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Ciidamo Itobiyaan ah oo ku soo fool leh Somaliya (can't be true)

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'huuno' Stop this victimisation all Somalis where hit by the brutal force of the dictator so 'zip' and secondly what is the border to the south? Kenya? Somalia is still united dont forget that.


You know what the betrayal of the Somali cause is so dont act dumb. And you can see where I am from. So keep your lies to yourself no need to cry crocodile tears 'huuno'.


The invasion of The South of Somalia will also hit the north don't think that the north wil be spared the slaughter. I say side with your brothers and sisters now or die with the enemy. Us Somalis have played enough with ourselfs this is the moment of truth.


The years to come will show us who the true Somalis are and who the traitors are who rather live like slaves.


Bring them on and all our enemies those from outside and those within will be dealt with justly.

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So zip up this Soomaliniimo of yours huuno.

The fact though is we specially me were hurt by the situation in the south of the border, but Alxamdullilah the wrecklessness and atrocities of Warlords seems to becoming to an end at the moment except for few more of them that are holed up in Baydhabo. Thanx to the emergence of the new force Islamic Courts Union. And with that we are happy and we wish they prevail. [/QB]


i think Islamist militia will advanced TO SOMALILAND SOON. And with that we are happy and we wish they prevail icon_razz.gif:D:D:D

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Where are those st-upid people who used to say when an external enemy invades Somalia the Somalis will unite. Look at today. We are far from being united. Some are even pretending they live in a different country. waa cajaaib. aduunyo wax walba waan arkeynaa.

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Hayaaay..! Wadh yadha waxan uu maleyn goodkini aya biyo idin kuso galen, maxa cabad idin ka dhacay.Allah idin qaboojiyo kulely baa idin heyste.

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Wait a minute if y'all men want to go war with Xabashos (Ethopians) where is that gonna leave us (women). I will be the first one to get the water for y'all.


It is really sicking to see someone of us laughting this, this is serious, xabashos are just hoping to get this opportunity to invide Soomaaliya, and someone us lol, it shows that how some of us are seriously dead inside, but we don't need someone who is really dead inside.....



hay, let's not allowd this xabashos get this chance inta aan noolnahay......



Go figure:.............

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Haye, haye, aflagaada hala aayaro yaaqeey, baliis, idinkoo raali ahna.


Back to the topic. Amxaaro hasoo galaan dalka. Waliba hana gumeystaan. Dadka waxaan la yaabanay dhibeysto Amxaaro gumeysigeeda, laakiin never dhibta Soomaali kale masaakiinta sidii xoolo camal loogu shaqeysto, loo adoonsado, jiiq iyo juuqna dhihi karin.


What about this gumeysi sokeeye?


Go to Shabeellada Hoose or Jubbooyinka, soo arag how Indhamadoowe and his militia treat the native locals. They can't even get biyo from their God-given resources, including a simple bug of biyo from the river. They pay head 'taxes' per household, regardless how sabool or maalqabeen a family is.


At least markee Amxaaro soo gisho dalka [they already occupy Soomaali Galbeed, which bothers me more than dadka inta dalkeena ka hartay maamulan waaye, oo dhisan waaye, plus they also rule other so-called autonomous lands of Waqooyi and Bari by proxy] all will be treated equally.


Have you ever wondered why the loudest protest against the deployment of any foreign troops is from Indhamadoowe and his cahoots? Not for the sake of Soomaalinimo or Islaanimo, noo, but the for the sake of one clear thing: Their clan dhulbalaarsi will immediately halt and will no more be the masters that dictate.


Indhamadoowe and other mafias in Jubbooyinka know if troops come, their fate will precisely be what happened to Qanyare or worse.

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Miskiin, It is alright, the ethiopians can come to Baydhabo if the locals invite them, But Xamar and surrounding areas is off limits to them. It will be a bitter war to the death and you can cheer on for the ethiopian troops.

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and other mafias in Jubbooyinka
know if troops come, their fate will precisely be what happened to Qanyare or worse.

Ninka umaleeya Kismaayo inuu xigo just because a small section of Jubadda Dhexe is sparsely settled by members of his clan confederation, your subliminal message has been noted.


Gedo is my land adeer as is all the way to Kismaayo. Anything there goes through me, legitimately.


Kismaayo adigoo igu qabsaday, waa anigoo Baydhaba kugu qabsaday!

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This kind of attitude is what is gonna make any struggle that we get in harder.


Look we are all Somalis if its war we should not be divided. We should forgive and forget. I as a North west guy am willing to forgive and forget to fight for the greater cause. My tantrum with xarago has shown me allot. That this will bereally hard and that we have more to fear from our brothers and sisters then from an external enemy.


Those who are willing to fightshould sett the example. I trully believe all true Somalis will fight for the cause all they need is an example. Let us set a good example. This if you are not with us you are against us does not work with Somalis.


Let us be honourable. The only reason that my hero Sayd Mohamed Abdilah Hassan's struggle was broken was because of the number of enemies he had withing the Somali clans.


This struggle should be for all Somalis. In their name and for their benifit. It should not be clan based or even organized allong clan lines.


If they come it is a chance that some of us have been waiting for. It is a chance to get all our territories back in one go. Instead of oga-denia we will be fighting in the Republic of Somalia.



I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, Oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord smile.gif

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MMA - you true colors are coming...what a hypocrisy...bro get help so you can rejoice like the rest of us. I am already on my way to join the Islamic liberators to kick Caasho Yuusuf out of Somalia and to not let any Amxaar sodier put foot in Somalia. Not only that, one day we will liberate Western Somalia from Xabasho colonialism and also liberate NFD from Kikuyo..long live Somalia...long live islam..much love to Indha-Cadde and his forces...

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Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo lasoo tubay Xadka Soomaaliya.



Ciidamo Ethiopian ah ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay soo buux dhaafiyeen xuduudaha ay la wadaagaan Soomaaliya, kaddib markii gobollo xuduud la leh Ethiopia ay qabsadeen maleeshiyaadka Maxkamadaha islaamiga ah ee xarruntoodu tahay Magaalada Muqdisho.


Wararka ka imanaya dhulka ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia ayaa waxay sheegayaan in ciidamo wata gawaadhida gaashaaman ay soo buux dhaafiyeen dhammaan xuduudaha ay la leeyihiin Soomaaliya.


Lama garanayo ujeeddo kale oo ka dambaysa ciidamadani Ethiopia ee lasoo dhigay Xuduudka soomaaliya oo aan ahayn isbeddelada ka socda koonfurta Soomaaliya.


Wararka qaar ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamada Ethiopia ay ka cabsi qabaan in Maleeshiyaadka Maxaakiimta islaamiga ay gudaha u galaan dalkaasi, iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in dowladda Ethiopia ay ka mid tahay dowladaha ciidamadooda laga yaabo inay ka hawl galaan gudaha soomaaliya.


C/raxmaan Seere

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