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Muse Suudi: I'm Ready to Work with New President...

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Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow ayaa sheegay inuu diyaar u yahay sidii uu ula shaqeyn lahaa Madaxweynaha cusub ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Col. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed hadii uu la yimaado Maamul wanaagsan oo qanciya isaga, Muuse Suudi wuxuu intaa raaciyay in isaga iyo Madaxweynaha cusub aysan dhex marin wax howl ah xiliganna uusan garan karin sida uu sheegay Xildhibaanka.


Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi waxaa uu sheegay inuu isaga noqon doonin mucaaradka ugu horeeya ee ka horyimaada Dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliyeed balse ay sugayaan waxa uu la yimaaado Madaxweynaha Soomaaliyeed Col. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, sidoo kale Faarax Wehliye Caddow ayaa isagana sheegay inuu diyaar u yahay la shaqeynta Dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliyeed loona baahan yahay xiligan samata bixinta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo afar iyo ton sano dhibaato ku jiray.


Muuse Suudi, Cusmaan Caato iyo xubno kale ayaa waxaa la filayaa dhawaan iney soo gaaraan magaalada Muqdisho hase ahaatee si rasmi ah looma shaacin maalinta ay ku soo beegan yihiin Muqdisho inkastoo dadaal lagu doonayo sidii loo hakin lahaa safarkoodu uu socdo.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cal

Midnimo Information Center

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

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That is very encouraging and I hope A.Yusuf doesn't let the people down, who with all their hearts are hoping for a recognized and effective Somali state.

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For the sake of peace in the country, folks must not let blind ambition get in the way of the common good. Yalaxow and Yusuf must sort their problems out in a civilized way. "Ego" should be put aside.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

For the sake of peace in the country, folks must not let blind ambition get in the way of the common good. Yalaxow and Yusuf must sort their problems out in a civilized way. "Ego" should be put aside.

Well said; let's hope they heed your advice. I sincerely believe however, that we have reached a turning point in our history.


Let us put Somalia first...

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Uncle Yalaxow and A/yusuf will NEVER coexist let alone cooperate for number of reasons,

to name few


1: Yalaxow = Ato = indha cade = Hiiraale = Ahmed Warsame, etc etc , in short A/yusuf´s nightmare.


Those politicians are ONLY waiting for the 1st attempt of A/yusuf to interfer with the Jubas or hint a militry build up for such an ambition, since they KNOW what HIS position IS.


2:Yalaxow beleives A/yusuf is a

(A) sell out of a future "Somali galbeed"

(b) Wrong person to address the somaliland issue

© lucks all leadership qualities .


* quoted by someone CLOSE to Yalaxow *


The ONLY way forward for A/yusuf seems to be to give up his clan based ambitions in the south and SHOW show political maturity and willingness to build bridges among this shattered nation again.( i doubt if A/yusuf realisez this )


simply it is a matter of choice .


1: choice to save his clan and all somali clans from another bloodshedding and WORK for nationalisim.


2: TRY to take on his inter clan and ouside clan enemies and continue the saga.



Judging from his past I beleive A/yusuf will go for the 2nd

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Bari_Nomad, thanks for the post.


JB, Musa Sudi does not even control Mdina, he has to make peace with the new government not just A/Yusuf.


My Abti Ato is a has been his best days are behind him, he is losing out to Abdi Qaybdeed and Said Bulbul. so you see there is no man who controls his own sub-clan, no man with the power to stop the new government. Even the so-called Islmaic courts has so far kept mum.


All I am seing is news that says they might do this and that.


Mohamed Dhere, Barre Hiiraale and Qaynyare have supported the new president.

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Maxamed Qanyare “ aniga waxaan is aragnay Muuse Suudi wax uu ka qabo dowlada cusubna ma aanan arag Caatana Telefoon ayaan kuwada hadalnay wax muuqda oo ah inay maamulka cusub ka hor jeedaana kama dheehan ee waa..â€








By:Maxamed Sheekh Nuur.


Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo ka mid ah ragii lagaga guuleystay jagada madaxtinimada Soomaaliya,ayaa waxaa uu shaaca ka qaaday in ay tahay beelaha Soomaaliyeed oo idil gaar ahaan siyaasiyiintu ay taageeraan maamulka cusub ee Soomaaliya u dhashay.

Mar uu Maxamed Qanyare ka warramayay sida ay isaga ugula muuqato ka biyo diid la sheegay inay sameeyeen qaar ka tirsan siyaasiyiinta oo ay ka biyo diidsan yihiin guushii raacday Col. C/laahi Yuusuf ,waxaa uu sheegay in raga ka hor jeedo natiijadii ka dhalatay shirka aysan mucaaridnimadooda waxba ku qaadi Karin .

Waxaa si gaar ah loo weydiiyay raga la sheegay in ay C/laahin Yuusuf ay xukunkiisa dhaliilsan yihiin oo kala ah Muuse Suudi Yalaxow iyo Cismaan Cali Caato waxaa uu kaga jawaabay “ aniga waan is aragnay Muuse wax uu tabanayayna ma arkin Caatana telafoon ,ayaan kuwada xariirnay marka waxayna igula ekaayeen dad og in Soomaaliya bur burka ku dhacay ayn tahay in loo garaabo wax iiga baxay oo ah in ay mucaarad yihiina ma arkinâ€ayuu yiri Qanyare oo sheegay in dhinaciisa waqtigan laga bilaabo uu diyaar u yahay in hormuud uu ka noqdo nabadda Soomaaliya.

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Maxed Qanyare Xittaa reer Qanyare ka yeeli maayo in aan ka horimaado qaranka cusub, waana ku qanacsanahay qaabkii doorashadu u dhacday




Guddoomiyaha ururka USC, kana mid ah xildhibaanada baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay qaabkii ay ku soo geba-gebowday doorashada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay in meeshii ALLE u qadaray uu ka gaaray doorashada, wuxuuna xusay in xildhibaanadu codadkooda ciddii doonaan ay siinayaan, isla markaana ay isagu uga weyn tahay wax kasta qaranka dhashay.


Xittaa reer Qanyare ka yeeli maayo in aan ka horimaado qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee curtay, waana ku qanacsanahay qaabkii ay doorashadu u dhacday ayuu yiri Qanyare oo intaasi ku daray in musharax kasta lagaga baahan yahay in uu ku qanco qabka dimuqoraadiga ah ee doorashadu u dhacday, isla markaana uu la shaqeeyo madaxweynaha cusub ee la doortay.



Anigu waxaan aaminsanahay waxa la yiraa dimuqoraadiyada, ciddii taa diidana ku fakir ma ihi ayuu yiri Qanyare oo sheegay in siyaasiyiinta ****** uusan ku raacsaneyn in laga horyimaado dowladda, isaga oo ku baaqay in lagu soo dhoweeyo Muqdisho.


Maxed Qanyare Afrax oo ahaa musharixii kaalinta 3-aad ka galay doorashada ayaa sheegay in haddii loo magacaabo xilka raisul wasaarenimada uu si wanaagsan u gudanayo xilkiisa, haddii aanan loo magacaabina uu la shaqeynayo ciddii la doorto.

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Sudi, isnt the guy who gave an interview to BBC bluntly commented an erroneous and exhbited his low level caliber to the world? I wonder the people who held such a guy as a leader? i feel sorry for those people. I hate to be rude but Sudi = ZERO SUM QUALITY I wouldnt trust that guy for anything.

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Dear Bachelor !! b4 we sum it together and place our misplaced sorrow where it is LESS needed ,ain it RIGHT to call a stone a Stone wasen´t it the our to be President the the´n ILLIGAL president of PUNTLAND ina YEY who went on the AIR to be exact on the BBC to make very lower much LOWER tribal comments on giving the reason why he invaded Las Anood?.


i guess that makes the SUM QUALITY to -1, that is to say LESS than ZERO


Nice seeing ya Abti S&W :D

But Abti .. make the card house cuter will ya ? icon_razz.gif . we know Qanyare( the master of disguise )

your Abti ATO is the one of the youngest politicians from Mogadishu, he´s shown his brillance in terms of setting complex strategical abstract goals , better than that .. he made them implementable. so HURRA for your ABTI :D

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JB, how are ya? Ihope all is well. Sudi Yalaxow is on his way out. It seems his alliance is no where to be seen.


Uncle Ato is young? Well I know the old dude and he aint young. He is a destructive fellow but his best days are over. Younger more ambitious individuals have emerged and are sidelining him.

So far everybody is playing a waiting game. Which rubishes all those predictions of there will be war and havoc.


So Abti JB, lets work for peace together handin hand and not waste any more time on draging this game. My mothers kin really do need a respite.

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Abti S&W ...from what we KNOW a respite comes into effect when and only when PAYMENT is made :D , i don´t think you´re in a position to talk about respite YET;) am not sure if compensation would be a better wording.


Dear Nugaali .. who are WE ? who said anyhting about the ppl who hail from Puntland? , since WHEN A/yusuf became equal to the ppl of Puntland? what are all those tears?.


Yes i coulden´t agree more , i NEED to work on my English :D

maybe you wanna HELP me sue my ESl teacher who made me cabable of making ppl like YOU understand my posts icon_razz.gif


back to the SUBJECT.

let us wait and see , I for one beleive that it won´t take long b4 the colonel´s deep hatered towards certain clans and his political misconceptions come onto surface :D

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Originally posted by SmithNwestern:

My mothers kin really do need a respite.

Enjoy taking the pot-shots while it lasts me it wont be for that long.

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