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General Duke

Deadline nears + wepon handed over: PICS

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Originally posted by General Duke:

So far it has
captured in the last 8 days an estimated 120 technicals
destroyed many more
as the clan courts fled. The rest will be taken due time insha Allah.

By this "estimate", over 240 technicals captured or destroyed? Where did you read that? Allpuntland? AllTFG? or was it AllGeneralDuke? LOL.


I know you're often in the company of buffoons but please, don't mistake us for them.


P.S. Nice of you not to mention the 3-day disarmament drive. It should have finally dawned even on you how utterly asinine that was.

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Confused Castro, the courts belived that thier 200+ technicals would be enough to dazzle the world. Most of their heavy armour has been acocunted for, they left some in Mogadishu, but most have been captured in the battles, left behind as they where fleeing, in Diinsoor,Idaale, Bur-hakabo, Leego, Bali-Doogle ,Jilib, and Kismayu they left many vehicles and wepons which are in the TFG hands.


Salaad Cali Jeelle: “Hub dhigistu waxay dowladdu billaabi doontaa maalinta sabtida ah, xoog ayaan lagu qaadayaa”


Wasiir ku xigeenka Gaashaandhigga Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa maanta si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay inay dowladdu hubka xoog kaga qaadayso shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa sheegay in maalinta sabtida ah ay bilaabayso inay hubka ururiso, isla markaana ay qasab kaga qaadayso kuwa aan ka faa’iidaysan xiliga loo qabtay inay hubka isaga dhigaan.


“Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxay


siisay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee gacmaha hubka uu ugu jiro muddo saddex casho ah oo ay beelaha Soomaaliyeed la tashiyo la sameynaysay, waxaana beel walba oo aan la kulannay kala kulannay inay doonayaan in hubka ay iska dhiibaan” ayuu yiri Salaad Cali Jeelle oo hadalkiisa daba dhigay: “Hub ka dhigista Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waa mid aan cidna looga haybaysanayn, waxaana idiin sheegayaa in hubka qaabka loo dhigayo ay dowladdu dhameystirtay”.

Wasiir ku xigeenka Gaashaandhigga Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa dhanka kale ka dhawaajiyay in hubka ay shacabka ka dhigayaan ciidammada Dowladda oo qura, balse aysan kaashanayn kuwa Ethiopia, haddiise loo baahdo ay qayb ka noqon karaan.


“Hubka shacabka laga qaado wuxuu noqon doonaa mid la siiyo ciidammada Dowladda oo ay dowladdu qorsheysay gaarayana 45,000 oo Askari, mana nqoon doonto hubka mid shacabka dib ugu soo laabta sida dadka qaarkood ay qabaan” ayuu yiri Salaad Cali Jeelle.


Wasiir ku xigeenka Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in cid walba oo diida inay hubka dhigto ama ka hortimaadda ciidammada dowladda ee howshaan wada ay cagta marin doonaan.


Maxamuud Axmed Xasan Xuurshe

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^A good point, but note that all clans are represented in the TFG, there is not a single clan left behind

Waa beentaa none of my clans are in the TFG. :cool:

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Ok if you say so.

I did not say so, I know so. Most Somalis are not daba dhilif and they don't associate with traitors.


Next time, Please don't tell us every clan is represented in the TFG. :mad:

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^^^Every Somali clan is represented in the TFG parliment and even cabinet. There is a power Sharing formula that underpins the TFG institutions.


If you have proof, please provide for the clan that has bee left behind,if not kindly stop with the pretences.

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Hub ururin ka dhacdey Jilib

4 Jan 4, 2007, 12:02


Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah iyo kuwa Ethiopia ayaa shalay lagu soo waramayaa in ay hub arurin ka bilaabeen degmada Jilib ee gobolka Jubada Dhexe.


Sadax gaadiidka dagaalka oo labo ka mid ah ay sarnaayeen qoryaha waaweyn iyo hub gacmeedyo ayey shalay la wareegeen, hubkaas ayaa waxa ka tagey ciidamadii Maxkamaddaha Islaamiga ee looga awood roonaaday dalka.


Goobihii ay dagaalada xoogan ay ka dhaceen ee tuulooyinka hoostaga Jilib ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay ku aasan yihiin wadooyinka qarkood Miinooyin ay dhigeen ciidamadii Maxkamadaha, waxaana dadka lagu wargeliyay in ay ka fogaadaan.


Cali Mucayadiin Cali,GO

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Every Somali clan is represented in the TFG parliment and even cabinet. There is a power Sharing formula that underpins the TFG institutions.


If you have proof, please provide for the clan that has bee left behind,if not kindly stop with the pretences.

Horaa loo yiri hadal haan ma buuxshee, adigu soo tiri all the names and their clans. I can asure you my clan is not in the TFG. mida kale adigaa nagu akhriyaya in qabiil kastaa ku jiree soo cadee.

hadii kale warka gaabi aboowe.

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^Sweetie - he's hardly going to list each member and their clan. Why don't u PM him your clan and he can sort this thing out for you? And then you can let us know the results. Waa run - hadal haan ma buuxshee - so this can be resolved quite quickly and easily if you do the above.

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^^^lol. I know every clan is represented and so does the majority of the Soamli public who know their MP's. Thus as I do not know your clan, I can in no way be bothered to play a guessing game. Thus if you have a point make it. But I very much doubt you have any valid point.

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Originally posted by ThePoint:

^Sweetie - he's hardly going to list each member and their clan. Why don't u PM him your clan and he can sort this thing out for you? And then you can let us know the results. Waa run - hadal haan ma buuxshee - so this can be resolved quite quickly and easily if you do the above.

^^isqoroow bilaa qalin ayaa adi kula hadley mise attantion ayaad meelkale ka waydey.orodoo doorknob nimadaada meel kale la doono. :D


G, waxbaanad isla hey markaad leedahay qabiiil kastaa ku jira maad soo cadeysid. . iska hadlaa tahey.

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Obviuosly many benefitted from the chaos that ravaged Somalia, and find it hard to come into terms with Legitimate governance.The status quo that have empowered the likes of Indhacadde is slipping away and to some that translates to fading political existence.Folks get used to it, stop this ********imo disguised in wadaadnimo.



My only question is and remains, why did the UIC disarm all and any warlord in their reach except folks of relation to Sheikh Aweys ?

If not disarm,why empower indhacadde even more ?




Qabiilkaaga hadduu isku raacay inuu dawladda mucaarado, taasi wax wanaagsan oo lagu faano maaha.Midda labaad, qabiilkaaga ii shegg anaa kuu sheegaya toban dawlada ku jirta.

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Every clan is not involved in the TFG put rather a person who is from a particular tribe or clan is a member of the TFG. That doesn’t explain anything nor does it prove anything.


A single person who is a member of the TFG doesn’t represent his clan, why should they?


Somalis are still playing around and going in circles. Stop the tribal affiliation.


I don’t care what tribe you are from as long as you are a firm representative of my ideology and belief. Every so called MP should be obligated to care and gain the trust of every single Somali and not only those of their clan, if they can’t manage to do that, then I am sorry but they have no eligibility to lead or to be considered a MP.

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I can asure you my clan is not in the TFG

I merely disagreed with that conclusion interms of number.





A single person who is a member of the TFG doesn’t represent his clan, why should they?

Reasonable? This might be true for the TFG.However, if you are speaking of the parliament then the only problem would be your disregard for the premise that the Somali parliament representation is based upon the 4.5 formula.

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