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Adeer is gonna love this one...

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Adeer TOLSTOY, sooner or later you'll read this thread. So, please explain it to me. Now, you've been preaching for years about the "democratic institutions" in SL and how they're not based on qabiil (which is a noble goal all Somalis should aspire to). However, HAATUF has not only reported a discrepancy to this noble idea but has also opined something to the effect of Reer Boorama always being pro-Riyaale, in right or wrong. What happen to party politics or are party politics simply a form of masked qabiilism? I mean, according to the piece, UDUB is trying to get only Reer Awdal (from opposition parties, namely UCID) to support them when the parliamentary speaker vote comes around. I eagerly await your 10-page official SL report. :D


P.S. Anyone can respond but its definitely Adeer TOLSTOY's hour.


Xukuumadda Rayaale Oo Dedaal Ugu Jirta Inay Dhinac Isugu Duwato Mudanayaasha Ka Soo Baxay Awdal Mucaarad Iyo Muxaafidba


Haatuf — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 23 October, 2005


Boorama Oktobar 21, 2005) (Haatuf) Warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in xubno ka tirsan musharraxiintii axsaabta mucaaradka qaarkood ee ku guuleystay inay kusoo baxaan doorashadii dhawaanta loogu tartamayey xubnaha barlamaanka cusub ee Somaliland iyo xukuumaddu ay socdaan wadahadal ay
xukuumaddu ku doonayso in xubnaha reer Awdal ugasoo baxay baarlamaanku la saftaan xukuumadda
marka ay timaaddo codbixinta jadaga guddoomiyenimada baarlamaanka.


Sida ay sheegeyaan wararkaasi, waxay xukuumadda sare soo dhaweysay qaar ka tirsan musharraxiintaasi oo kasoo baxay xisbiga UCID,iyadoo sida wararku sheegeyaan xukuumaddu

ugu ballanqaadaysa musharraxiintaasi inay mansabyo sare ka siin doonaan xukuumadda haddii ay daacad u noqdaan xisbiga UDUB marka ay codeynta guddoomiyaha golaha baarlamaanku timaaddana ay codkooda ku taageeraan xisbiga UDUB.Inkastoo aan la xaqiijin wararkaasi Boorama kasoo gaadhaya Hargeysa,
haddii ay dhab noqoto waxay caddaynaysaa sida mar walba reer Boorama xukuumadda gar iyo gardaraba ugu taageeraan markasta oo ay timaaddo arrin khatar gelin karta madaxweynaha
,waxayna arrinaha caynkan oo kala ah looga tusaale qaadan karaa doorashadii golaha deegaanka Boorama kuwaasoo xubnihii kasoo

baxay axsaabta mucaaradku markii ay golaha galeen ay dafireen magacii axsaabtii keentay golaha kaddibna u noqdeen kuwa ku abtirsada xisbiga UDUB.




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sida mar walba reer Boorama xukuumadda gar iyo gardaraba ugu taageeraan markasta oo ay timaaddo arrin khatar gelin karta madaxweynaha

So reer Boorama are planning to forever withhold power from the masses eeh? Well by all means they are said to be some of the most clever and educated Somalis of all times. But this is truly amazing I say!

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sida mar walba reer Boorama xukuumadda gar iyo gardaraba ugu taageeraan markasta oo ay timaaddo arrin khatar gelin karta madaxweynaha

So reer Boorama are planning to forever withhold power from the masses eeh? Well by all means they are said to be some of the most clever and educated Somalis of all times. But this is truly amazing I say!

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sida mar walba reer Boorama xukuumadda gar iyo gardaraba ugu taageeraan markasta oo ay timaaddo arrin khatar gelin karta madaxweynaha

So reer Boorama are planning to forever withhold power from the masses eeh? Well by all means they are said to be some of the most clever and educated Somalis of all times. But this is truly amazing I say!

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Okay TOLSTOY - We got you: You love us, too! ;) That's so cute, dude.


Now, on a serious matter, you've avoided the larger issue the article - posted by your beloved newspaper, HAATUF - raises. Which is:


Inkastoo aan
la xaqiijin
wararkaasi Boorama kasoo gaadhaya Hargeysa, haddii ay dhab noqoto waxay caddaynaysaa sida mar walba
reer Boorama
xukuumadda gar iyo gardaraba ugu taageeraan markasta oo ay timaaddo arrin khatar gelin karta madaxweynaha

Now, fadlan iyo adigoo raali ah, answer me this: Why would HAATUF post an unreliable news item AND, worse, opine about it in a negatively-tilted way against a certain segment of SL population (i.e. Awadalites)? Democratic practice or HAATUF's blatant tribalism come to light?


I, the infamous SOL Village Baffoon, eagerly await your response. Do try to be short and concise...or, not. :D

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Okay TOLSTOY - We got you: You love us, too! ;) That's so cute, dude.


Now, on a serious matter, you've avoided the larger issue the article - posted by your beloved newspaper, HAATUF - raises. Which is:


Inkastoo aan
la xaqiijin
wararkaasi Boorama kasoo gaadhaya Hargeysa, haddii ay dhab noqoto waxay caddaynaysaa sida mar walba
reer Boorama
xukuumadda gar iyo gardaraba ugu taageeraan markasta oo ay timaaddo arrin khatar gelin karta madaxweynaha

Now, fadlan iyo adigoo raali ah, answer me this: Why would HAATUF post an unreliable news item AND, worse, opine about it in a negatively-tilted way against a certain segment of SL population (i.e. Awadalites)? Democratic practice or HAATUF's blatant tribalism come to light?


I, the infamous SOL Village Baffoon, eagerly await your response. Do try to be short and concise...or, not. :D

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