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General Duke

TFG troop irepulse ambush as well as new mortars

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Muqdisho: Dagaal sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo dhex maray ciidamada Dawlada Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo isku dhinaca ah iyo maliishiyo hubeysan, halka kooxo kale madaafiic u qeybiyeen xaafadaha Muqdisho.

23. februar 2007



Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Dagaal xoogan ayaa abaarihii 6 maqribnimo kooxo hubeysan ay ku qaadeen ciidamada dowladda KMG iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo fariisin ku leh xaruntii hore ee Wasaaradii Gaashaandhiga, halkaasi oo la isku adeegsaday madaafiicda kala duwan.


Dagaalkan oo sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac ayaa waxaa ka danbeeyay kooxo maliishiyo ah oo ku hubeysnaa qoryaha garbaha laga tuuro iyo kuwa daran dooriga u dhaca iyadoo ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa dowladda ay eryeen kooxihii weerarka soo qaaday.


Dhanka kale waxaa xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho ku soo dhacayey madaafiic Hoobiyeyaal oo laga soo tuurayey agagaarka Laba Dhagax iyo Cali Kamiin kuwaasi oo qaarkood ay ku soo dhaceen xaadaha degmada Kaaraan, waxaana ku geeriyooday madaafiicdaasi ilaa 6 ruux oo qaarkood caruur iyo haween ay ku jiraan.


Sidoo kale madaafiic kale ayaa waxay ku dhaceen xaafadda Shiirkole waxayna geysteen khasaaraha sadax caruur ah oo ku naf waayay iyo tiro kale oo dhaawac ah, halka madaafic kale ay ku dhaceen xaafada Black Sea iyo agagaarka Suuqa Bakaaraha inkastoo aan la ogeyn khasaaraha ay geysteen kuwaasi.


Ciidamada dowladda ayaa caawa lagu wadaa in ay howlgalo ka bilaabaan xaafadaha laga soo tuurayey madaafiicdaasi iyadoo khadka isgaarsiinta Mobile-da ay adag tahay in la isku waco caawa taasoo aan la ogeyn sababta.


Cali Sandheere

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Xoogaga Madanigga Muqdisho oo gacanta ku dhigay gaari Caasiya oo ay ku raran yahiin hoobiyeyaal iyo Madaafiicdii la iswaydaarsaday oo sababay dhimashooyin naxdin leh


Muqdisho ,Jimca, Febaury. 23, 2007


Xoogaga Madanigga Xaafadda Shiirkole ayaa gacanta ku dhigay Gaari Caasi ah nuuca loo yaqaan Homy oo ay ku raran yahiin Qoryaha gantaalaha ee Hoobiyaha .


Maxamed Cabdi Axmed oo u hadlay Madanigga Shiirkole ayaa Waagacusub u sheegay inay sidoo kale qabteen nin hubaysan oo ka mida ragii gaarigga hoobiyaasha sida la socday,isagoo dhinaca kale xusay inay kiiska gaarigaas baarayaan.


Dhinaca kale 13 qof ayaa ku geeriyootay 25 kalana way ku dhaawacmeen madaafiicdii Jawaabta ahayd ee ay ku jawaabeen Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka iyo dowladda ee Wasaradda Gaashaandhigga.


Madaafiicdaas ayaa ku habsatay agagaarka Suuqa Bakaaro,Al Barako,Blacksea,Xamar Jadiid,Gubta,Sanca iyo Kaaran,waxayse geerida ugu naxdinta badan ka dhacday Degmadda Kaaraan oo madfac BM ah uu ku habsaday Hooyo iyo laba Caruura oo ay dhashay kuwaas oo markii gurigoodda la galay lagu arkay hilbahoodda oo kala firirsan .


Aabahii Qoyskaas ayaa la soo sheegay inuu waaw yiri oo waashay ,laguna arkayay wadada Kaaraan isagoo qeeyla dheer ku leh ,Caruurteeyda iyo Hooyadeed midna kama harin miyaa.


Kooxahii Weeraray Wasaaradda Gaashandhigga oo adeegsanayay hub culus ayaa markii dambe kala firdhaday iyagoo qaarkoodna ay gacanta ku dhigeen Ciidamadda Itoobiya.


Muqdisho waxay astaan u noqotay madfac aan bartilmaameed lahayn,waxaana sii badanaya dadka isaga qaxaya ee u hayaamaya degaanadda ku teedsan iyo dibadaha

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A gift from North-Eastern militia and their Ethiopian masters to the people of Mogadishu.


Fighting erupts in Somalia

23/02/2007 20:16 - (SA)



Mogadishu - Fierce fighting between Ethiopian forces and unidentified gunmen erupted on Friday in Mogadishu after an attack on Ethiopian troops based in the south of the Somali capital, said reports.


"Some gunmen have attacked an Ethiopian base in the former ministry of defence building. They fired mortar shells and machine guns and the Ethiopians responded heavily with anti-aircraft weapons," said witness Ali Nur Said.,9294,2-11-1447_2074237,00.html

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^^^Obviosuly its easy to blame Puntland & Ethiopia and the US. Saxib things are changing way to fast and all you will be left with is your silly remarks.

They are getting chaed out of the cuty district by district.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

ciidamada Dawlada Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo isku dhinaca ah iyo maliishiyo hubeysan

ciidamada Dawlada Soomaaliya + iyo kuwa Itoobiya = treason & collaboration

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^Mbagathi orphans like you must be pising on their pants as the gumeeysi diid forces increase their deadly targets on the occupation forces hoping and praying the masters safety. I suggest you to do more milk-shakes to bring the long-awaited Ugandan boys to protect you from the wrath of the Somali people.

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SYL, do you know that the founding members of the SYL did not contain a single terrorist or anarchist. And here you are calling for further destablization of the capital. Even some of the SYL members who are alive today would look at with contempt.


Besides, if you dowlad-diid folks are so brave, why not fight the Government Forces and their Tigre allies head-on? Or did they teach you an unforgettable lesson in Iidaale and Diinsoor. :D The dawlad-diids were slaughtered like pigs when they came to the open battle feild, so they resort to hiding behind children and women.

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^^^Saxib the TFG will use any method to establish itself in the country. The leadership understand how to deal with the security situation.


The AU troops are coming to support the training and recruiting of the new armed forces.

Just like what has taken place in Liberia, Siera Leon and other African nations.


Anyhow the Somali poeople are supporting the government, I know that 50 from one Tarzans household demonstrated in London. How angry the wrath of the people.

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The stench of your stagnant intellect is too much to endure. SYL leaders were not traitors but liberators and bringing any occupation forces to Somalia is unforgivable disrepect to them and to Somali people as a whole.

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Originally posted by Pi:

SYL, do you know that the founding members of the SYL did not contain a single terrorist or anarchist. And here you are calling for further destablization of the capital. Even some of the SYL members who are alive today would look at with contempt.


Did they contain a single Tigre?


Besides, if you dowlad-diid folks are so brave, why not fight the
Government Forces
and their
Tigre allies


A self confessed Tigre lover.


Or did they teach you an unforgettable lesson in Iidaale and Diinsoor.
The dawlad-diids were slaughtered like pigs when they came to the open battle feild, so they resort to hiding behind children and women.

Who is hiding in Muqdisho hotels and Hospitals?Your tigre buddies!You are shattering your own argument, one minute your saying "dowladiid" then our admitting they where slaughtered by "Tigre", surely they should be called "Tigrediid" and you are a "Tigrabee".Even worse you are saying a muslim army were slaughtered like "pigs" by Tigres acudubillah..........

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