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The predictability of ********* : Somalia's enemies do what was expected of them

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Somalia: Ethiopian officials meet anti terror alliance in Jowhar

Sat. June 10, 2006 02:33 pm


Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) Reliable sources from Jowhar town in middle Shabelle region in Somalia say on Saturday that Ethiopian officials reached there where they are said to have met members of anti terror alliance that recently had been defeated in Mogadishu’s clashes by Islamic courts’ union.


The Ethiopian officers met with Mohamed Qanyare Afrah, Botan Isse Alin and Abdi Nore Siad who are all members of alliance for restoration of peace and counter terrorism (ARPCT) in Jowhar airfield where the security had been tightened unusually.


Some of the warlord alliance’s members are still MPs in the Somali interim government, since the Kenya formed transitional federal government was based in power sharing system.


Nevertheless the officials returned back to Ethiopia, with other military cargo planes have landed in the Jowhar airport and it is yet known what they were carrying.


The arrival of Ethiopian officials in Jowhar town, some 90km north of the capital, came as there has been high tension there and anti terror militiamen were deployed in outskirts of the town where they dug in to prevent against any assault from Islamic fighters who are now 25km to Jowhar.


On the other hand, AC 130 Hercules plane thought to be owned by US navy has been flying over Mogadishu, Balad and Jowhar towns and it appeared to have monitored the zone war between the rivals near Jowhar.


The people in the capital remember the AC 130 plane with US bombing in Mogadishu in 1993 when 18 US personals were killed in clashes with supporters of late Mohamed Farah Aideed who was killed in civil war in 1996.




So the Ethiopians support the warlords with weapons and men.


The US provides intelligence on the Islamic fighters positions, financial support and media blanket to cover and hide the actions of the warlords and the enemies of Somalia ( read:Ethiopia)

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have a dream that one day the Somali people will end their humiliation and create one of the strongest Islamic democratic republics ever


and one day Ethiopia will suffer

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Muqdisho, June 10, 2006 (WDN) - Wararka naga soo gaaraya magalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in amniga magaaladaasi gaar ahaan garoonka dayaaradaha si weyn loo adkeeyey. Sida la sheegay waxa la xidhay dhammaan wadooyinka magaaladaasi soo gala. Wadooyinkaas oo la dhigay ciidamo aad u hubeysan oo watta gawaarida dagaalka. Waxa jira cabsi laga qabo in magaaladaasi ay weerar ku soo qaadaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ah oo ciidankooda uu ku sugan yahay meel Jowhar aan sidaa uga fogeyn.


Weriya ku sugan magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegay in magaaladaasi maanta lagu wado in uu soo gaaro gudoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb "Maxamed Dheere" oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa oo sida la sheegay uuo saanad militari ka doontay.


Weriyahan oo naga codsaday in aanaan magaciisa shaacin ayaa sidoo kale WardheerNews u xaqiijiyey in Jowhar ay maanta soo gaareen 4 dayaaradood oo xamuul ah. Kuwaas oo aan illaa hadda la garan waxa ay wadaan iyo halka ay ka yimaadeen. Waxaase loo badinayaa in diyaaradahaasi ay saanad militari u wadaan Iisbahaysiga dagaal Oogayaasha ee dhawaan lagu jebiyay Muqdisho.


Imaatinka dayaaradahan xamuulka ah ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli magaalada Jowhar ay ku sugan yihiin qabqablayaashii isbahaysigii la dagaalanka argagixisada ee Muqdisho ka baxay. Kuwaas oo kala ah Maxamed Qanyare afrax, Bootaan Ciise Caalim iyo horjoogihii maleeshiyooyinka Qanyare Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad "Cabdi Waal".


Dagaal Oogayaashan Jowhar ku sugan ayaa la sheegayaa in haatan ay wadaan abaabul dagaal oo ka dhan ah maxaakiimta islaamiga ah oo hadda gacanta ku haya magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa wararku intaas ku darayaan in hammigooda ugu weyni in uu yahay in ay dib gacanta ugu dhigaan goobihii dagaaladii Muqdisho lagaga iyo ay sii xoojiyaan gacan ku haynta Jowhar oo laga cabsi qabo in lagu weeraro.


Maxamed Cumar Aadan.

WardheerNews, Muqdisho




Same old story.

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