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Somali warlords deploy gunmen near Baidoa amid fears of Ethiopian incursion

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Somali warlords deploy gunmen near Baidoa amid fears of Ethiopian incursion


MOGADISHU, May 11 (AFP) - Somali warlords on Wednesday began deploying hundreds of fighters in villages in central Somalia following a reported incursion there by Ethiopian troops, militia leaders and witnesses said.


Witnesses said hundreds of gunmen and "technicals" -- pick-ups mounted with anti-aircraft artillery or large-caliber machine guns -- were camped in Buolfulay village, which straddles Somalia's Bay and Bakol regions where the incursion reportedly took place.


"We have sent our militiamen to the border of Bay and Bakol to avoid war with Ethiopians and their allied fighters who want to sieze Baidoa," said Yusuf Mohamed Siad, self-declared governor of neighboring Lower Shabelle region.


"It is a national responsibility to help compatriots under seige by foreigners or those supporting the outsiders," he said. "Ethiopia is behind the looming hostilities in Baidoa."


Baidoa is the capital of Bay and Bakol and on Tuesday a group of Somali lawmakers said villagers in the region had reported the presence of a large number of armed men backed by some 500 Ethiopian troops.


The legislators also accused Ethiopia of violating a 13-year-old UN arms embargo on Somalia by suppplying weapons to various militia.


The charges were immediately denied by Ethiopian officials, but in statements issued here and in Nairobi, the 83 MPs insisted that Ethiopia was attempting to help an ousted Somali warlord retake control of Baidoa.


Siad said there were fears in the region that fighters loyal to Hassan Mohamed Nur "Shatigudud" might move beyond Baidoa into neighboring areas if they were successful in mounting an attack on the city.


"If they capture Baidoa, those fighters may advance to the neighbouring regions," he told AFP.


Siad and other Somali officials said the reinforcements were aimed at backing the leader of the Rahanwein Resistance Army, Mohamed Ibrahim Habsade, who ousted Shatigudud from control of Baidoa earlier this year.


Fearing imminent violence, some 50 families left Baidoa for Mogadishu on Wednesday, witnesses said, and Habsade vowed to defend the city from any attack.


"Our forces are in full readiness for the defense of Baidoa," he told AFP from his stronghold.


Source: Agence France-Presse, May 11, 2005

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Isbahaysiga Dooxada Juba iyo Indha cade oo ka qayb qaadanayo dagaalka Baydhabo








BAYDHABO, Somalia - Maalmihii ugu danbeeyay ayaa waxaa magaalooyinka bay iyo bakool ka aloosanaa dagaalo ba'an taasoo ay iskaga soo hor jeedaan hogaamiyaal ku kala aragtiya duwan imaanshaha magaalada baydhabo ee dawlada fadaraalka ku meel gaarka ah taasoo xibnaha ugu sarsareeyo ay ku adkeesanayaan in ay ka dhigtaan xarun ku meel gaar ah taasoo keentay in ay baydhao noqoto goob dagaal.


Hadaba, maalmahan danbe waxaa soo baxayay warar sheegayo in bay iyo bakool ay ka jiraan ciidan iyo hub aruursi ay sameenayaan wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ka mid ah dawlada cusub ee soomaaliya iyagoo la sheegayo saanad milatari in ay ka soo qaateen dawlada Itoobiya sida ay sheegayaa warar aan ka helnay magaalada xudur oo ah xaruntooda.



Hub aruursiga ka jiray xudur ama bay dhabo ma ahan mid ku kooban halkaasi balse waxaa jirto in ay gurmad ka baxeen magaalada muqdisho shabeelada hoose iyo isbahaysiga dooxada jubbo, kuwaas oo ka qayb qaadanayo dagaalka ka jira baydhabo. Sidoo kale, dadaaladii laga waday muqdisho oo la doonayay in lagu xaliyo dhibkii ka jiray ayaa waxaa loo wiiciyay dhinacaa iyo baydhabo; hadaba dawladii cusbeyd ee la doonayay in ay noqoto dawlad dib u heshiisaneed maxay ku danbeyn doontaa?

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I'm still trying to figure out what 40 technicals can do against the Ethiopian army? :confused: The long-awaited battle is here. A lotta SOL nomads want to avoid the truth - for example, if Baydhabo is to be the temporary HQ of the TFG, how could they land there when its in Xaabsade/Indhocade's (read: Cabdiqasim) hands? The TFG has to militarily occupy Baydhabo, and that can only happen through war. Col Yeey is a man of war, intaas ka yar awalba kama sugin. We'll see which branch remains when all the smoke's gone.

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

I'm still trying to figure out what 40 technicals can do against the Ethiopian army?.......The long-awaited battle is here.

That wont take you long to figure out sxb...let the battle commence....!Ninkey uu darantahey aan ogaane. The irony in here is those in Bay, Juba and for this case the reinforcement from Shabele and banadir are relying on their own man-power..but you and Yeey are completely relying and depending on the force of Xabashi..thus we will see who prevails and whether the battle will be only concentrated in Bay.



Col Yeey is a man of war

Please remind me which war he was engaged in and won apart from using the same Xabashi soldiers against his kinsmen eg. Jama ALi jama.

I guarantee you this time the history of Yeey will be this space.

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I'm still trying to figure out what 40 technicals can do against the Ethiopian army?

Very nice sum-up in your 40 technicals. :D Sxb Axmaaro do not have the political will nor international prestige to emulate the United States. Axmaro will not contribute an "army" into the conflict in the same sense they would in the Ethio-Eritrean episode. Ethiopia would most likely give support in the form of arms and they and their lackeys will be crushed if they even attempt to carry out their sordid little agenda on Somali soil. If Ethiopians do dare introduce a sizable number of troops near anywhere much less Baydhabo, even Gedo will join in the war against the Axmaro! It will then be the Somali nation vs. Ethios and their political servants.


A lotta SOL nomads want to avoid the truth - for example, if Baydhabo is to be the temporary HQ of the TFG...The TFG has to militarily occupy Baydhabo

The TFG was borne as a result of a wish and need to reconcile the Somalis. The TFG and their heads are supposed to be the men who are carrying the reconciliation on their backs, yet, if for anything, the TFG is the one destroying that very reconciliation! Once the TFG left its objective of being a non-aligned transitional government (that was supposed to be upholding the reconciliation of the Somali nation) and became a faction of their own, they direly lost confidence with the parliamentarians and the general public. Currently Abdulahi Yusuf and his administration are equal to any other warlord and his administration.


I and countless Somalis have seen enough. We cannot appease the acts of this government and their two heads (President & Prime Minister) by our honest longing for a functioning Somali state. I have seen enough, and I say good day to Abdulahi Yusuf and whatever other pathetic agendas he holds. He was my president for a brief moment, but I take my confidence back. He is not my president and his government is not my government!


Col Yeey is a man of war, intaas ka yar awalba kama sugin. We'll see which branch remains when all the smoke's gone.

Col Yeey has only won one battle in his despicable longs years as a military man; the war in Puntland. It is worthy to note that he won the war in Puntland, not because of any skills in warfare but because of the northeast's surrender due to their wish of not laying to waste all that they had worked for ever since the collapse of the central government. He didn't win anything, because the people were looking out of their interest. Xaasid weeye, xaasidnimona wax lagu faano maahan.


However, what is also worthy to note is, this is not Puntland, and there won't be any more surrenders if that's what he believes will happen. Abdulahi Yusuf wants war? Then he will get war, though I hope the repercussions reach him.

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I made the comment about Indhocade because - without any evidence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia (except for media reports) - he constantly says he'll fight them. If they're not there, how do you fight a ghost army? Its quite simple: any RRA faction, except Xaabsade's, is considered an Ethiopian contingent. Does he (Indhocade) really believe he can defeat the RRA in their own land? That's the one thing I find hard to believe. The U.S., with all its might, couldn't defeat the Vietnamese soldiers, and now can't defeat the Iraqi insurgents. Point being: you can never truly defeat a man in his own home. Indhocade - and his USC cohorts - think violence and war is the way to get their points across. For example, they say JVA militias will support Xaabsade and Indhocade to "defend" Somalia against the Ethiopian army. Which JVA are we talking about? HORN, maybe you can help me out on this. When they say JVA, are they saying militias from Gedo will militarily engage in Baydhabo against the major branch of the RRA? I doubt it. JVA is a nice way of saying Guriceel/Hobyo militias who want to use political names and gimmicks to thwart public opinion. If war sparks in Baydhabo, its strictly between to Somali clans: major RRA faction v. minor RRA/USC-Guriceel/Hobyo folks. Just like Aideed Jr. was chased out of Baydhabo in '99, I think the new USC will have the same fate. The military prowess of the USC is ONCE AGAIN in question. How many political and military defeats has this organization suffered? Yet, they haven't learned a single thing. Caqli lix-saac at its prime!

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Sug horta USC Guriceel/Hobyo meel dhig, Puntlandna meel dhig.


The control of Baydhabo is primarily as a result of a division of the RRA itself. Shaati-Guduud/Deerow Isxaq on one side and Xaabsade/Adan Saransoor on another.


Shaati-Guduud/Deerow Isxaq are being supported by Ethiopian weaponry combined with Puntland foot-soldiers. How is that any different from Xaabsade/Saransoor receiving backing from USC/JVA with Indhacade soldiers?


Seems as its pretty fair to me, with the Ethio camp being better armed.

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Shaati-Guduud/Deerow Isxaq are being supported by Ethiopian weaponry combined with Puntland foot-soldiers.

do u live in ur own dreamworld sxb?

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Shaati-Guduud/Deerow Isxaq are being supported by Ethiopian weaponry combined with Puntland foot-soldiers. How is that any different from Xaabsade/Saransoor receiving backing from USC/JVA with Indhacade soldiers?

SXB, it would actually be fair if it were TRUE. You're basing this whole argument on he-say/she-say and not on CONCRETE evidence. There is no CONCRETE evidence that Puntland militias or Ethiopian troops are presently in Bay or Bakool regions. However, there is plenty of CONCRETE evidence that Indhocade's militias have militarily engaged in intra-RRA civil war in Baydhabo (and he openly continues to instigate war by placing his militias near Baydhabo in defense of a future "Ethiopian invasion"). As things stand right now, Indhocade is clearly in the wrong - you know that, but perhaps you agree with his motives so you don't wanna admit it.


Also, you don't want to admit that Gedo militias (within the JVA) are ready to defend Baydhabo alongside Indhocade's. Are they (Gedo militias) near Baydhabo right now or not? :confused:

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Johnny B   

Ehem Ehem ...

There are 2 dimensions in the Baidao affair.



nr 1 beeing , Colonel Yeey will have to look for other place to settle down ,cause the people of Baidao (led by RRA leader "Xaabsade") doesen´t want him.

Imposing himself over them militrily ,will ONLY win them the hearts n support of every Somali in general and the USC/JVA Militry hardware in particular.


The million dollar Q is Where can Yeey have a presidential residence? North Galacio?


Nr 2 beein, The RRA have had their wars n the winners are in charge of Baidao.


"Sheik black" and "Red shirt" (deerow NEVER had a militry wing) count on Ethiopian Weapons and Puntland foot militia,and that is not a match for Xabsade n Saransor, let alone USC/JVA.


The Sad thing is that , it has to BE Baidao n the RRA who will pay the price of Colonel Yey´s political failure .


I think the Colonel NEEDS 3 terms to be politically mature :D

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do u live in ur own dreamworld sxb?

That's what Sky said about Puntland soldiers in Bay and Bakool.



SXB, it would actually be fair if it were TRUE. You're basing this whole argument on he-say/she-say and not on CONCRETE evidence. There is no CONCRETE evidence that Puntland militias or Ethiopian troops are presently in Bay or Bakool regions.

That is what you said Wind.


Now let's look at the evidence.



Aadan Saransoor oo kamid ah madaxda RRAda ayaa shaaca ka qaadey in ciidamo Itoobiyaan iyo kuwa Puntland ah ay iminka ku sugan yihiin deegaanka Rabdhuure ee gobolka Bakool.


May 09, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Maxamed Abuukar Axmed. Muqdisho, Soomaaliya.


Aadan Saransoor oo kamid ah mas’uuliyiinta RRAda garabka Maxamed Ibraahim “Xaabsade†ayaa shaaca ka qaadey in ciidamo Itoobiyaan iyo kuwa Puntland ah oo tiradoodu ay gaareyso ilaa iyo laba kun “2,000†askari iminka ay ku sugan yihiin deegaanka Rabdhuure ee gobolka Bakool.


Aadan Saransoor oo caawa u waramayey iddaacada HornAfrik isagoo ku sugan magaaalada Baydhabo ayaa xaqiijiyey in ciidamo Puntland iyo kuwa Itoobiyaan ah, ay ku sugan yihiin deegaanka Rabdhuure ee gobokla Bakool, kuwaasi oo ah kuwa saanadooda iyo hubkooda ay u dhan yihiin.


Aadan Saransoor waxa uu intaa ku darey in ciidamadani ay isugu jiraan Itoobiyaan, Puntland iyo kuwa maleeshiya la aruuriyey oo qabiilada halkaasi dagan ah.


Saransoor ayaa waxaa kaloo uu carabka ku dhuftey in ciidamadani loogu tala galey xubnaha wasiirada ah ee Xudur ku sugan, kuwaasi uu ku tilmaamey kuwo xiligan abaabulaya colaad horleh.






Ciidamada Puntland oo ka qeybqadanaya dagaalada dhawaan la faliya in ay ka dhacaan gobolada Bay iyo Bakool




Wararka ka imanaya gobolada Bay iyo Bakool ayaa sheegaya in maanta sadex diyaaradood ey leeyihiin dowlada Itoobiya ay soo daad gureysay ciidamo ka socda Puntland kuwaas oo garab siin doona ciidamada wasiirada ku sugan Xudur oo in dhawalaba ka waday deeganadasi abaabul dagaal ayagoona hub iyo sanad ka helay dowlada Itoobiya oo ayadu marnba aan dooneynin in Soomaliya mar cagaheyda ku istaagta.



Ciidamadaan ka socda Puntland ayaa in dhawaala tababar uga socday dalka Itoobiya si ay garab u siiyaan madaxweynahoodi hore ee hada ah madaxweynaha Soomaliya Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo asagu muda ku tahaayey in mar uun in uu noqda madaxweynaha Soomaliya .


Ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa Garabyada Shaati gaduud iyo Sheeikh Adan Madoobe ayaa saacadaha soo socda lagu wadaa in ay weerar xoogan ku soo qadaan magalada Baydhaba oo hada gacanta ugu jirta tageerayaasha Xaabsade si ay deg deg loogu soo guurya dowlada Geeddi oo in badan fadhiid ku aheyd dalka Kenya .


Dagaalka ku soo wajahan magalada Baydhaba ayaan la sheegayaa in uu naqan doona kii ay ku kala bixi la hayeen labada garab ee sida aadka isaga soo hor jeeda siyaasada dalka ayadoona la shegaya dagaalka Baydhabo ay ka qeyb qaadan doona ciidamo ka baxsan kuwa RRA ayadoona ay ku lug yeelan doonaan dagaaladasi ciidamo ka socda Muqdisho iyo kuwa Puntland kuwas oo kala tageeri doona labada garab ee RRA.






Ciidamo ka tirsan maamul goboleedka Puntland ee ku sugnaa Godey ee ku soo fool leh magaalada Baydhabo


Baydhabo( Sh.M.Network) Warar lagu kal soonyahay oo laga helayo qaybo ka tirsan Gobolka Bay ee Koonfurta Somalia ayaa sheegaya in ciidama ka tirsanaa dowlad goboleedka Puntland oo in muddo ah ku sugnaa deegaanka Godeey ee ismaamulka soomaalida Ethiopia ay qaar kamid ah ku soo fool leeyihiin gobolkaasi oo la filayo in uu booqdo Madaxweynaha Dowlada Somalia C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Raisul wasaarihiisa Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Ciidamadaasi oo wararku ay tilmaamayaan in ay ku hubaysan yihiin gawaarida dagaalka nuuca loo yaqaano ee tiknikada ayaa la tilmaamayaa in xalay soo dhaqaaqeen, waxana warar laga soo xigtay deegaanka ay tilmaamayaa in maleeshiyooyinkaasi ay wax badan halkaasi ku sugnaayeen oo aan la garanayn waxa xilligan keenay in ay ka baxaan goobtaasi.


Warar laga soo xigtay saraakiil ka tirsan RRAda oo aan doonayn in magacooda la adeegsado ayaa tilmaamaya in warkaasi uu soo gaaray gobolka Bay, waxana ay intaasi sii raaciyeen in RRAdu ay hada ka fadhido sida loo sugi karo amaanka magaalada Baydhaba, oo maleeshiyooyinkana laga saaro gudaha magaalada, xilli aan si rasmi ah loo ogayn in wafdiga madaxweynuhu uu magaaladaasi maanta soo gaaro, waxana jira wararka qaar oo laga helayo Nairobi oo tilmaamaya in si degdeg ah wafdiga madaxweynaha looga sugayo magaaladaasi, oo barlamaanka Somalia uu ka doodayo dhawaan ogolaanshaha ciidamo ka socda wadamada safka hore oo dalka ka howlagala.


Dhinaca Puntland gaar ahaan magaalada Gaalkacyo warar ka imaanaya ayaa iyana waxa ay xaqiijinayaan in Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo ilaalo gaar ah u soo kaxeysan doono magaalada Baydhaba, halka wararka kale ay tilmaamayaan in ciidamada Puntland ee tababarku uu ugu dhamaaday dhulka ismaamulka soomaalida Ethiopia ay ka qayb qaataan hanaanka amniga wafdigaasi lagu sugayo.


Goor hore oo todobaadkan ayaa waxa gobolka hareeyay warar la isla dhex maraya oo tilmaamaya in ciidama ka tirsan Ethiopia ay gudaha soo galeen, weliba xilli dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Baydhaba ay maalintii labaad u taagan yihiin in ay soo dhaweeyaan wafdiga ka tirsan dowlada Federaalka Somalia.


Shabelle Media Network, Baay




As things stand right now, Indhocade is clearly in the wrong - you know that, but perhaps you agree with his motives so you don't wanna admit it.

As things stood in the past Indhacade was clearly on the wrong, but on this current piece I do believe he is on the right. I'll tell you my reasons.


1. Indhacade and the JVA currently joined this debacle after it become common knowledge that the mucaarad group advanced from Robdhuure to Xudur with Ethio support.


2. Puntland militias joined thereby increasing the odds against the anti-Ethio group currently in control of Baydhaba.


3. Abdulahi Yusuf's alarming coziness with Meles Zenaawi must be stoped from having any effects whatsoever in the internal politics of Somalia.



Also, you don't want to admit that Gedo militias (within the JVA) are ready to defend Baydhabo alongside Indhocade's.


Are they (Gedo militias) near Baydhabo right now or not?

Gaabso saaxiib. Gedo and Indhacade wax ay wadaagaan majirto. I, however, have no doubt in my mind that Gedo militias will join this war if Ethiopian presence in the form of troops is found out. smile.gif

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^^,, Shabelle Radio - this is your evidence? :confused: BTW you forgot to mention which posted an article towards the same effect. But if these sites are your "evidence" that Puntland militia and Ethiopian troops are on Somali soil, then I have no choice but to quiet the debate, for you're as empty-handed as Riyaale was when he returned from London in March 2004. icon_razz.gif

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But if these sites are your "evidence" that Puntland militia and Ethiopian troops are on Somali soil, then I have no choice but to quiet the debate, for you're as empty-handed as Riyaale was when he returned from London in March 2004.

If my "evidence" was from the news desks of GaroweOnline, PuntlandPost, or AllPuntland ( :rolleyes: ) then I guess my words would be Gods' wouldn't it icon_razz.gif


Sxb Dayniile cay, but HornAfrik and Gedonet are not known for daily levels of propaganda on par with Allpuntland or others. smile.gif


ANYWAYS, my point is proven and Puntland militias have been shown to be in the center of things. UNLESS you want to deny news being reported from some of the most widely read Somali news sources on the net as if they unanimously decided to twist to truth to get some invisible reward from it :rolleyes: I dare say you are too much of a realist Wind to strike me as the conspiracy theory type. :D

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