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Somali girls and the naked truth

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Sugbo, sugbo adi! Soo waxaan kuleeyahayba ma'aha, maxaa bus keenaayo iyadoo lahelaayo koo gaarigiisa lasoo xiimaayo? Dambi iyo qaboow isku darsaa? Nuune, it is 2011 sxb, get with the program...vruum, vruuum...Certain cars xataa kuwa wato la'isku ceebeeyo ayaamahaan baan maqlay...


Ar bas bas...Shib aan iska dhoho...

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Gaadhi laguye....who cares about a car? We can buy our own cars or what ever. Again the traditional ways to prove your manhood don't fly here anymore. They may be part of the work but you need a lot more like .... I don't know...personality.You realy need to be a man to pass for one :D


i'm not in the business of impressing anyone here, I don't even have a private message option.


@ Chimere did you have to get that defensive. Impressing someone doesn't always involve hitting on them. You were just being appreciative of all the Somali women including your own mum and sisters.

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KK, walaaley gacaliso maanta oo dhan waan kula jiray oon kuu sacaba tumayey, ilaa aad wax ka sheegtay my fatuurad vruum, vruum....... :mad:


Certain cars xataa kuwa wato la'isku ceebeeyo ayaamahaan baan maqlay...]

Oo hadda ma waxaad i leedahay my Qoro-Qoro Honda Civic cid raacayso ma jirto... :mad: Why? Ogoow my Qoro-Qoro the heater is working, xataa waxaad ku dhagaysan kartaa cajalad. Baabuurta kale Radiyahooda cajalad ma qabo icon_razz.gif


kk, rabshada intaad joojisid, Faarax-Tacbaan baabuurkiisa boycottka ka dhaaf,,,, :D


Marka kii wax baranaya, markaad wax barashadaad dhameysato usoo jeeso naag...Kii shaqo la'aan heyso, markaad shaqo hesho usoo jeeso naag...Kii lacag la'aan heyso, markaad lacag hesho usoo jeeso naag...Kii qurxoon, ummm, ok adi xoogaa indhaha halaguugu nuursado, laakiin qurux kaliya hala soo shirtagin...

:D:D:D ,,, usoo jeeso naag,,,,, Waxay i soo xasuusisay majajiladii Boon Xirsi iyo Cabdi Haybe

si fiican u dhuux from 00:44 - 06:40

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@ Chimere Unlike u I am not a "fadhikudirir" you can call me my dear mom names; but I refuse to follow your lead; cuz I do not know ur mom as to call her anything like that. So feel free to insult me. I have read the whole thread. And I know how badly the bro who started it didn't want to get this thread closed; and cuz I do respect him, I do not want to be the cause for its closure.


That being said, I would appreciate if ciyaalka i.e. jokers took their sillyness meelkale if they have nothing useful to say. Shukran.


I just have to say wallahi naagahan Soomalida iyo anaga waxbadan aa iskukaaya dhiman; they don't know who they messing with! Stop ur damn shallowness and ismacaneynta badan or else, we will go for Zulu sisters WALLAHI!!!!!!! LOOOOOOL


p.s. This is the only forum I am a member of (& use my nick); and an Islamic forum (in English).

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Dhalinyarada soomaalida ee degan Koonfur Afrika oo aad u guursanaaya dumarka dalkaas




Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan ama ka xamaasha dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa aad u guursanaaya gabdhaha u dhashay dalkaasi, taasoo lagu micneeyay siyaabo kala duwan oo is-khilaafsan.

Xilliyaddii ugu danbeysay ayay dhalinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaalooyinka kala duwan ee dalka Koonfur Afrika caadeysteen inay guursadaan gabdhaha dalkaasi.


kuwo qaar ayaa la-sheegay inay guursadaan hablaha u dhashay dalka Koonfur Afrika, bacdamaa ay guurka ku adkeeyeen hablaha Soomalida, ka gadaal markii ay ku xujiyeen gaari maleedahay, maherkayga waa 15,000 oo dollar iyo ganacsade matahay.


Sidoo kale qaar ka tirsan dhalinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa iyana la-sheegay inay fureyn xaasaskoodii ay qabeen, taasoo ay ugu wacan tahay iyagoo raadinaya basaboorka dalka Koonfur Afrika, si’ay ugu tagaan wadamada reer galbeedka.


Tani ayaa walaac xoogan ku abuurtay hablaha Soomaalida ee jooga dalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo raggii qabay ugu baaqeyn inay kala tagaan, bacdamaa ay doonayaan inay guursadaan hablaha u dhashay wadanka Koonfur Afrika.


Sucdi Maxamed Sahal oo kamid ah dumarka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan degmada Wadajir ee gobolka Banadir oo ay la-xiriirta shabakadda ayaa waxay inoo sheegtay ninkii qabi jiray inuu ku yiri waxan go’aansaday inaan iskakaa furo, taasoo ay ku micneysay inuu doonaayo inuu guursado gabar u dhalatay dalka Koonfur Afrika, si bay tiri uu gacanta ugu dhigo basaboorka dalkaasi.


Adiguna sideed u aragtaa guurka wiilasha soomaaliyeed ee hablaha ajanabiga?

Ka dhiibo doodan rayigaaga!


Sundus Axmed




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Wow, I like that, the fact u asked for clarification (smart); rather than jumping to conclusions without any understanding (shallow).


Sister, if what I am arguing as well as the bro who is started this is not clear. Insha'Allah I will structure my argument more clearly.. now I have an exam I need to prep for tomorrow. So later..




Originally posted by Ms MoOns:

quote:Like I said, I didn't want to continue this topic. But cuz some of you took the time to read my long comment; so as a matter of respect I have to.

Cabdi, you have
RESPECT for us, and at the same time calling us


Correct me if I'm wrong, & I'm sure you will.

My shallow simple mind is a bit confused.

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Originally posted by Cabdisomali:

@ Chimere Unlike u I am not a "fadhikudirir" you can call me my dear mom names; but I refuse to follow your lead; cuz I do not know ur mom as to call her anything like that.
So feel free to insult me. I have read the whole thread. And I know how badly the bro who started it didn't want to get this thread closed; and cuz I do respect him, I do not want to be the cause for its closure.

Who insulted your mother? That is forbidden territory, keep our mothers out of this discussion warya!


I just have to say wallahi naagahan Soomalida iyo anaga waxbadan aa iskukaaya dhiman; they don't know who they messing with! Stop ur damn shallowness and ismacaneynta badan or else, we will go for Zulu sisters WALLAHI!!!!!!! LOOOOOOL

Seriously you need to drop this chip you have on your shoulder. Even if you managed to 'blackmail' all of the Somali women on the internet with your 'Zulu women' threat( :D ) you would still only reach like 1% of the Somali female population of the world, and most likely most of them being good sisters.


If you want to be appreciated, you need to start showing appreciation. You need to realise you don't 'own Somali women', once this settles in, your persepective will change.

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I think I am falling in love with Adam all over again. smile.gif High five Adam :D


I hate nimanka calcala, if you cannot get a decent girl you need to find out what is qaashin about you that keeps attracting that same qaashin. Maybe when you change that, you will be able to find something better. Horta calcal is just such no no go area, uuuf. :rolleyes:


Somali men from America and Canada who come here (London) for wife (and it is more common now) I always think that they use to be such ciyaal suuq and block raiders that none of the girls in their own country wanted them so they come for maskiin who will believe all the lies about his perfect past. :D

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Originally posted by Chimera:

I'm sorry Ismalura, you are right but......I just caught you in my net, you are mine now.

:confused: but still thanks you for appreciating us ! It takes a real man to respect women and of course the reverse is true too.

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