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Chocolate and Honey

Are you a “ Raaliyo” in the closet?

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I always thought (as in past tense) Raaliyo was the one who cooks, cleans, looks after the kids; makes sure hubby's dinner is on the table when he gets home with the bed made and his macawis and shukumaan neatly folded on sariirta; puts the kids to bed early so he can enjoy a quiet evening at home after a long days work; doesn't complain; lets him handle the finances ( ); lets him go out on weekends cuz he has worked so hard during the week...


WTF! Waxaan ka tagay lee dhulkuu kusoconaayo inee seexato suusan dhulka utaaban...Yaabayee igaarka dahab maas ka suubsan yahay?

:D:D @ dhulkuu kusoconaayo inay seexato. I believe this is "official" definition. When I think of "raaliyo" I just think of all the things you've mentioned.

I'd rather clean and have him cook. No philosophy behind this reasoning really, it is just that I dont like cooking and a man who cooks is sooooo sexy to me. Thats why, in the past,when a guy said he enjoys cooking, I used to pay "extra" attention :D:D

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People have negative idea of the the concept raaliyad/raali. Its nothing more than a couple who want to please one another's needs. After all marriage is to complete one another.


so if a guy doesn't want to be raali, and a girl doesn't want to be raaliyad..STAY SINGLE, then you don't have to go out of your way for anyone icon_razz.gif



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^^^ i think this word needs to be defined, i always thought it was not much of a deal until i saw a brother get married to a girl he did not even like (forget about that he didnt even have a physical attraction to her). I dont want to demean a follow sista but this brother just married her merely because she was of that "miskiin" and "homebred" type. The ladies were like she is sooo miskiin "hadaa farahaa afgaa lagaa galiyow maa kuu qaniineyso". :mad: :mad: :eek:


Our society is very crude and demeaning. period. and they abuse the word "raaliyow" mercilessly.

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hadaa farahaa afgaa lagaa galiyow maa kuu qaniineyso"

loooooooooool that was mean comment to make and a bit funny.


somalis waxay hadal ka dhigtaan uun bay radiyaan...

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Well, they gotta give to get! Give and take is healthy, give give give, or take take take is not. I'm kind and sweet most of the time, but is-waal-waal wax la iigama helo, I have alot of fire in me!!


I'll get you a malawax, just say please macaanteey..shax-sha x badan quruxleey. :cool:

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this is going to be like the muufo thread. No one really knowing what raaliya is but talking about it for pages.

Have you read KK's definition? A raaliyo is just that.

BTW... there is no "raali" in our language yacni nimanka arent "supposed"to be submissive to their wives :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

ayaantna waa lagu waaye 40ki miyaad kujirtay ina'abti

Mayee 50ki baan ku jireee, qoftii aan jeclaa maxaa ku suubisay adi? Qoftaas waa iigu bixi jirtay Walahi, adiga waa iga dan-san tahay kistoo...yacnii iguma socotid, iima dha-dhamaysid.. ;) . Igu salaan saaxiibtay.

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A friend of mine used to take his new born baby to his wife's work place, so she can breast feed. Isn't he a Raali. He took three weeks vocation just to do that. waa nin wanaagsan.

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^^^mashallah that's what makes marriage worthwhile. When both are willing to take an extra step to make it work.


laakin somali intey ku jirta war anuu adookaaga ma ihi cuntana kuma karinayo ama naaya naag ba tahay ee fadhiiso gurigaaaga or something along those lines walee meel lama gadhayo.. redface.gif



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If the term raaliyo means a women who just cooks and cleans, than I guest that term is not in use today, or shouldn’t be in use. In this modern, fast and crazy world, women have replaced men in many ways. Just take a look at our society. Women have out worked out achieve and out shined the male members of somali community. It’s appalling and some what sad to know that our men have not pull their socks up and do something for their community. Not as much as the female have done. I for one wouldn’t call myself raaliyo, because marriage and partnership is two way street and because I still want a job, and money like anyone else. But if the male member of the household is willing to go places and go extra mile for he's wife and kids, I for sure would make him feel like the king of the jungle. Needless to say it’s the man that leads the house and if he's strong, aspiring and faithful, no need to complain about being a raaliyo ;)

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^to me raali or raaliyad just means a couple who are willing to do their share and make the marriage work. that's it. It doesn't mean necessarily the lady has to stay home, basically whatever works for that couple and whatever understanding they reach.



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