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Beebbe oo sheegay in qaabka loo wado isbaaro qaadista Muqdisho uusan ku qanacsanayn

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Siyaasiga C/qaadir Beebbe oo sheegay in qaabka loo wado isbaaro qaadista Muqdisho uusan ku qanacsanayn



Siyaasiga C/qaadir Cabdi Xasan (Beebe) oo haatan sheegta inuu yahay Guddoomiyaha ururka USC/SSA ayaa sheegay in baraha koontarool ee degaannada uu ka taliyo aysan aheyn isbaaro ama jidgooyo loo dhigtay shacabka ama Gaadiidleyda ee ay yihiin kuwo lagu sugo ammaanka, wax dhib ahna aan ku heynin shacabka iyo Gaadiidkaba.




C/qaadir Beebe oo kulamo kala duwan la yeelanayay beryahan mas'uuliyiinta degmooyinka hoos yimaada maamulkiisa sida degmooyinka Shibis, Boondheere iyo Shangaani ayaa sheegay in uu taageersan yahay howlaha nabadeynta ee laga wado G/Banaadir, balse uu dhaliilsan yahay qaabka isbaaro qaadidda oo uu ku sheegay in ay tahay mid aan loo marin dariiqii ku haboonnaa, isagoo ku tilmaamay isbaaro nin laga qaadayo oo nin kale loo dhiibayo in aanay macno soo kordhineynin.




Dhinaca kale C/qaadir Beebe wuxuu saxaafadda soo tusay xafiisyo gaaraya ilaa 95 Xafiis oo qalabkoodu u dhan yahay, kuwaasoo uu sheegay in dowladda KMG Soomaaliya uu ugu talo galay inuu ku soo dhaweeyo, isagoo xusay in xafiisyadaasi ay horey u qalabaysay dowladdii carte balse ay u suurageli weysay inay degto.




Mas'uuliyiinta degmooyinka hoos taga maamulka C/qaadir Beebe oo iyaguna saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in baraha koontarool ee yaala degaannadooda ay yihiin kuwo ku saleysan maamul, raalina ay ka yihiin shacabka degaannadaasi degan, isla markaana suga amniga degaannadaa.


Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Madoobe (Dalmar)

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Dhinaca kale C/qaadir Beebe wuxuu saxaafadda soo tusay
xafiisyo gaaraya ilaa 95 Xafiis oo qalabkoodu u dhan yahay, kuwaasoo uu sheegay in
dowladda KMG Soomaaliya uu ugu talo galay inuu ku soo dhaweeyo

Mogadishu and its infinite warlords. :mad: Not too long ago, C/qadir Beebe was a relatively unheard of figure in Somali politics. Now, he's acting like the Chairman of the TFG Welcoming Party, setting up offices for the TFG settle in right there within the walls of Mogadishu - thereby possibly making him a media star.


To the people who believe that the Nairobi Wing of the TFG doesn't enjoy support in Mogadishu, what say you? Or is this character (Beebe) so insignificant as to not even warrant a response?

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Dhinaca kale C/qaadir Beebe wuxuu saxaafadda soo tusay
xafiisyo gaaraya ilaa 95 Xafiis oo qalabkoodu u dhan yahay, kuwaasoo uu sheegay in
dowladda KMG Soomaaliya uu ugu talo galay inuu ku soo dhaweeyo

Mogadishu and its infinite warlords. :mad: Not too long ago, C/qadir Beebe was a relatively unheard of figure in Somali politics. Now, he's acting like the Chairman of the TFG Welcoming Party, setting up offices for the TFG settle in right there within the walls of Mogadishu - thereby possibly making him a media star.


To the people who believe that the Nairobi Wing of the TFG doesn't enjoy support in Mogadishu, what say you? Or is this character (Beebe) so insignificant as to not even warrant a response?

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Dhinaca kale C/qaadir Beebe wuxuu saxaafadda soo tusay
xafiisyo gaaraya ilaa 95 Xafiis oo qalabkoodu u dhan yahay, kuwaasoo uu sheegay in
dowladda KMG Soomaaliya uu ugu talo galay inuu ku soo dhaweeyo

Mogadishu and its infinite warlords. :mad: Not too long ago, C/qadir Beebe was a relatively unheard of figure in Somali politics. Now, he's acting like the Chairman of the TFG Welcoming Party, setting up offices for the TFG settle in right there within the walls of Mogadishu - thereby possibly making him a media star.


To the people who believe that the Nairobi Wing of the TFG doesn't enjoy support in Mogadishu, what say you? Or is this character (Beebe) so insignificant as to not even warrant a response?

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