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Gen Morgan Interview...Barre Hiiraale is on the run

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You must be having one of those days ha.

What kind of days? :D


Smith we'll wait and see when the dust settles. After that I'll let you tell me who's standing on the other side. :D

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Horn dropped the Façade long ago. He is now fully at the service of Barre Hiraale, or did you not notice his constant cheerleading as of late....


Let us hope he comes full circle.

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I never thought you'd ever let the mask slip and expose this side of you.

Ayoub I consider myself a foremost Somali nationalist and will always consider myself a Somali nationlist. But what is a Somali nationalist? What does a Somali nationalist do? Sit back and watch?


No! There are things I strongly feel passionate about and that does not make me feel any less nationalistic or any more nationalist.


I strongly oppose "Somaliland"'s seccession, I strongly oppose Abdulahi Yusuf becoming president, and I strongly oppose Morgan at the worst time trying to destroy the most hopeful peace process we have ever had and that which has so far taken more then two years to make it a almost reality.


I strongly want an end to the fighting, but that is not to say I want any more of my family members slaughtered or their blood spilt to the ground. They didn't attack, they were attacked.


Just so you know Syoub_Sheikh it wasn't Col. Barre Hiiraale who attacked Boosaaso, it was Gen. Morgan who attacked Kismayo.


Because I support Somali nationalism, does that mean I don't support defending against aggression?

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Just so you know Syoub_Sheikh it wasn't Col. Barre Hiiraale who attacked Boosaaso, it was Gen. Morgan who attacked Kismayo.

Getting confused a bit arent we. Morgan did not attack Gedo or CabudWaq either.


Dont get it twisted Hiiraale controls Kismayu as a feifdom much like how Inda Cade controls Marka and we know how you defend him now dont we.


Stop the nationalist posture, remember how it was in Gedo when Aydeed attacked, thats how it was for the people of Dhoobley when the JVA and Inda Cade attacked, yet you defended the attackers againstt the poor of Dhoobley some nationalist you are.

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I know where you're coming from and i'm not claiming to be a better man. Even so, there are limits.


Smith and Bari

Don't even try to use my words to score a meaningless point. Horn might have stooped a little, but is there another way of reaching your ears?


PS, Smith read your signature before posting, will you?

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Ayoub thanx for your sencerity. You don't have to agree, but atleast your being sincere.


I think I'm being honest when I say I'm speaking about this, because I'm the only one in here this truly has touched so far. Col Abdi Igal, my own abti, ( who Smith and Waryaa Dude were praying to killed, was captured and then al-hamdulilah freed. My father's uncle was wounded and his best friend killed. And instead of revenge I'm praying for it to just stop so the peace process can keep going.


As for Smith walaal get over it. You and your co-horts are so ludicris, it's not even funny. Like you care about Dhoobley or its inhabitants, like you care about who dies in Morgan's side since they aren't from your sub-clan, just so they conquer Kismayo for you. redface.gif


As Otali said, and I in all honesty agree "It's a cousin thing". I'm not saying I'm a saint, nor are the people I was born into, but why are Morgan's forces being treated in Kismayo? Why have they been able to keep their homes and business there?


Why have they been granted amnesty, and respect accorded to them? Why can even today they walk freely there and not get harassed?


My best friend, who is from Smith's sub-clan and supports Morgan :D , was just telling me he talked to his uncle last night who continues to sell his business, primarily to people of my sub-clan, and has been treated with respect and courtesy he admits was not granted to other people and specially of my, Hornafrique's, subclan when Morgan was in control.


Yet just yesterday, houses and business owned by my sub-clan were sacked and looted in Gaalkacya. No deaths occured as they were not trying to start a blood war, but where is the justice in that?


I'm not taking sides, but reer "Puntland's" and specifically Abdulahi Yusuf's sub-clan feud with their kin, my sub-clan, is what is primarily holding up the peace process and that has got to stop!

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the true keepers of the peace

Otali don't kid yourself bro. The JVA, unless worse, aren't any better then Morgan. Morgan's attack on Kismayo was dearly expected, but what was outrageous about it was the timing of the attack, which led alot of people to support the JVA.


I think the reason most people support the JVA is because it is a cross multi-clan grouping while Morgan leads a-clan grouping. See the difference?


All in all I think most people would have a JVA-set precendent in Kismayo, where different clans and sub-clan (including "Puntlanders", provided they join) live together in peace, then a Morgan-set one where a single sub-clan has a monoply on things.

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Don't take this the wrong way Horn, but I hope they continue their current stance

Otaali waxaada cadaalad ma ahan. :mad: Your hatred of reer "Puntland" geos far beyond just tribal. I hope you get some help.


I would rather have "Puntlanders", Og's, Bravanes, Markites, Muqdishoans, Cabudwaqians, Hargeisawis, and all other Somalis living side by side peace in Kismayo and all of Somalia then continue in this clan hatred thats raging everywhere. :mad:

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I would rather have "Puntlanders", Og's, Bravanes, Markites, Muqdishoans, Cabudwaqians, Hargeisawis, and all other Somalis living side by side peace in Kismayo and all of Somalia then continue in this clan hatred thats raging everywhere.

Nuff said, Horn

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Originally posted by SmithNwestern:




Gen. Morgan ".... 90% jabka wuxuu ku dhacay Xildhibaanka dagaal oogaha ah ee Bare Hiiraale iyo maleeshiyada la socota...."


Wareysi Gaar ah!


Muqdisho :- Waxaa maanta noo suurto gashay in aan wareysi la yeelano Gen. Maxamed Siciid Xirsi Morgan oo markii ugu horeysay si toos ah uga hadlay dagaaladii ka dhacay Hosingoo iyo Dhoobley.


Gen.Morgan oo aan maanta khadka taleefoonka guur guura aanu kula hadalnay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inuu ku sugan yahay Deegaankii ay dagaalada ka dhaceen.


Jenanka oo ka hadlaya dagaalada ayaa yiri...


".....waxaa dhacay dagaalo sadex maalmood iyo maanta ka dhacay deegaanada Jubbada Hoose, dagaaladaasina cidii uu jabka ku dhacay hadee nin walba xeradiisa ayey ka muuqataa...".



HorseedNet "...Jenaraale waxaa la sheegay in xaruntaadii la qabsaday Hosingoo iyo waliba in adiga laftaada lagaa furtay gawaari badan sida ay sheegeen Dooxada Jubba maxaa arrintaa ka oron laheyd, Sidee dagaalka u dhacay...."



Gen.Morgan ".....Dagaalka wuxuu ka bilowday Buulo Xaaji waana kii ugu horeeyey dagaalkaas wuxuu Bare Hiiraale soo qaaday 6 weerar oo labo af ah, lixdaa weerar waa uu ku jabay, waxaana uga gubnay 8 gaari oo shani tahay Tikniko dagaalkaasi wuxuu ka dhacay Aaga Buulo Xaaji iyo Xaliimo Cadey...... dagaalkaa waxaa nooga dhintay 5 qof iyo 10 dhaawac ah.."


Dagaalkaas ayuu ahaa kii ugu weynaa ee na dhexmara anaga iyo Dooxada Jubba, waxayna keentay in Bare Hiiraale uu dib ugu noqdo Kismaayo isla markaana dhanka Jilib kasoo raaco maleeshiyo laga soo abaabulay Marka iyo Muqdisho.


Dagaal maalintii Jimcaha ay soo qaadeen ayaa waxay weerar kasoo qaadeen dhanka Hosingoo ayagoo dhanka Bu'aale soo maray, dagaalkaas maaheyn wax weyn wax khasaaro nolol ama dhaawac ah oo naga soo gaaray ma jiraan, ayaga uun baa weerar ahaa oo khasaaruhu ku badnaa. Tirada saxda ah kama heyno.



HorseedNet "... oo Jeneraale dagaalkaa soo lagaama qabsan xaruntaadii ...."



Gen.Morgan "...Hosingoo waxaa joogay sadex gaari oo aan tikniko ahayn iyo labo gaari oo xamuul ah, mana aheyn goob sal dhig u ah ciidamada ee waxay ahayd goob kamid ah meelaha ay joogeen ciidamada deegaanka, shaqsiyan markaa ku ma sugneyn goobtaa, waxay gacanta ku dhigeen sadexdaa gaari iyo labadaa oo xamuulka ahaa...


Halkaa maysan ku joogsan oo weerar ayey igu soo qaadeen mar aan ku suganeyn goob u jidha Hosingoo 60km dhanka Kismaayo waana la soconay weerarkoodaa..... jid gooyo ayaanu u dhignay isla markaana jab ayaa ku dhacay oo looga gubay labo kamid ah tiknikadooda, Ciidamadaasi waxay dib ugu noqdeen Hosingoo ayagoo markaa qaarkood sii aaday magaalada Dhoobley oo loogu sheegay in uu yaalo Shidaal ay rabeen in ay qaataan si ay ugu gudbaan dhanka Bu'aale iyo Kismaayo.



HorseedNet "... Hadaba intee ku danbeeyeen ciidamadii Dhoobley aaday?"..



Gen. Morgan "... Ciidamadaa waa kuwii uu la socday Bare Hiiraale, waxayna habeenkii ay gaareen Dhoobleey ayagoo kasoo dhacay qalab iyo shidaal, isla markaana dhibaato dil, dhac iyo kufsi ah u geystay dadka shacabka ah ee magaalada, waxayna habeenkaasi difaac ka galeen Hosingoo...kadib markii ciidamada deegaanka kasoo saareen magaalada Dhoobley.


Anagu waanu isku diyaarinay in aanu ku dhaqaaqno dhankaas waxaana aagas abaaray ciidamo waxayna gaareen dhanka Dhoobley, isla maalintaa dagaalkii ka dhacay shalay oo Sabti ahayd waxaanu jidka uga qabanay 4 gaari oo xamuul ah oo ay dhanka Dhoobley ku sugnaa oo ay ku jiraan labadii xamuulka ahaa ee aanu laheyn kuwaas oo ay maleeshiyada dooxada Jubba u isticmaalayey in lagu soo qaado xoolaha dadka Dhoobley laga soo dhacay, waxaana la socday 5 gaari oo Tikniko ah gawaaridaa 3 baanu ka gubnay kuwa xamuulkana iyo labo tikniko ahna gacanta ayey noogu jiraan oo halkaa ayeyba joogaan hada.



HorseedNet "... Hadee meeyeh ciidamadii kale ee Bare Hiiraale la socday???'



Gen. Morgan ".....ciidamadaasi waxay intooda badan joogeen Hosingoo ayagoo isku diyaarinaey in ay aadaan Bu'aale waxayna weeraro ku qaadayeen Dhoobley marka anagu waanu qabqabanay kuwii ugu danbeeyey oo ay u direen in Dhoobley nawaaxigeeda soo dhacaan...."



HorseedNet "...Hada Bare Hiiraale intee ku sugan yahay?"



Gen. Morgan "...Bare Hiiraale iyo maleeshiyadiisii waa ka baxeen Hosingoo ayagoo qabtay dhanka Kismaayo..."



HorseedNet ".... Marka adiga ciidamadaada intee bay joogaan?"



Gen. Morgan "...ciidamada goobo badan bay joogaan balse inta badan ciidamadii sidoodii ayey u joogaan Aaga jiid hore....halkaas ayeyna hada hawgalo ka wadaan.



HorseedNet ".... Adiga intee baad joogtaa hada?"



Gen. Morgan "..... Aniga waxaan la joogaa ciidamada deegaanka ay ku sugan yihiin ee goobihii horey dagaalada uga dhaceen...."



HorseedNet ".....Waxaa jira warar sheegaya in lagugu dhaawacay dagaalkii Hosingoo oo lagugu daaweynayo dalka Kenya maxaa arrintaa ka jira???



Gen. Morgan ".....waan maqlay arrintaa oo dadkiina isoo waca ayaa sheegaya qolobaaba tiri Nairobi ayaad joogtaa oo lagugu hayaa, marka wararka Dooxada Jubba waa iska badan yihiin."



HorseedNet ".... Jeneraale waxaanu la soconaa in dagaal weyn uu ka dhacay Jubbada Hoose oo aad adiga labada dhinac qeyb hogaamineysay, weli hada ma isku dayday in aad nabad ku xalisid arrinta Kismaayo iyo Jubbaland?"



Gen. Morgan ".....marka hore shaqsiyan dagaal deegaankaan umaanan imaan, illaa iyo hada dagaal dhacay oo aanu anagu laheyn weerarka majiro, oo dagaal baa nalagu soo qaadayey illaa iyo Xamar iyo Marka baa gurmadka ka yimid, marka dagaal intaa la eg abaabulkiisa,..marka iguma xirna nabadeeda oo waxay ku xiran tahay dhinaca dagaalka wada, dhankeygana nabadii aanu ku dhawaaqnay waa nalaku laaday oo dagaal baa lasoo abaabulay.


Dagaalkani ayaagaa bilaabay wuxuu noqon haduu Illaahey yiraaho kii lagu xoreeyo deegaanka xooga lagu heysto............. si aan caadi ahayn baana deegaankan la igu soo dhaweeyey, tan iyo intii uu dagaalka ka bilowday deegaankaana dadka u dhashay si buuxda ayey isaga difaaceen waana sii socon doonaa is difaacaas xaqa ah. Dadka deegaanka dhibaato aan caadi aheyn baa ku habsatay waxbadana way sheeganayaan.


Waxaan u sheegayaa ummada Soomaaliyeed in wixii khasaaro ah oo dagaaladan ka dhasha in eedeeda uu leeyahay Xildhibaanka gacan ku dhiiglaha ah, haduu yahay nin Xilka dhibayo, wuxuu ka gil gilan lahaa wiilasha uu iska soo hormariyey ee ku baaba;ay Xaliimo Cadey, Hosingoo, Dhoobley iyo Buulo Xaaji , waana fool xumo arrintaasi in ay dhacdo oo dagaal intaa la eg uu ku baabi'iyo wiilasha uu soo jahwareeriyey.



HorseedNet "...waxaa jira in dagaalo laga abaabulayo dhankaada iyo waliba dhanka kale, adiga ma ka tanaasuleysaa dagaalka, illeyn waa ina la kala roonaado?



Gen. Morgan ".....waa run in lakala roonaado weeye, balse Bare Hiiraale waa ninka looga baahan yahay inuu nabada ku dhawaaqo illeyn kii xabada bilaaba ayaa laga rabaa inuu is garto, anagu difaac ayaan ku jirnaa deegaankeenana ayaanu joogaan cidii xabadu dhibeysano waa ninka deegaanka xooga ku yimid."


Kaasi wuxuu ahaa Gen. Morgan oo markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay dagaalada ka socda Gobalada Jubbada hoose labadii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay ayadoo Jenanka sheegay in ay suuro gal tahay in dagaalo waaweyn ay ka dhacaan deegaanada Jubbada Hoose oo uu sheegay in ay isku soo baheysteen waxa uu ugu yeeray burcad iyo maangaab.


Maxamed Cabdi

Muqdisho, Somaliya

In the thread where Morgan is accused of being Yeey's spy my friend Duke said and I quote

LOL thats funny, Morgan is a spy, he is a loser yet he is being hailed and praised and they are flocking to him every where he goes.

and I put to him to recall the time he was praising him and he so harshly denied :

My hero and saviour , alas one seems to mistake one for a supporter of road block owners

People please read the above interview quoted by Duke and his following posts where Duke is fighting for his 'one-time' hero which he utterly igonres and redicules now.

This tells you the kind of person Duke is... :D:D

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^^^ You spent all that time to get an article I forwarded :D:D That is what "Morgan" said and posted on a Somali website. I am neither morgan nor do I own that website. It seems your desperation is getting the better of you cousin. ;)


One must never mistake reporting on current issue as the Duke does as an activity remotly comparable to defending and singing the prais of roadblock owners and drug dealers as you do.. :D

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Duke you either post something to praise or to despise, and I’m confident you can all guess which one the above fits in to.

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