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Somailland Oo Laga Beerayo Bariis

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Originally posted by ThePoint:

^Anything and everything!


So what conclusion did the discussion participants come to?

Feasibility research should be carried out.

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bariis la beeray oo soo go'ay iyo maalinta cuntada jsl - 10ka december



Wasaaradda Beerhaa J. Somaliland ayaa markii u horeysay soo bandhigtay Tijaabada Bariis ay Dhawaan shaacisay in dalka laga beerayoo, taas oo ay hormadii u horaysay soo go’day Toddobaadkan



Munaasabadda soo bandhigidda Bariiskan oo shalay Warbaahinta la soo tusay ayaa sida wasiirku sheegay qayb ka ah barnaamij horumarineed oo wasaaradiisu ugu talo gashay in dalka laga hir galiyo mashaariic lagu kobcinayo wax-soo-saarka iyo sidii ay ummadu isku filaansho dhinaca beerashada ah u gaadhi lahayd.


Waxa Tijaabadan u horeysay lagu beeray bariiska Deegaanka loo yaqaano KULMIYE oo ka tirsan Degmada Sheekh ee Gobolka SAAXIL.



War bixin tan ay shaaca ka qaaday Wasaarada beeraha J. Somaliland oo kaashanaysa khuburo Muwaadiniin ah. Eng. Cabdiraxmaan Yuusuf Badheedhe oo ka mida Khabiirada kaalinta weyn ka qaaday suurto galnimada Tijaabadan iyo samaynta abuuritaanka bariiska, ayaa wax lagu farxo ku tilmaamay in dalkiisa ay ka hir gasho fikrad markii hore dadku si adag u turjuntay oo ah in aan bariis laga beeran karin dhulkiisa balse ay hadda taasi beenawday. Waxaanu sheegay inay nayaayur iyo farxad ku dhalisay hori markii wasaaradda beeruhu ay hiigsanaysay, waxaanay ku tala jirtaa in sanadka cusub laga beeri doono dhamaan gobolda iyo degmooyinka ku haboon beerista bariiska iyo wax soo saarkiisa.


Wasiirka Beeraha Md. Aadan Axmed Cilmi [Dhoolayare} ayaa isna sheegay in Wasaaradiisu Maalin Qaran oo la xuso u astaysay maalinta Cuntada J.Somaliland taas oo uu sheegay in sanad kasta 10ka Bisha December dalka laga xusi doono.


"Waxa sharaf noo ah inaan ku dhawaaqo maalinta cuntada J. Somaliland, oo aanu In-shaa Allaahu ka dhigi doono 10ka December Sanadkasta". Ayuu yidhi Md. Dhoolayare. Isaga oo ka hadlayay munaasabadda lagu soo bandhigay bariiskan soo go'ay. Waxaanu intaas ku daray isaga oo sharaxay sababta ay maalintaas ugu dooreen. "Si loo qiimeeyo sanadkan wixii inoo qabsoomay ee inoo soo go'ay. Maalinta 16ka October ee Maalinta cuntada Aduunkana ay Goboladu tar-tan galaayaan sidii ay u soo saari lahaayeen cuntooyin ku filan". Ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Wareysigiisa oo koobnaa. Waayo waa meeshi ugu horeysay ee cunto wada wadani ah na tustay ee noo sameysay, oo ay ka marmeen cuntadii dibada uga imanaysay.



Si kastaba ha ahaatee waa markii u horeysay ee intii ay Somaliland jirtay lagu guulaysto bariis dabiici ah oo dalka laga beero iyada oo markii hore dadka qaarkii fikrad mala-awaal ah u haysteen suurto galnimada iyo ka midho dhalintan tijaabada beerista bariiskan.

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Why would they want to spend the money to import and experiment on new thing when they can use that money and time to expand and support the production of surgham and wheat which are a native stable in the region. :?

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Diktoore Oodka,


As much as I would love to see our country become self-sufficient in terms of food production, I think this project of planting a genetically modified rice variation is wrong.


For starters, the people behind this project are assuming that the Somaliland public will be able to consume this type of product. Their assumption is maybe based on their experiences in the other countries. But that sort of assumption clearly lacks fundemental understanding of the psych of the Somalilanders. We might be poor, but surely, Somalilander are not beggars. We don't eat anything that the white man shoves on our plate.


Case in Point, during the Refugee years in Eastern Ethiopia, only the most destitute families were the ones that ate the Qamandi that the UN used to provide for free. The business-minded Somalilanders used to export the free Qamandi and in its place import high quality rice and pasta products.


My point is, Somalilanders do not just eat rice just because its rice. We eat and import the highest quality rice from India, Bangaledish and Pakistan. This World-bank project is not going to bring anything of the same quality as Basmati Rice. Instead, at its best, it will be something like the Chinese Boosh-cadde which Siyad Barre once planted in the Shabelle Hoose and Jubba areas. The Boosh-cadde was a never a popular buy in Hargeisa markets.


That being said, even if this project gets of the ground and goes to market, it is still bound for failure. The market is one that is very hard market to penetrate. I would have prefered for our government to stand up for our own proven native food products. We seriously would be much better off with our Garaw/Surgham and Wheats expanded. These local food products can be either eatens like traditional way or used to make flour which then will be made into Laxoox and Roodhi.

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have you considered how much millions of dollers somalialnd spend to imports producs such as rice and do you know the potential to keep that outflow of money in the country....


its not about feeding the hungry in somaliland its about making sure local market is capable of supplying the country and not wasting millions and millions of dollers on importing second rice and other products, we cannot simply go on giving all our money away we need to start developing local market.


as you are well aware there is going to be worldwide food shortage with huge population increases and increasingly less fertile land, so the sooner we start growing our food the better, it may take decades but i dont think we have choice but to start

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my point is not about bariis in particular or wether it will grow or not, but my point is we must start turning this mentality of buying the words rubish for consumption and start producing our basic comodities, its more of change of culture and attitude.


we already grow alot its just that they are not given protection from importers, i mean the hadhuud, aribikhi, sareen etc etc that are grown localy are much better than the out of date rubbish that is importated or the WFP brings, its just that government does not protect them from this rubish so people go out of bussiness as their small market is flooded.

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