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The Government of Puntland and the UAE sign comprehensive bilateral agreement

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Dawladda Puntland iyo Imaraadka Carabta oo heshiis kala saxiixday



Xukuumadda Puntland iyo wafdigii sare ee ka socdey Imaaradda Raasal Khayma ee waddanka Imaaraadka Carabta ee Midoobey ayaa maanta heshiis ku kala saxiixday aqalka madaxtooyada magaalada Boosaaso.


Heshiiskan ayaa guud ahaan ku saabsan sidii ay wada shaqayn dheer u yeelan lahaayeen Imaaradda Raasal Khayma iyo dawlad goboleedka Puntland, heshiiskaas uu uu kamid yahay in Imaaraddaasi ay marsadeeda meel ka siiso xoolaha ka imanaya Puntland si suug qeyn loogu helo.


Kahor kala saxiixashadii heshiiskan ayaa waxaa kulamo iyo wada xaajood dheer yeeshay saraakiisha sarsare ee labada dhinac, waxana heshiiskan oo soconayey tan iyo saaka aroortii ugu dambayntii qalinka lagu duugey kadib qado sharaf loogu sameeyey wafdigaasi xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Boosaaso.


Kulankan ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa isla markaasna darafka Puntland u saxiixay madaxweyne Cadde Muuse, halka wafdiga UAE, uu u saxiixay agaasimaha guud ee dekedaha ee Imaaraddaasi, Maxamed Cabdalla al-Mihrizi, tiiyoo ay joogeen wasiirro door ah oo ka tirsan golaha xukuumadda Puntland ayna kamid ahaayeen wasiirka ganacsiga iyo wershedaha Puntland, Cabdirisaaq Cali Siciid Shaahdoon, wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Siciid Jaamac Qoorsheel iyo wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga, Cali Cabdi Awaare.


Jaamac Yuusuf Jaamac


SBC Boosaaso

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***[Edited and Revised, now with no mistakes inshallah]Government of Puntland State and the UAE sign bilateral agreement


The administration of Puntland State of Somalia and the delegation from the Emirate of Ra’s al Khaymah, the United Arab Emirates have signed a bilateral agreement today at the Presidential Palace in Boosaaso City. The agreement in its entirety reflects on how to establish lasting working relationships between the Emirate of Ra’s al Khaymah and the government of Puntland State of Somalia, part of the agreement is that the Emirate of Ra’s al Khaymah provides Puntland State of Somalia with a special licence for its cattle export, in order to make market space for its lucrative and competitive animal export.


Before the signing of the agreement, tiring conventions and long bilateral consultations were held between the two’s high ranking officials and the consultations of the proposed deal went on throughout the morning and at the end of those tiring consultations, a comprehensive deal was signed, after a dinner of honour was held for the UAE delegation at the compound of the Presidential Palace in Boosaaso City.


At that signing ceremony, General Adde Muuse was present and the signatory of the bilateral agreement on behalf of Puntland State, whilst for the delegation from the UAE a certain Mr. Mahammed Abdallah Al-Mihrizi signed it, at the watching and attentive eyes of many high-ranking members of the Puntland State of Somalia cabinet, which included the Commerce and Industries Minister Mr. Abdirisaq Ali Said ‘Shadoon’, the Minister for Animal Welfare, Agriculture and the land Mr. Said Jama Qorsheel and the minister for local government and the development of the rural areas Mr. Ali Abdi Awaare.


Originally source from

Translated for you by Sakhar.

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Wada hadallo iyo kulamo ku bilowday wafdiga UAE iyo saraakiisha Puntland



Madaxda sarsare ee dawlad goboleedka Puntland iyo wafdiga ka socda waddanka Imaraadka Carabta gaar ahaan Imaaradda Raasal Khayma ayaa maanta kulamo mumiin ah leh.


Kulamadan iyo shirarkan ayaa ku saabsan sidii loo xoojin lahaa xiriirka iyo wax wada qabsiga labada dhinac Puntland iyo Imaraadka Carabta, iyadoo ajendayaasha ugu muhiimsan ee laga wada hadalyo ay yihiin, arrimaha dekedaha iyo kalluumaysiga, dhoofinta iyo suuq u helidda xoolaha nool ee Soomaalida iyo guud ahaan arrimo ku saabsan ganacsiga guud.


Wafdiga ayaa saaka booqasho ku maraya goobo dhawr ah oo muhiim ah oo ay kamid tahayd dekedda magaalada Boosaaso.


Maxamuud Faarax Bile

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Boosaaso: Wafdigii kasocday Imaaraadka oo kormeeray dekedda iyo madaarka Boosaaso ,kulamana ...


18. Mar 2007



Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Wafdi ka socday dawladda Imaaraadka Carabta gaar ahaan mandaqadda Ra'sul Khayma oo kusugan Puntland ayaa kormeer ku tagay dekedda wayn ee magaalada Boosaaso iyo gagida diyaaradaha magalaadaasi.


Waxaa wafdigan kormeerkiisa hor kacayay Maxamed Cabdalla Mahriis , waxaana dhinaca Puntland kamid ahaa wasiirada maaliyaddda , ganacsiga, xannaanada xoolaha iyo kalluumaysiga iyo dekedaha.


Mareeyaha dekedda wayn ee Boosaaso iyo garoonka diyaaradaha ayaa bixiyay warbixinno ay uga waramayaan qaabka ay u shaqeeyaan dekedda iyo garoonka, ayagoo Imaaraadka uga mahad celiyay shaqooyin ay ka hayso ilaha dhaqaalaha Puntalnd.


Wafdigan markii ay kormeerkooda dhammaysteen ayay xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland kulamo kula yeesheen madaxwaynaha Puntlnad, Cadde Muuse iyo madaxwayne kuxigeenka Xasan Daahir Afqurac.


Kulamadan ayaa xoogga lagu saarayay xiriirka ganacsi gaar dhoofka xoolaha iyo sidii maamulka Puntland u ballaarin lahaa wadashaqaynta uu la leeyahay Imaaraadka .


Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse ayaa wafdigan uga mahad celiyayay imaanshohooda Puntland iyo dadaalka ay ku doonayaan inay maalgashadaan Puntland.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu kaloo ammaan usoo jeediyay dawladda Imaaraadka Carabta oo taageero dhaqaale ka gaysata ilaha dhaqaalaha Puntland.


Wafdigan ayaa ka koobma shan xubnood waxayna maalintii shalay ahayd yimaadeen xarunta ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso , halkaasi oo ay soo dhawayn kala kulmen.


CCC Farayaamo


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The UAE delegation together with some high-ranking Puntland State officials and ministers today also inspected the port and airport of Bosaso City.


They were briefed by the Finance Minister Mr. Gaagaab. He said that 'Puntland build the airport terminal soley relying on its own capacity and that they are going to also build the run way without any help and that they will fully equip the terminal without any outside help.


Mr Gaagaab also said that Puntland State of Somalia was self-supporting, sufficient and self-relying and that they decided on their own to rely on themselves and consult on how to further develop and progress their state without relying on any outside help and that they have vowed to themselves to finish off the new airpot without any outside help.


The delegation were impressed on how the airport terminal was built and its beauty and that they were also impressed and fascinated on how the people of Puntland are working hard to develop and progress their state and they said that they will do everything in their upmost best and capability, as the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah, to support and stand shoulder to shoulder with the people and brethren of Puntland State of Somalia inshallah.


Here are some photos:











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The delegation as I said also visited the port of Bosaso. They took reports on how the port functions and what is exported and imported from it.


They visited a new building that was constructed by the ministry of finance which they intend to use as offices and work from.


The delegation visited a ship that was docked in the port and which had 50.000 sheep and cows on it and they were very much impressed about on how efficient the port functions, its spotlessness and peaceful environment and the harmony and transquility that exists in the port.


A great success indeed and the inspection went as planned. Maashallaah.

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After long talks and discussions between Puntland and the UAE delegation both parties agreed on, to establish bilateral business and investment relations.


Nice development.


Pictures of the talks:








Pictures of the dinner held in honour of the delegation from the UAE:








Finally the leader of the distinguished delegation from the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah expressed his gratitude and thanks towards the sophisticated and warm welcome his delegation received and the appetising and honourable dinner and he prays and asks from Allaah prosperity, good cooperation and collaboration between the two governments. He concluded his speech that he will pass on as the President already said, to his country what his delegation encountered and experienced in Puntland State of Somalia.


Overall the talks, inspections, dinner and the signing of the memorandum of understanding were very successful and the delegation was very much impressed with what they saw and experienced in Puntland State of Somalia.


Their three day visit will come to an end tommorrow inshallah and it is expected that they return to the UAE the same day inshallah.


Puntland State of Somalia is on the right path of development and progress inshallah and I hope it continues on that way. Ameen.

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Nice development/pics.....your somali and english mus be very good to translate all that......


it seems the Arabs are taking more of an interest in Djibouti, Somaliland and to be careful with them eh?

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Duke, he looks more like Allaha u naxariistee, qoraa Faarax M.J. Cawl even though they aren't related.


I think UAE has invested in Djibouti, which has much lower population than Puntland so as much lower per capita income. If UAE can expand, remodel the Bosaso port or assist other ports in the region, it would be great.


The deal is also great.

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