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General Duke

Kismayu: Ulema tell courts spare Kismayu as you have Mogadishu..

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Kismaayo: Culimada Kismaayo oo ugu baaqay maxkamadaha sidii ay Muqdisho u bad baadiyeen inay Kismaayana u bad baadiyaan.

Sabti, December 30, 2006


Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- Culimada ku dhaqan magaalada Kismaayo ee aan kamidka ahayn maxkamadaha ayaa maanta si toos ah ugu soo jeediyay maxkamadaha Muqdisho inay Kismaayo ka bad baadiyaan dagaal ka dhaca sida ay usoo bad baadiyeen Muqdisho, oo ay uga soo tageen ayagoon wax xabbad ah ka ridin, isla markaana ciidankii la wareegay aysan cidna xabbad ku ridin.


Culimadan oo kasoo jeedda dadka deegaanka Kismaayo iyo deegaannada kuxeeran ayaa masaajidda maanta kasoo jeediyay qudbooyin si toos ah u taabanayay khatarta kusoo fool leh Kismaayo haddii maxkamaduhu ku dagaallamaan.


Culimadu waxay codsatay in maxkamaduhu ay ka baxaan gudaha magaalada Kismaayo, si loo baajiyo nolosha dadka degmada Kismaayo oo dagaallo kasoo daaleen.


Midowga maxkamadaha ayaan codsiga culimada kaga yimid aan wali ka jawaabin, hase ahaatee waxay sheegeen inay la dagaallamayaan ciidamo ay ku tilmaameen cadaw kusoo duulay dalka.


Sheekh Shariif oo maxkamadaha madax u ah ayaa sheegay in haddii shacabku taageero ama uusan taageerinba mar walba ay ka go’an tahay inay dagaalka galaan.


Odayasha iyo wax garadka Jubbooyinka ayaa maxkamadaha kala hadlaya inaysan dagaal ka ridin Kismaayo, waxaana odayaashu ay sheegeen inay ku rajo wayn yihiin inay maxkamadaha ka dhaadhiciyaan inay Kismaayo u bad baadiyaan sida caasimadda oo kale.


CCC Farayaamo


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He will not spare them Duke, for Aweys is renowned to be someone, who likes to spare his people but not others especially our folks!


Remember how he can to Bosaso and Puntland being given refuge and amnesty and what he did, he had promised to start up an islamic revolution in Mogadishu but that it first had to be done in Puntland, then after his defeat he was living amongst us in Kismaayo as a wadaad then he again moved on to Gedo and we all know what kind of atrocities he has committed there!


This man is committed to destruction and must be dealt with accordingly! They must be disarmed immidiately with nothing to spare. Even if it means, that likelihood of them fighting inside Kismaayo itself!


What logic is it 'We saved the citizens of Mogadishu but we don't want to spare the lives of the innocent in Kismaayo', is the life of Mogadishu residents more valuable than that of reer Kismaayo? I don't think so.


Now it is to see for all the sheer hypocrisy of this bunch of clan fanatics inshallaah I hope they will be dealt with accordingly in due time inshallaah!


p.s. In Raas Kambooni they might survive in the bushes and when it rains (better praying for rain now) then there is no way to the villages and bushes of Raas Kambooni, that is if they avoid the destruction of Kismaayo itself and they spare the lives of the innocent there, which is most unlikely in my assumptions and predictions!


Only god can save the good people of Kismaayo! May they survive unharmed and untouched by this unneccessary war inshallaah!

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What logic is it 'We saved the citizens of Mogadishu but we don't want to spare the lives of the innocent in Kismaayo', is the life of Mogadishu residents more valuable than that of reer Kismaayo? I don't think so.

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Now we can all east Africans say thank you President Abdullahi Yusuf. We were all sometimes angry as to what is he waiting for. The man can hear a Pakistani and Eritrean forces of terror and destruction talkning from his office in Baydhoa.

They did the unthinkable of suicide bombing to kill him.


Now Its clear why he waited and minimized the loss of life of the people of Somalia and neighboring countries and the states in the north and south west in Somalia.


He waited until every Somalian was given the opportunity to see for themselves that the ICU are not what they say they are. Once ICU was exposed and abondoned by the people, he went for it and it now looks like easy and simple.


Their action about Kismayo will be the last of their imposter character exposed. There will be nothing left to know about these imposters.

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^lol.Afgudud?remember Diinsoor?


I dare that the Ethiopian invading forces leave things for the mediocare few of the TFG to move on 1 KM,I bet they will be chased down as they have during the last weeks battles when some TFG troops tried to take on the ICU themselves,the result was that they were massacred.


The my infidel "friend",who are you talking about,why lie so much.This is about Ethiopia vs.Somalis,Abdullahi Yusuf is an daba dhilif who is serving the interest of Ethiopia.your country will be haunted down the road as you have destroyed our cities and wrongfully occupying our territory.



next Christmas,I pray Allah that Addis to be on fire,as our cities are on fire this Ciid day.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

What logic is it 'We saved the citizens of Mogadishu but we don't want to spare the lives of the innocent in Kismaayo', is the life of Mogadishu residents more valuable than that of reer Kismaayo? I don't think so.

Sow Habaar qabahii Axmaarka dabada ku watey ee adeer kaa ahaa Afgooye ma gaadhin. Nagadaa buuqa iyo tashfiishka uff!

Maxaa dadka kismaayo jooga kaaga shan iyo toban ah. Adigu maba kala jeclid Wixii ladaliyo iyo wixii kale hadeyna qabiilkaaga aheyne :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . Axmaarkaa uraya ee foolxumada waynle ayaad wax walba kadoorbideen adiga iyo adeerkaaye.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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My relatives in Kismaayo are fleeing the city. The ICU will leave the city and go to the jungle if they care about the people of Kismaayo.

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Did the TFG cared about the people in Baladwayne when they let the ET's bomb the day out of them.


If the people of Kismayo, they didn't want the ICU, they could easily had protested the same way they did the first time the ICU came to their city.


But some of the fighters of the ICU are Kismayo born and raised.

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^^^The Ulema of the city are also born and raised, the elders, the whole city want them to leave. They wont fight in the open hence the retreat from all corners.


Sharif Ahmed, Xasan Dahir, Suuley, Adan Xashi Cayrow, Turki, Eritrean, Oromo fightres and others, none were born or raised in Kismayu


Also many of their fighters in Mogadishu gave up, so why are the forcing the fight on Kismayu?


Xalane, Insha Allah, the TFG will complete the job of chasing these clowns out of the country.


Fanisha, sister, they have been shown to have double standards..

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Duke they have just interviewed one of the ICU leaders in Kismayo and trust me their men are still in Mogadishu. No one has abandoned anyone.


Ethiopia may have came into Somalia, but I doubt they will leave peacefully.


You have no prove of Eritrean or Arab men being in Kismayo, cut the nonsense.

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^^^Saxib, no doubt they will try to make terror attacks, a bomb here and there, but they will not suceed any more than their millitary offensives prior.


As for the Eritreans, Ormo and foreign fighters, they are there, the people have seen them, they invited them, Aferwarki speaks on the Clan Courts defence. UN monitoring group, and all other agencies have enough evudance that the whole clan courts was funded from the outside.


Also its the TFG that is in control of Mogadishu, no Ethiopian runs the show, no one is denied going to mosques, so cut the clan crap.

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I don’t remember ever stating that the people of Mogadishu couldn’t go to the mosque.


Just what exactly is a terror attack, that which the America make, such as dropping a bomb from a hundred feet above the sky, or blowing away a house, collateral damage, those who kills one in his own home. Or those who attack in self-defence or counter-attack?


You are the only one who sees things from a tribal point of view, I sure in hell don’t distinguish between Amina Gedi and Aisha Yusuf, I believe they are from two different tribes aren’t they. Well I could care less, because they still are filthy creatures at the end of the day.


Why did your uncle run back to baidio? I was hoping that he would come to Mogadishu. Or does he like being under mele’s skirt. :D


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Originally posted by mystic:

Why did your uncle run back to baidio? I was hoping that he would come to Mogadishu. Or does he like being under mele’s skirt.





Too risky. Martial laws first and lockdowns, weapons collection to follow. You are looking at few months here if things go well and no one spoils the plan. Everyone is an enemy in that town and a potential assassin.

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