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Dowladda Federalka oo badda Mogadishu ku tijaabisay Madaafiic cusub

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Dowladda Federalka KMG Somalia ayaa markii ugu horeeysay waxay dhinaca badda u tuurtay ilaa boqol gantaal oo ka mida hubka cusub ee Madaafiicda goobta.


Gantaalaha ay tuurtay oo u badnaa Taangiyada iyo nuuca BM-ka loo yaqaan ayaa guud ahaan Mogadishu ruxay,waxaana la sheegay in Saraakiil ka mida Melleteriga Amisom casharo ku siinayeen saraakiisha Somalia qaab adeegsiga casriga ee gantaalaha.


Saraakiisha Melleteriga ee dowladda Federalka ayaa Waagacusub u xaqiijiyay in gantaalaha Madaafiicda goobta ee ay tuurayaan ay yihiin hub cusub oo ay dowladda heshay.

Sedexdii todobaad ee la soo dhaafay dowladda waxay ku jirtay diyaar garoow culus oo ay isugu diyaarineyso dagaal saf balaaran,waxaana waqtiga ugu badan la geliyay sidii loo kala saari lahaa saraakiisha hogaaminayo dagaalka iyo hagayaasha hubka culus.

Mogadishu oo rajo badan laga qabay in dadkii barakacay dib ugu laabtaan guryahooda waxaa sii laba kacleeyay qaxa dadka rayidka,waxaana degaanada loo hayaamay ee Lafoole iyo Ceelasha biyaha la iska weeydiiyaa ma waxaad tihiin barakacayaashii Cabdulahi Yusuf mise kuwa cusub ee Xasan Dahir.

Xasan Dahir Aweys oo u muuqda nin saaxada siyaasada ka baxay wuxuu noqday siyaasiga loogu neceb yahay Mogadishu ,marka la qiimeeyo hadal heynta shacabka iyo waxgaradka.

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Jaanjumow..sharif purchase of the new weapons and testing them is excellent news...but we all remember when shabab was over-streghtened by ethiopia n the tfg they resorted to insurgency.


What sharif going to do about everyday suicide bombing? maadaafic won't help..and the insurgency shabab are very good at because they had alot of practise on it with ethiopia and can quickly resort to it under sharif government.


Shabab know full well how successful insurgency tactics was insurgency tactics that made ethiopia leave...u think shabab doesnt know? sharif big weapons are good only when shabab is fighting proper battle-field..lakin not when they start using guerilla warfare...the big weapons won't win against that style of war..only good intelligence department can win against that type of war.


So what's sharif plan when this becomes insurgency? i don't even see him giving any indication let alone a solution about it...i hope he knows and if he doesn't wale we got very incompetent government.


Sharif best bet is to get an intelligence department set up and trained by the cia 1 years time u will see that insurgency rates will drop signficantly because they are being unfoiled before they happen.


A battle is war on strategy not heavy weapons...and you must be thinking about were the war will go in 1 years time and start preparing for the counter-attack.

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osman you're forgetting that the MMIS are included in the government who are also experienced in guerilla warfare. No problem about the issue of the inteligence agency. The agency exists but all it lacks is the qualified personel, but no worries people can be trained at any time.

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They better get the training going now..cia base in djibouti..but i doubt sharif can win unless he gets a miracle..he acts to slow on everything..infact when u see him he looks like the job is to tough for him..


Anyways he proved himself to be liar by using islamic court excuse before only to use it for political gain..bad reputation...and he is killing more of hamar ppl then anyone..ur only brother ku diil waa wax aad iyo aad laga fican yahay

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You may think he is slow but most of his work was behind closed doors and in meetings with foreign leaders. You have to give him credit for even being able to persuade the international community to lift the arms embargo (something abtigaa Cabdullaahi Yusuf could not do)

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This for you @Resistance

He has:

Re-established the somali army into a proper army

Re-established the somali navy

Persuaded the inernational community to remove the arms blockade

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