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Oromo's attack Ceel-waaq?

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the SNF warriors are coming. We aren't traitors like our fellow kinsmen from Galkacyo and above, who are willing to sell the Somali land and enslave the Somali citizens for a petty and meaningless doller.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Blaming others for the Somali problems seems to be the Somali dictum these days huh?

And now you’re blaming Oromo for the Somali problems? tell me what else is new on the horizon?

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homeboy wax soconaayo la soo shirtag sheekooyinka eedooyinkaa hanoola imaan. ;) Islaamah sheekooyinkooda aad sixun udhageeysataa. too bad macalinka don't please the good night stories :cool:

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Originally posted by Fyr-Kanten:

Blaming others for the Somali problems seems to be the Somali dictum these days huh.

And now you’re blaming Oromo for the Somali problems? tell me what else is new on the horizon?

Nothing else on the horizon. We have seen all kinds of excuses by blaming others. This has something to do with reviving nationalism. The latest attempt to resuscitate nationalism was the fake outrage at the Saudi beheadings. When someone doesn't try to heal (possibly through chemotherapy) the cancer in his/her body, blaming others will not heal it. Blaming others is a desperation, unfortunately, all it does is prolong the problems.

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The latest attempt to resuscitate nationalism was the fake outrage at the Saudi beheadings

Do you intend to troll through every thread and bring this up? Please let it go.

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I was waiting for the SSDF clique to launch a attack on me, I think you guys got used to the "I agree" guy (horn) :D .Just to let you guys know here would be change around here no nice pleasent "I agree" kind of debates,because I'm back :cool:





homeboy wax soconaayo la soo shirtag sheekooyinka eedooyinkaa hanoola imaan. [Wink] Islaamah sheekooyinkooda aad sixun udhageeysataa. too bad macalinka don't please the good night stories [Cool]

OKAY, I'll stop listining to islamo stories if you promises not to write your bedtime stories on here ever again? Fair deal smile.gif



Last time in Xeraale it was all of irir (lol) who teamed up on ******* now it's garre, oromos and boranas??!!! what's with these people and admitting defeat

Abayo/walal quite frankley don't know what your sex is. I won't replay to you unless I know where your coming from (politically), but i have hintch your from SSDF-land redface.gif



Nothing else on the horizon. We have seen all kinds of excuses by blaming others. This has something to do with reviving nationalism. The latest attempt to resuscitate nationalism was the fake outrage at the Saudi beheadings. When someone doesn't try to heal (possibly through chemotherapy) the cancer in his/her body, blaming others will not heal it. Blaming others is a desperation, unfortunately, all it does is prolong the problems.

Ina abti, don't worry I will be back soon count on that, nationalism,freedom,love,prosperity, happiness, and a qabil-free country,will all be brought to our motherland as soon as I'm in the presidential house located Moqadishu. :cool:

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Originally posted by Somali_Patriot:

quote:Noocaan oo kale ma noolaayeen? *shakes his head*

Nocaan oo kale waxaa ka daran nooca rumeeysan inn adeer uu landcrusier uu gadhayo because of "family" ties , and who support a government such as the one made in the Kenyan basketball gym. :cool:
You mean 'u gadaayo'? An interesting point. The way I was raised is that I never ask anyone for anything. I work hard to earn mines, homie. You see, you're making an accusation that hasn't even HAPPENED yet. But I can make this: I didn't live off of Somali government welfare program based on "ina adeernimo" for 21 years. Disturbing though: towards the end, it was the Big Man's(Siyad Barre alaha u naxaristo) own family members who sold the keys to the armory to the USC and caused the collapse of the Somali nation. And you have the nerve to label the SNM as "sellouts." Does that make you proud or do you fancy stories of how the "traitorous" SSDF and SNM caused Somalia's downfall? You handed out the keys of doom - and you're now in bed with the guy who used to bring you water on donkey carts. Doesn't that just damage your pride? ;) We'll keep it between us, I promise

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

Disturbing though: towards the end, it was the Big Man's(Siyad Barre alaha u naxaristo) own family members who sold the keys to the armory to the USC and caused the collapse of the Somali nation.

Consequently, you're making an accusation that never took place.

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You mean 'u gadaayo'? An interesting point. The way I was raised is that I never ask anyone for anything. I work hard to earn mines, homie.

This isn't a dating service; I really don't care how you were raised or what kind of personality you have.



You see, you're making an accusation that hasn't even HAPPENED yet.

See...the difference between me and you is I made a accusation that hasn't happened yet, but you made an accusation that never happened.---> (But I can make this: I didn't live off of Somali government welfare program based on "ina adeernimo" for 21 years.)



Disturbing though: towards the end, it was the Big Man's(Siyad Barre alaha u naxaristo) own family members who sold the keys to the armory to the USC and caused the collapse of the Somali nation. And you have the nerve to label the SNM as "sellouts."

An you have something to back this up with right? Or did you really think that we were going take your word for the "sheeko-sheeko" you heard at Marwa restaurant. ;) In fact it was your kinsmen who helped the ahbals overthrow US, and were fighting against us thinking they were going to have the presidential thrown:p I think the words were, if I'm not mistaken "MUSLIM IYO MAX'S," some propaganda movement brought by the northeasterners to rally up the ahbals to kill Max's.



Does that make you proud or do you fancy stories of how the "traitorous" SSDF and SNM caused Somalia's downfall?

:confused: :confused: :confused: Why would I be proud? But I know it aches you all the time to know your kinsmen were part of such an organization as the SSDF, which were one of the main reason for Somali's downfall.


You handed out the keys of doom - and you're now in bed with the guy who used to bring you water on donkey carts. Doesn't that just damage your pride? [Wink] We'll keep it between us, I promise

I think your talking about "walalaha galguduud" propaganda movement, oh you must be :rolleyes: Well, I'm with them okay? But your with aid-infected amxaaros, and the same guy you've said I've slept with (jowharians) :D


I love you guys (all the people from SSDF-land) They say we sleep with the men who use to bring our water in the donkey kart all because couple of boys from Cabudwaaq defeated an army (with ethiopia weapons) from SSDF-land in their fifth attempt to capture Jubboyinka. :D

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when u think that windtalker n qudhac already lowered the quality of conversations in somaliaonline, another tragic character just like it crawls out of the dumpster.


MsWord= Consequently, you're making an accusation that never took place.

consequently, i need to go to the toilet. lool just love the style of this missy. :D

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Great entertainment as ever overstepping the fallacy of the Oromo logistic, moral or financial support we find that the conflict in CeelWaaq is exclusively between two Somali clans who live side by side it has nothing to do with Saud authority or with the supposed Oromo invasion of Somali territory .


As for patriot there is no point chasing ghosts the “SSDF†is no more and what ever you might think that movement in the end did defeat the former regime.


Also stop with the bravado, I doubt that you can do anything for your clan in the present conflict other than fantasising on the net that they are indeed defending Ceel-Waaq from the barbarian hordes. Our very own great wall…


As I stated before lets pray for peace and hope that our Somali kinsmen in CeelWaaq come to their senses. Remember there has been a major conflict ensuing in the NFD/Somali region of Kenya which has had ramifications in Ceel Waaq.

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Sky.Africa or as you now call yourself "Black.Hawk", I tend to think the people who are responsible for trying to throw the forum into the dumbster are coincidentally not Qudhac or Wind_Talker and especially Ms Word. I'll give you one guess as to who those folks are ;)


Disturbing though: towards the end, it was the Big Man's(Siyad Barre alaha u naxaristo) own family members who sold the keys to the armory to the USC and caused the collapse of the Somali nation.

Wind_Talker it would be helpful if you could just elaborate more on this statement..


Great entertainment as ever overstepping the fallacy of the Oromo logistic, moral or financial support we find that the conflict in CeelWaaq is exclusively between two Somali clans who live side by side it has nothing to do with Saud authority or with the supposed Oromo invasion of Somali territory .

And pray how did you come to that conclusion Duke? I don't know about you, but I'm relaying what was told my person from the front lines from more then one source; how did you come to yours? And please do be all the more clearer.. is this the case of wishful thinking or certain desire to really belief yourself in the hopes of patching up a bruised ego...?

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hornafrique, i dint blame msword for anything. if you can read, youll see that i gave her a compliment. but labadii xunxunka windtalker and qudhac are gonna be joined with another clown in this circus called somaliaonline. you know who that is. :D

ill be looking forward to somalipatriots posts, hes one opinionated lil fella.


look at this dumb comment=

Disturbing though: towards the end, it was the Big Man's(Siyad Barre alaha u naxaristo) own family members who sold the keys to the armory to the USC and caused the collapse of the Somali nation.

im not a fan of barre (ALLE haa uu naxariisto) but this is over thé top! and that for a guy who wrote articles to garoweonline n allpuntland about something i dont remember. some vague shit. i remember that ciyaal suuq email, thugbunnywest something. ;)


but to keep this oh so wonderful thread going n keep it pushing on. ill just add my 2 cents and that is that yesterday it was THE WHOLE USC against caabuudwaaq in xeraale. today its THE WHOLE OROMO/BORANA AND WHATNOT against ceelwaaq. whats going on, barres old checkbook n phonebook reached their final pages n numbers?

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Colaad Dheer baa idin ku jirto hadaa hada keenteen inaad ku faraxdaan dad la laayay.



BUT anyways..



Baardheere( Sh.M.Network) Wasiir K/xigeenka Garsoorka DFKMG ee Soomaaliya Yuusuf Kaanti ayaa waxa uu sheegay in

ciidamada haatan heysta degmada Ceelwaaq ay yihiin ciidamo Oromo ah oo ka soo duulay gudaha Itoobiya, iyadoo dagaalkii ka dhacay Ceelwaaq la xaqiijiyay kumanaan Qoys in ay degaanadoodii ka barakaceen



Wali waxaa kacsan xaaladda amaanka ee degmada Ceelwaaq iyo agagaarkeeda ka dib markii subaxnimadii sabtidii la soo dhaafay dagaal xoogan halkaasi uu ku dhex maray labo maleeshiyo beeleed oo ka wada tirsan degaanka, kuwaasi oo in mudo ah u dhaxeysay xiisad colaadeed iyo qilaaf dabo dheeraaday.


dhibaatadii ugu weyneyd ee uu sababay dagaalkii ka dhacay degmada Ceelwaaq ayaa waxaa la sheegay barakac ku yimid qoysaskii ku noolaa degmadaasi oo gaaraya ku dhawaad 15 kun oo qoys sida ay shabelle u xaqiijiyeen qaar ka mid ah hay'adaha samafalka ee ka howlgala degaankaasi, kuwaasi oo haatan la shegayo in ay ku sugan yihiin xaalad bani aadnimo tii ugu darnyed.


ilaa iyo haatan ma jiraan waan waan nabadeed oo lagu qaboojinayo xiisadaha colaadeed ee ka jira degaankaasi, waxaana marba marka ka dambeysa sii xoogeysanaya abaabulka ciidan ee labada dhinac.


Xubno ka tirsan labada gole ee DFKMG oo maalinimadii doraad soo gaaray degmada B/xaawo ayaa waxaa la sheegay degaanka in ay ka wadaan kulamo looga hadlayo dhibaatooyinka ka taagan degmada Ceelwaaq, iyadoo kulankii ugu dambeeyey ay maalinimadii shalay la qaateen odayaasha, maamulka, ganacsatada, saraakiisha iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan degmada B/xaawo.


Col. Yuusuf Maxamed C/qaadir (Yuusuf Kaanti) oo ah wasiir K/xigeenka Garsoorka oo ka hadlay kulankaasi ayaa ku eedeeyay maleeshiyada hadda ku sugan degmada Ceelwaaq in ay yihiin maleeshiyo Oromo ah oo ka soo Duushay Moyaale Itoobiya, loona baahan yahay in degaanka laga qabto.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

quote: Disturbing though: towards the end, it was the Big Man's(Siyad Barre alaha u naxaristo) own family members who sold the keys to the armory to the USC and caused the collapse of the Somali nation.

Wind_Talker it would be helpful if you could just elaborate more on this statement..
SXB, I'll answer that question with another question. But first, let me break down the case.


Siyad Barre (alaha u naxaristo) and the "ruling elite" are in power for over 21 years. Towards the end, there's a rebellion in the North, and all kinds of rebel movements shaking the south. Now, its common knowledge that - at least in the top tier of the military - Barre maintained a Gedo/Galgaduud monopoly (Let's see if you agree here). Therefore, he built a Republic and led it for 21 years and used the military as his backbone. He made sure his closest aides and military commanders were all in tuned with his policy and mission statement. bla bla


Now, this is my question: HOW in the world did a MAJORITY of Somalia's military arsenal end up in the hands of the USC - and end up being used against the very people who built it and Barre empowered to protect it? First, let's see if you agree or not that the USC had most of the arsenal. Then, you can answer. I'll await your reply insha Allah.

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