anigoo la kaashanaya adinka iyo shacbka Soomaaliyeed, waadna mahad san tihiin walaalayaal"


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Che, where is the english version of that article?


Sheikha Sharafta leh been-been aniga ma uga danbeynin, I wonder what KK is thinking now. Marar dhexe ayey sheikha u gaftay and now he can become her madaxweynaha oo oily face-ka leh, like it or not kk, here we come. icon_razz.gif

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Good luck to him


Where is that famous'Khamis' and 'Cimaamad' gone?


I think it's about the time we have an islamist on the helm and I hope he does not compromise on the Islamic agenda for a worldly gain.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Che, where is the english version of that article?


Sheikha Sharafta leh been-been aniga ma uga danbeynin, I wonder what KK is thinking now. Marar dhexe ayey sheikha u gaftay and now he can become her madaxweynaha oo oily face-ka leh, like it or not kk, here we come.

Why do you think shieck sharif will make a good leader and president of somalia? Why do you support him? He seems like a typical somali politician to me right now.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Sheikha Sharafta leh been-been aniga ma uga danbeynin, I wonder what KK is thinking now. Marar dhexe ayey sheikha u gaftay and now he can become her madaxweynaha oo oily face-ka leh, like it or not kk, here we come.

I am open to offer him advise on how to control shine...He sure as hell can use oil-free foundation or powder, specially haduu madaxweyne noqonaayo... icon_razz.gif Isagoo dhalaalaayo madaxweyne maba ii noqon karo, abadan...


There you go LG, I am still thinking he's Xaaji Dhalaal wal Birbiriq...Madaxweynena iima noqonaayo aniga, Barack baa iiga soo sokeeya... :cool:

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Shariif is a good man. Let us see what he brings to the table when he is elected. I hope he makes peace with Al-Shabaab and takes the country towards Islamic Shariah.

Yes, shariif is a good man indeed! Laakiin Shariah law aa? Ala bisinka, Inaadeer that law dumarka wuu u duran yahay hadaan buuga Allah sida ku qoran loogu dhaqmayne maad naga daysid. Nimankaa gadhka dheeri siday rabbaan ayay u turjumtaan shariada wallee.

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Sheik Shariif Nominated for Somalia’s Presidency


Hiiraan Online

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - The Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) has nominated Sheik Shariif Sheik Sheik Ahmed for the presidency of Somalia in a meeting they held today in Djibouti.


In a press conference following the their meeting, Prof. Abdurrahman Hajji Ibbi read a communiqué stating that Sheik Shariif is their only candidate for the presidency of Somalia.


Sheik Shariif also spoke at the press conference and thanked members of the ARS for nominating him as their candidate for the presidency of Somalia and said he accepts their nomination.


The ARS has 275 members in the enlarged Parliament of 550 members. The other 275 members come from the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). While the ARS has only one candidate, so far, running for the presidency of Somalia, there are several candidates on the TFG side running for the presidency.


Among those who have declared their intention to run for the Somalia’s presidency include the acting Prime Minister Mr. Nuur Hassan Hussein (Nuur Ade), the former Prime Minister of the TFG Mr. Ali Mohamed Gedi, Mr. Mohamed Qanyare Afrah, Mr. Mohamed Mohamud Guuleed Ga’mo Dheere, Dr. Ali Khaliif Galayr, Mr. Ade Gaabow and Yusuf Omar Azhari.

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Looks like the Sheikh is learning the politics. Instead of nominating himself like the others, he chose others to nominate him and he put himself in the place of accepting the offer ,,,, :D



That was a good one Walee ,,,,,,,,,,

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It's official, he is now the great wadaad hope. smile.gif He's certainly much "cleaner" than all his competitors.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Looks like the Sheikh is learning the politics. Instead of nominating himself like the others, he chose others to nominate him and he put himself in the place of accepting the offer ,,,,



That was a good one Walee ,,,,,,,,,,

LOL. wale sheikh wu ciyaray bahasha. Now i know why the old man was trying so hard to remove the prime minster. ilen folks were grooming each other for his presidency.

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Meesha maxaa gardhuub fadhiya, hope they tell their boys to end the fighting and engage in country building.

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