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Kismayo: Qarax kadhacay - Is this a Prematured assassination attempt

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Kismaayo: Qarax xalay ka dhacay Kismaayo.

3. maj 2007






Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya magalaada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in xalay halkaasi laga maqlay qarax aad u xooggan oo dadka oo dhan ay wada dareemeen.


Qaraxan ayaa ka dhacay waddada isku xirta magaalada Kismaayo iyo gagida diyaaradaha magaalada Kismaayo oo maanta la filayay in wafdi dawladda ka socda ka dhoofaan.


Qaraxan wuxuu ahaa mid la doonayay in la dhigo waddada isku xirta magaalada iyo gagida diyaaradaha Kismaayo, hase ahaatee farsamo xumo timid kadib uu ku qarxay nin halkaasi doonayay inuu qaraxa galiyo oo asagiina halkaasi ku naf waayay.


Lama aqoonsan qofka qaraxaasi ku dhintay , ayadoo la sheegay in hilibkiisa oo goo go'an ay dadku kasoo aruuriyeen meeshii qaraxu ka dhacay.


Sida ay nasoo gaarsiinayaan goob joogayaal kusugan Kismaayo wuxuu qaraxan ahaa kuwa laga hago meelaha fog fog ee lagu qarxiyo Rimuut Kantaroolka.


Dadwayne aad u argagaxsan ayaa ku xoomay goobtii qaraxu ka dhacay , ayagoo is waydiinaya waxa keenay in halkaasi lagu aaso waxyaabaha qarxa.


Wafdi kasocda dawladda oo uu hoggaaminayo Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed (Gacmodheere) ayaa la filayaa inay maanta halkaasi ka dhoofaan.


CCC Farayaamo


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Now what is this? and how has it happened? Who might be behind the operation? many unanswered questions...


Could this latest attempt reinforce the notion that the defeated Mahkamadaha(and other groups) have very strong connections to the city of Kismayo...

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Wada Hadalkii Kismaayo oo Burburey iyo Wafdigii Dowlada fedaralka ee u joogey magaalada kismaayo wada xaajoodka oo bari ka dhoofi-doona halkaasi.


Warar aanu ka helayno illo ku dhow gudigii loo xilsaaray soo afjarida khilaafaadkii ka dhacay magaalada Kismaanyo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in lagu guul daraystay soo afjarida khilaafaadkii ka taagnaa Kismaanyo.


Warku wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa in madaxdii timi Kismaanyo ee uu hogaaminayey wasiirka arrimaha gudaha, Md Maxamed Maxamuud Gacma-dhere barrito diyaarad ka raaci doonaan magaalada Kismaanyo.


Taasina waxeey cadeen u tahay haddii ay ka baxaan waftigaasi magaalada Kismaanyo aygoo aanan heshiis la garin jabhada qabsatey magaalada kismaayo, waxaa cad in aysan hureen xaaladu dagaal lagu hoobto in uu ka qarxo magaalada kismaayo.


Magaalada Kismaanyo ayaa waxa lagu soo waramayaa in ay isku biirsanayaan xoogagii Muqdisho lagaga adkaaday iyo qabaa’ilada qaarkood oo maalmahan hoos ka guuxayey.


Wafdigii u tagey magaalada kismaayo in ay xaliyaan khilaafadka ka jira kismaayo ayaa waxaa jahwareer ka qabsadey isbad-badalka aan caadiga aheen ee mar waliba ku dhaca go’aanka ay la gaaran xubnaha matala jabhada qabsatey magaalada kismaayo.


Waxaa kaloo jirta shaqsiyaad caan ah oo isqarinaya oo ku lug leh ,abaabulida dagaalka iyo gadaal ka gujinta dagaalada iyo khilaafadka hada ka taagan magaalada kismaayo, taasina waxaa cadeen u ah wafdiga uu hogaaminayo wasiirka arimaha-gudaha Md Maxamed Maxamuud gacma-dheere oo wixii go’aano ah iyo heshiis ah goorteey is afgarad ku dhameystan labada dhinac ayey waxeeyjabhada kismaayo qabsatey codsadaan in waqti yar oo iswareysi ah si gooni ah loo siiyo ka dibna ay taleefoon ku wacaan meelo aan la garaneynin oo laga hagayo, ka dibna ay la soo noqdaan dardar cusub iyo qodabadii horey looga wada Hadley oo lagu heshiiyey in ay qashinka ku shubaan.


Waxaa kaloo jirta in aysan ayaduna meesha ka maqneyn in la isku heysto ka guurida ama ka bixida, goobaha dowlada ay ku shaqeyn laheed oo ay degan yihiin dad badan oo ka mid ah dadka rabshadaha ka wada magalada kismaayo,ay ka mid tahay xarunta gobolka kismaayo, xerooyinkii ciidanka xooga dalka, warshadihii qaranka iyo goobo badan.


Dowlada Fedaralka ayaa waxeey muujineysaa dulqaad aad u farabadan maadama jabhada kismaayo qabsatey ayba leysey ciidamo ka tirsan xooga dalka somaliya iyo xasuuq loo geystey dad badan oo rayid ah anan waxba galabsan.


Lama oga halkeey sal dhigan doonto xasarada kismaayo ka aloolsan laakin WOOBOOY LOOBA JOOGEY.


Xafiiska Warqabadka ee Shabakada

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KISMAAYO: Qarax ka dhacay Kismaayo oo sababay geerida ruuxii waday waxyaabaha qarxay oo damacsanaa inuu...

Posted to the Web May 03, 09:06



Kismaayo (PP) - Hal qof ayaa ku dhintay bam xalay fiidkii lagu qarxiyay waddada isku xirta Magaalada Kismaayo iyo garoonka diyaaradaha ee Kismaayo, iyadoo wararka ka imaanay Kismaayo ay sheegayaan in ruuxa ku dhintay bamkaas uu ahaa kii waday.


Ruuxaan ayaa ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa mid doonayay inuu halkaas ku aaso bamka, si uu qarax ugu sameeyo gawaarida wadda xubno ka tirsan Dowladda oo lagu wado inay maanta ka soo duulaan Kismaayo kuwaasoo uu horkacayo Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed (Gacmodheere).


Wararka kale ee Kismaayo ka imaanaya ayaa waxay sheegayaan in bamkaas sababta halkaas loogu aasayay ay ahayd in lagu waxyeelleeyo gawaari soo galbin lahayd maanta xubnaha maamulka Gobolka oo ku soo jeeday Kismaayo kana imaanayay Deegaanno ka tirsan Duleedka Kismaayo.


Arrintu si kastaba ha ahaateen Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliiska Kismaayo Ibraahim Khaliif Shanqool ayaa saxaafadda u sheegay inay u dabo jiraan booliisku sidii ay u ogaan lahaayeen cidii soo abaabushay bamkaan oo la doonayay in waddada lagu aaso.


"Waxaan haynaa ruuxii aasi lahaa bamkaas ee waday qaybtiisa hore qaar ka mid ah iyo gacan ka mid ah labadiisa gacmood, intii kale ay tirtirantay, waxaana lagu wadaa baaritaan lagu ogaanayo halka uu bamkaas ka keenay iyo goobta uu u waday" ayuu yiri Shanqool oo sheegay inay saxaafadda u soo gudbin doonaan wararka ku saabsan arirntaas.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost Mogadishu

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Afgaduud made a mistake. The Gedo clans are force to reckon with in that city. Like it or not, they are here to stay.


The governor made a mistake when he prematurely asked them to return government properties! What was he thinking? The hard truth is this clan are new comer to the city and as such they live in the very installations the governor is asking them to return.


Even though some of wealthiest sons of city hail from Gedo like Xareed yarow, Huseen least back in the days when I lived in the city, the majority of the new comers don't have properties to live. That's why scores of them live now in Madaxtooyada, Dalxiiska, Labada Shiirkole, Xerada Mariinada, Guryaha Ruushka, Xarumaha Xisbiga, Warshada Hilibka, Warshada Hargaha, TransJuba, Xerada Seerjito, Wakaalada Kaluumeysiga, Wagad, Dugsiga Sare Ganaane, Waamo Primary School, Bangiga Dhexe, and Inji. TFG is asking trouble for what they're asking them to do amounts to clan cleansing in their view.


Leave them alone for now. The process of rectifying the problem should be gradual. The majority of this clan much of whom moved in during civil war don't have properties of their own. TFG ought to be using political solution to sort the real estate headache out...too many properties have changed hands during the civil war. Reconciliation is in order...I can't emphasize enough...the alternative is that we'll keep on fighting and fusing. Also an ad hoc dialogue between the warring clans without TFG involvement prior reconciliation grand meeting (independant one where the TFG sits in through its 4.5 reps as part of the Somali conflict) is something that need to be explored.


All in all, Afgaduud and the governor should be warned about the consequences of clan conflict in the area. Many many Somalis who lost their properties in the capital have invested a great deal of wealth in Kismayo. TFG has already wreak havoc on Benadir and turned the clock back by 7 years in my estimation(in terms of biz destroyed, houses burned, animosity rekindled).


Nimankan reer Gedo awoowayaal aashiina Kismayo is owned by the folks who own the houses, businesses, the folks who built the masjids, Cinemas, hotels,...those who own the merchant ships, the nomads who roam in the baadiye...the ones who built water collection pits known waro...majority of them belong to clans other than reer Gedo.



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^^^ Mayee dadka qaarkood magaaladaas bidaa ku cuntay. May be there's loot being contested here. Who knows. It's the second or third largest city. It has a port. It wasn't destroyed as Xamar. It's close to the Kenyan border. A lot could be at stake. But it could also be the usual asinine clan rivalries of Somalis.

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Afgaduud made a mistake. The Gedo clans are force to reckon with in that city. Like it or not, they are here to stay.


The governor made a mistake when he prematurely asked them to return government properties! What was he thinking? The hard truth is this clan are new comer to the city and as such they live in the very installations the governor is asking them to return.


Even though some of wealthiest sons of city hail from Gedo like Xareed yarow, Huseen least back in the days when I lived in the city, the majority of the new comers don't have properties to live. That's why scores of them live now in Madaxtooyada, Dalxiiska, Labada Shiirkole, Xerada Mariinada, Guryaha Ruushka, Xarumaha Xisbiga, Warshada Hilibka, Warshada Hargaha, TransJuba, Xerada Seerjito, Wakaalada Kaluumeysiga, Wagad, Dugsiga Sare Ganaane, Waamo Primary School, Bangiga Dhexe, and Inji. TFG is asking trouble for what they're asking them to do amounts to clan cleansing in their view.


Leave them alone for now. The process of rectifying the problem should be gradual. The majority of this clan much of whom moved in during civil war don't have properties of their own. TFG ought to be using political solution to sort the real estate headache out...too many properties have changed hands during the civil war. Reconciliation is in order...I can't emphasize enough...the alternative is that we'll keep on fighting and fusing. Also an ad hoc dialogue between the warring clans without TFG involvement prior reconciliation grand meeting (independant one where the TFG sits in through its 4.5 reps as part of the Somali conflict) is something that need to be explored.

Baashiyow Im :confused: , are you being sarcastic or are you for real? C'mon now!


I as well as every sane human being knows that what you wrote might be the root of the problem, but can't be the real solition... Sxb think about the sort of privilages can the clan of Gedo have over other resident clans, If they are allowed to do whaterver they want, live and stay anywhere they wish and instal or chuck off any man as they please( in this case AFgadud and the governer as you blame them to be wrong and thus listen to reer gedo or hit the highway)... Therefore what sort of privalages would let say Morgans clan have? and what about Abdi Mahdi's clan... and think of the rest....


Dee markaa Qolona jidadka halo ogolaado inay isbaaro iska dhigato, qolo Tekeda haqabsato kuwa yar yar oo dhanna Airport-ka hala siiyo, in that way it works out to be fair, but only treat one group better than the other in the name of good intentions would be couterproductive... Simply impossible...

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Awoowe I understand where you're coming from...I really do! but think about it keeping the peace and having biz going is much more important than having this upstart Afgaduud and the governor exact their revenge on one the clans residing the city.


Without guns reer Gedo will be harmless and the residents of the city will wind up controlling the city without TFG's help. Money, assets, Kenya connection, owning the means of production will make the difference.


All they are asking are political appointees (that can change anytime the admin changes so there is no big deal there) and have their maato live in goverment installations (they are open to compromise -- let them keep destroyed factories and coal laydown yard plus enji)


That's win-win situation.




It's clan contest like no other we've seen before. You have two clans one from PL and one from Afmadow who contest control over Lower Juba on the one hand and both these two rivals trying to prevent the new stake holder fro Gedo to cement its gains during the civil war on the other hand. There is no easy fix!

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Baashi I think it is about time you went back to that city and see the reality. Enforcing an air of neutrality and completely twisting the root cause of the problem will not work for you adeer. There has been life in Kismaayo ever since 1978 when the city was inhabited by few locals and the airlifted victims of the Dabodheer drought. ;)


This is more like your previous caught-red-handed ICU vs. TFG analyzation but only this time you deem yourself a real part of the equation. That's the effect clan has on most. :D


Boowe, yaad iska gadaysaa?




Who do you think has the most to gain from this stunt? :D

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That city is a ghost town, it has no functioning hospital. As for these militias they will be disarmed the troops have left Mogadishu already.

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N/AA What stunt? are you talking about the Qarax? I don't know? but now since that has happened what is the point of raising the question, you can't turn the clock back, can you?


Or your rhetoric question suggests that, since this stunt will have no use to Gedo clan thus they are not behind it, if that is your point, then who suggested that they were behind this incident? I didn't I guess...

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Lol @ ghost town! :D


Duke, I do not see how Puntland will fare now that practically the whole Mogadishu affiliated clans are on revenge-mode and you are advocating war on the men who have always protected you. :D

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I would hate to point fingers when I do not know the facts so I will not. But logic tells you this kind of stunt benefits one group and is intended to harm the image of other.


Perhaps it is a backtracking on the saber-rattling and a distress call for Ethiopia's aid ;) ....

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Baashi Awoowe, I expected you to side no group in what's happening in Somalia nowadays, you have shown this for a while and cleanly prestend your arguments convincinly, I must say that I admired your approach to the current Somali crisis and at times influenced me to side with you and support your views, but what I least expected from you was to come across as a Gedo clan advocate or even being apologetic about their lalest attempts and overall stance... That was just pathetic attempt and one that we all leave....

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