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waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan in yar ku daro sheeko dhacdey oo ku saabsan sheekadan boyfriend and girlfriend, waxa jirta sheeko ku dhacdey gabad aan saaxiib nahay yadoo ah qof ilaahay wanaag iyo ixtiraam ku manaystay, waxan odhan karaa waa well educated nolosha fahmi karaa meel kasta oo ay joogto,at same time diinteeda iyo dhaqankeeda inta wanaagsan haysata,waxa ay la kulantay wiil ay yaraantoodii meel ku soo wada koreen qurbuhuna in badan kala fogeeyey,aad ayay u jeclaadeen inay xidhaadhaan si sharaf iyo waanaag ku jiro yagoo markaa laba wadan kala jooga, balse midba midka kale wadanka uu joogo ayuu ku haystaa nolol wanaagsan, lakiin barashadoodii waxay qaadatey mudo gaadhaysa 3 sano,labadoodaba jecel iyo dareen xad dhaafa ayaa ku ku abuuran balse ha ku sii badnaado gabadhe, balse ay jeceshahay inay la wadaagto nolol mustaqbal, wax kale se aanay ka rabin inay wadaagaan, mudo kabacdi buu u sheegay inuu doonaya relationship ah kan QURBAHA, gabdhii waxay ku wareertay kuna dawakhdey muddada dheer ee ay aamusnayd yadoo ka fikiraysay inay u barato mustaqbal iyo wanaag inay wada qaybsadaan balse, sida uu isagu u fikirayo,hadana u tusayo inuu dareen u hayo kalgacal. HADABA WAXA LA YAABADAN WAKHTIGAN LA JOOGO SIDA WIILASHA SOOMALIYEED U LUGOYNAYAA HABLAHOODA WANAAGSAN EE ILAAHAY SIIYAY DHAWRNAANTA IYO XISHOODKA. INAY NOQDAAN KUWA FUSUQA IYO XUMAANTA KU SII DHAWAADA.

inantani waxay ii sheegtaa inanay hadii ay inankaasi sida ku adkaysto inanay waligeed jeclaan doonin wiil soomaliyadeed una sheegi doonin inay jeceyl iyo wanaag toona la qaybsato.


Aniga ahaa waa inantii ugu horaysay ee aan ku ogaaday siday wiilashu hablaha wanaagsan u galayaan

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Qac Qaac   

horta walaashiis ku soo dhawoow meesha.


Laakiin abaayo waad sax santahay. in ay niman badan oo soomaali ah ay rabaan, girlfriend/boyfriend thing. laakiin the answerd is easy sister. the girl now has to choose between her deen and the man.


if i was in her position i would tell him, to get lost. nimanku way badan yihiin aduunka. oo nin ka fakaraya girlfriend saacadaan khayr ma soo wado. laakiin in ay iyado ay jamac ku sameeso ragga soomaalida dhan ay tiraahdo mid danbe ma jeclaandoono abadann, waa khalad taasi.


in conclusion, love some one for the sake of allah. if he comes between u, and your allah, tell him to pounce.

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I personally think the original topic has changed but let me try to stick with it... BF & GF ( BF=boyfriend, Gf=girlfriend.. incase u didn't know )is how you define and the agreement you make iwth ur partner. If you tell your BF or GF your intentions and what you plan to get from the relationship, then I think there would be no hassle or misunderstanding. So maybe the idea of Bf & GF has been exxagerated a little since we got to the West but from what I heard from my older relatives, it has always been similar to the ones we have now. Kissing was in the package folks... although sex was a tabboo yet guys like they do nowadays demanded it from girls they wanted No future of marriage. So if we look a little closer we see, we haven't changed much, except we speak more freely nowadays than back then.


Garab : Weera muundiyaada aad wadid jooji sxb.. walaahi waxaada ka dareey ay noqotay. Waa ku aqaanaa.. maxaa kaa jaqjaqsiinaayo i dheh.. ma rabi in meesha farfar ku taag ka bilowmo.. somalinet aa saas uga soo guurnay gacalkeey.. ee naga qaleey plzz... hadii lagaa roonaan waayo adiga roonow..

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Your sheeko is interesting abaayo, but why would someone continue a relationship for all those years. why don't they just get married when they think that they are right for each other. it is amazing how people say that hebel is with hebel for over years. isn't that gaalo imitating. I am even more conservetive than the sis. marry when you think you are ready and able other than that..stay away from bf/gf..or else something that you will regret for the rest of your life will happen dambiga iyo ceebtana iskaba daa. btw bf/gf is not even in our dictionary is it?

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Hibo kaalay ma joojininoo qaska..Aniga aa hada la iga laad laadaa nooh..iga fuji


Ani baashaal kii ahaa aan ku jiraa..


Nice storie sis...

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You guys know what I think about the "girlfriend/boyfriend" in America compared to back home in Somalia? I didn't grow up in Somalia, laakiin my mother told me how things were much less shameful. My mother told me how her family would say bring the boy home, we will fix up the livingroom and cook some tea for you guys, and you guys can chill in the livingroom and talk.


Now how often does openess and shamelessness like that happen here in America? I know I was never able to let my family know I was dating(even up until now), but how different would that be if we were in Somalia???

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Qac Qaac   

Boyfriend/Girlfriend the whole idea is wrong. and against our religion. whether it is in somalia, Europe, asia, north america... it is not natural selection that environment would change the wrong to good.... it doesn't work like that..

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