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Famous former warlords out in the cold....

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Qaynyare, Suudi, Finish, Dheere, Mr Waal, Musa Sudi Yalaxow are all in Baidoa, they all came to get some position, and none were included in the reshuffle..


How far we have come..

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BAYDHABO: Hoggaamiyeyaashii Dagaalka oo ku sugan Baydhabo, dadaalna ugu jira sidii ay xubno uga noqon lahaayeen Dowladda


Posted to the Web Feb 06, 18:47


Baydhabo (PP) - Hoggaamiyeyaashii Dagaalka ayaa dhammaantood gaaray Magaalada Baydhabo, iyagoo kulammo gaar-gaar ah la leh Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisul wasaarihiisa Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi.



Wararka hoose ee Puntladpost ka soo gaaraya Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in hoggaamiyeyaashii dagaalka ee ka hore xilka laga qaaday iyo kuwii aan ka tirsanayn dowaldda ee iyaguna xilalkoodii ay ka hayeen gobollada dalka qaarkood waayay ay hammaantood u xusul duubayaan sidii ay wasiirro ama xilal kale uga heli lahaayeen dowladda cusub ee uu dhawaan lagu wado inuu dhiso Prof. Geeddi.


Ilo wareedyo ku sugan Baydhabo oo ay ku sugan yihiin Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa sheegaya in ay wadaan qorshayaal ay ku doonayaan inay dib u habeyn ugu sameeyaan Dowladda hadda dhisan ee uu hoggaaminayo Ra'iisul wasaare Geeddi oo aysan ka mid ahayn hoggaamiyeyaasha dagaalka.


Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan in hoggaamiyeyaasha dagaalka lagula galayo jagooyinka la siinayo in ay ka shaqeeyaan nabad ku soo dabbaalidda Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya oo ay horay uga eryeen Maxkamadihii Midoobay.


Haddii xilalkaan loo magacaabo Wasiirradii hubeysan ee ay Maxkamaduhu ka awoodda badiyeen ayaa waxay noqonayasaa in xil la siiyo mar kale iyagoo aan wax shacbiyad ah ku lahayn Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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these are the kind of headlines that would boost TFG image and support in the country and outside ..............



jr Aidiid speaks out of his *** , ( we should join Ethopia) i hope he learned great lesson .



I hope the new ministers are fit for their title ,


We somalis in west have to support TFG even tho they fough iuc and sided with TIgrey regime . I believe Geedi and Abdulahi should both come to America , UK , and Canada but they should attract students at unversities and colleges , forget about old foks that are opposing them for tribal reasons .


But if they manage to secure somalia , get rid of the tigrey troops build somalian army consist of all tribes ( which they are in process ) we have no reason to oppose it .


Uic fighers when back their tribes and are no longer fighting under the banner of uic .......


its 2007 who in earth wants to waite for another peace process and etc ....


somalia has potential to recover and become whats now called the commercial nation UAE .

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taanu waa tusaale cad. nimankan warlord kusheega weey usoo halgameen axmarada, qeybdiid in badan buu militia so ururiyey oo galkacio keenay, hadana siidi dameer la rartey ayaa meel lagaga tagay.


waayo waxaa la helay dameero ka firfircoon. ha dhow na waa laga tagi oo dameero kale ayaa la raran.

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Bambo, Hussain shot himself in the foot and got deposed. The new faces such as Xasasn Dhimbil Warsame will bring more confidance from the public.


I think the young in the diaspora should help in terms of generating ideas, lobbying in nations like Canada, US, Europe and even in the Arab world for support both moral and material for the Somali government and people..

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Used & Abused like a diaper.Macsokor. They should start a tribunal already for these bloodsuckers yeah? But here is a fitting question; why would they replace some Warlords and keep some? Silly propaganda to gain some poltical mileage much needed by this blunderfull Govt, i tell ya.


What is the difference between Caydeed & Qaybdeed? or Sudi & Yussuf? .Heck!, The Prime minister[Who is firing & hiring] was elected by Warlords. This whole govt came into existence because of Warlords. They should all together disband the entire govt and start a fresh.

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What is the difference between Caydeed & Qaybdeed? or Sudi & Yussuf? .Heck!, The Prime minister[Who is firing & hiring] was elected by Warlords. This whole govt came into existence because of Warlords.

Same old criers!

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^^^Yuusf was an elected official in Puntland as well as in the TFG, he never was awarlord though it served the interest of some to picture him as such and play down Puntland state as a whole. It has backfired..


As for a tribunal, desperate talk from the lsoing side, if any Sharif Ahmed & Xasan Dahir would be in big trouble, since theere are many families who's children have been brainswashed in the recent clashes.

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If any Sharif Ahmed & Xasan Dahir would be in big trouble, since theere are many families who's children have been brainswashed in the recent clashes

That's chance the "losing side" is willing to take. Would you wanna the same for the criminals that make up this so called goverment?


Remember, any action taken in the name of justice will eventually benefit the Somali public.

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