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General Duke

Breaking news: Clan Courts weaken dramaticly.

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Awooddii maxkamadaha oo wiiqantay kuna sii urureysa Muqdisho

Last Updated::2006-12-26 07:11:56


Muqdisho: Wararka ka imanaya aagagii ay dagaalladu ka socdeen maalmihii ugu dambeeyey ayaa xaqiijinaya in maxkamadaha midoobey la sifeeyey

gobollo muhiim ah sida Mudug iyo Hiiraan iyadoo gobolka Baayna uu u dhowyahay in ay dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay gacanta si buuxda ugu wada dhigto.


Deegaanka Iidaale ayaa waxaa ka baxay ama looga awood roonaaday maxkamadaha waxana ay habeenkii xalay ay sidoo kale isaga carareen degmada Buur Xakaba oo fariisin muhiim ah u ahayd.


Dhinaca gobollada Dhexena ciidamada difaaca gobolka Mudug ee isbahaysiga gacana ka helaya dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa la xaqiijiyey in ay ku sii dhowyihiin magaalada Dhusa Mareeb ee xarunta gobolka Mudug kadib markii laga sifeeyey degmooyin door ah oo ku teedsanaa laamiga gobollada Mudug iyo Galgaduud.


Dhinaca degmada Buula Burte ayaa la sheegaya in ay maxkamaduhu ay haatan baxeen iyaga oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Jawhar.


Marka inahaas oo dhan la isku daro ayaa tani ay ka dhigan tahay in awooddi maxkamadaha iyo isballaarintoodii si weyn cagta loo mariyey iyaga oo iminka u muuqda in ay dib ugu guranayaan fariisinkooda weyn ee magaalada Muqdisho.


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Maxakiimta oo isaga baxey dhamaan gobolka Bay

25 Dec 25, 2006, 23:42


Ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee waayadaan dagaalka xoogan kula jiray Ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ee daafacaya DF ayaa maanta la xaqiijiyay iney gabi ahaanba ay ka soo baxeen deegaanada Deynunaay, Iidaale, Diinsoor iyo Buur-hakaba.


Mid kamid ah ciidamada Maxkamadaha oo diiday in magaciisa la shaaciyo ayaa saakay GO la xiriirtay kadib markii uu warkaan soo baxay ayaa xaqiijiyay iney gabi ahaanba Maxkamadaha kasoo baxeen deegaanadii ay waayadaan dagaalka xoogan kula jireen ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ee daafacaya DF.


Sarkaalgaas Maxkamadaha ka tirsan ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in haatan ay ku sugan yihiin Garoonka Bali-doogle iyo tuulooyinka ku dhow dhow, waxuuna ka gaabsaday inuu sheego sababaha rasmiga ah oo ay ugu soo baxeen degaankas.


Deegnaada Iidaale, Deynuunaay iyo Diinsoor ayaa haatan waxaa gacanta ku heya sida ay dadka deegaanka GO u xaqiijyeen ciidamo ka tirsan Dowlada Ethiopia oo ay wehliyaan ciidamo DF ka tirsan, waloow deegaanka Buur-hakaba aysan labada dhinac cidna haatan ku sugneyn inkastoo wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa Fedraalka aysan ka fogeyn.


Mas'uuliyiinta ugu sar sareysa Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo saakay saxaafada la xiriirtay ayaa gabi ahaanba ka gaabsadey iney warbixin ka dhiibaan sababaha rasmiga ah oo ay deegaanadii ay ka dagaalamayeen ugu soo baxeen, iyagoo qaarkood sheegay iney arintaasi tahay xeelad dagaal.


Wararka ka imaanaya dhinaca Buulo-Burde ayaa sida wararka sheegayaan waxa isku horfadhiya ciidamada Ethiopia oo ay weheliyaa Malishiyadka Maxamad Dheree halkaas oo ilaa hada wax dagaalo ah ka socon.


Cabdi Fatax Axamad, GO

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THe ICU made big suicide, they under-estimated the Ethiopians,the TFG,latest reports from Al Jazeera says they loosing the battle in many fronts,


This war is unjust and was not needed, they could easily capture the whole country had they NOt started the war.Now once more The leaders of Maxakiim made the same mistake they did in 1992.


Somalis faught bitter civil war and the wounds were about to heal, but now people are killing each other again.

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^^^No one is killing each other dude, the clan courts millitia where acting like big wigs and in less than a week, they have been crushed.

They started to belive in their own lies, and that of Yusuf Garad.


Also note the Somali population is not taking up arms in the liberated towns, in Beledweyne people welcomed their governor with open arms, thus the media hubris has been exposed to be nothing than silly propoganda.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Also note the Somali population is not taking up arms in the liberated towns, in Beledweyne people welcomed their governor with open arms, thus the media hubris has been exposed to be nothing than silly propoganda.

No propaganda there. People of Beledweyn didn't take up arms against the ICU when they first strolled into the city either.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^And they did not today, nor the ones in Bur-Hakabo, Cadaado, Bule Burde and any where else. Its nearly over.

I know they didn't. That's my point. You implied locals not opting to pick up arms against the new boys in town as evidence of their support. I only cited how the same locals did the exact same when the ICU assumed power there. Ditto for all the cities you mentioned above. Establishing the fact people not taking up arms is evidence only for people not taking up arms.

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Not yet,yaa DUKE INA SEED. In your dreams:


Mujaahidiin Shahaado doon ah oo Maanta ka ambabaxay Magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo kusii jeeda Gobolka Hiiraan.


Muqdisho, 25-December-06 (


Ciidamo aad u fara badan isla markaana kamid ah Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed ee Nafsaddooda u qadimay Difaaca Diinta iyo Dalka ayaa Maanta waxa ay ka ambabaxeen Magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo si aad ahna loo sagootiyay.


Ciidamadani Mujaahidiinta oo dhammaantooda balan qaaday in aanay dib u soo jeesaneynin isla markaana ku dhawaaqayay labo eray oo kala ahaa GUUL AMA GEERI ayaa xilligii ay ka ambabaxayeen waxaa kasoo sagootiyay Magaalada Muqdisho qaar katirsan Culumaa'udiinka Soomaaliyeed iyo sidoo kale Mas'uuliyiin Shabakaddani katirsan.


Ciidamadani Gurmadka ayaa Inshaa Allaah la rajeynayaa in ay dib u xureeyaan Halka ay soo galeen Gaalada iyo Gaalo raacyada ee Baladweyne, waxaana sidoo kale Dhowaan halkaasi lagu rajo weyn yahay in aanan nabad lagu joogin oo Ciidamada Tikreega ahi ay nacdin iyo wal wal kujoogaan maadaama weli shacab neceb Ciidamadaasi ay gudaha Baladweyne kusugan yihiin.


Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Meel waliba oo ay Dunida kaga noolyihiin ayaa intaba u soo duceynaya Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed waxayna Allaah ka baryayaan Dhammaantood in Guusha Allaah Raacsiiyo Islaamka.

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Is that slogan "nearly over" the best you can come up with for your friends and uncle yeey, yaa duke ina SEED? buy soft tissues for the tears you will shed weeping with the mothers in addis...time just time...

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^^^You are getting angry brother. I understand the clan feeling is deep, but you can not deny that in less than 8 days the myh of the clan courts has been exposed. They could not take Baidoa and have lost much of the central and the south. Will you like your fellows move the goal post to say Kismayu and Mogadishu being taken?

Stop it, you can not defend against a fact that Shabbele Radio is reporting.

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Maxkamadaha islaamka oo isaga baxay Buur-hakaba


Buur-hakaba 26, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa sida ay sheegeen waxa ay xeelad dagaal uga soo baxeen degmada Buur-hakaba ee gobolka Baay.


b]Maxkamadaha islaamka oo si xeeladeysan uga baxay Cadaado, C/waaq iyo Buur-hakaba


Nairobi 26, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Ciidamada maxaakiimta islaamka Somalia ayaa waxa ay ku sheegeen in qaab xeeladeysan ay isaga baxeen magaallooyinka Caabud waaq iyo Cadaado ee G/ka Galgaduud.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^And they did not today, nor the ones in Bur-Hakabo, Cadaado, Bule Burde and any where else.

Are you a parrot? Why are you keep repeating the same line?




Its nearly over.

Agreed. Geedhi, A. Yuusef and TFG are finished.

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Mr. DUKE INA SEED. I thought your friends had dictated to you the introduction to military science and you can explain lay people like me how on earth your friends will able to defend the supply lines from addis to baydhaba when 95% of the land these supply lines pass are resided by Somalis and other Muslim ethnic groups. You are disappointing me. Or are you saying your uncle yeey’s cousins will protect these supply lines from raids of Somali mujaahidiin? Convince me how Amxaaro and your uncle will jointly be able to govern Somalia, yaa Duke ina SEED before you brag “it is nearly over”.

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