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General Duke

Sweden supports the TFG

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Dawladda Sweden oo taageero lixaad leh siinaysa Soomaaliya.


20. Feb 2007


Dawladda Sweden ayaa go'aan ku gaartay inay samayso qorshe cusub oo ay ku taageerayso dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


Qorshahan ayaa dhigaya in dhinaca dhaqaalaha , nabad galyada, dib u heshiisiinta iyo arimaha bani aadantinimo laga caawiyo dalka Soomaaliya.


Wasiirka iskaashiga iyo horumarka caalamiga ah ee dalka Sweden Gunilla Carlsson ayaa sheegtay in ujeedada qorshahan ay tahay sidii loo hor marin lahaa arimaha dib u heshiisiinta, nabad galyada iyo dib u samaynta dawlad hawl gasha.


Waxay wasiiraddan sheegtay in caawinta Sweden ee Soomaaliya ay tahay mid dalka oo dhan lawada gaarsiinayo ee aysan meelo gaar ah ku ekayn.


Ms Carlasson waxay intaasi ku dartay inay adkaan doonto bixinta gar gaar agaasiman ,waxayna intaasi raacisay in hadda gar gaar deg deg ah lagu bixiyo dib u heshiisiinta siyaasadeed.


Gar gaarka lasiin doono dalka Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay in lagu salayn doono dastuurka u yaalla dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya , iyo qodobadii lagu heshiiyay shirkii 2004ta.


Sweden waxay ka hadashay in arimo muhiim ah ay tahay in la da dajiyo ciidamo gaynta Soomaaliya, si halkaasi ay uga baxaan ciidamada Itoobiya.


CCC Farayaamo


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Decision on Swedish support to Somalia


The Government decided today on a new strategy document - an "approach" - for Swedish aid-financed support to the peace and reconciliation process in Somalia and to the country's extensive humanitarian needs.


The objective of Sweden's involvement in Somalia is to promote lasting reconciliation, stability and the re-establishment of effective governance, which is needed to make it possible to combat poverty. Swedish development assistance to Somalia is to encompass the whole country. Attention is to be paid to regional variations regarding needs, security and prospects of achieving the goals set.


For 2007, more long-term development assistance of SEK 50 million is planned, along with humanitarian aid amounting to some SEK 100 million. The volume of Swedish aid will depend on the prospects of providing effective and results-oriented support in Somalia.


"The difficult situation in Somalia requires coordinated international aid. It is now particularly urgent to bring about a working political reconciliation," says Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson.


"It is therefore extraordinarily important that the Transitional Federal Government shows it is serious about its message of a broad political dialogue with all constructive forces in Somalia. Speedy deployment of the African Union peace force will make it possible for other countries' forces to leave Somalia promptly and enable the process of political reconciliation to get properly started," says Ms Carlsson.


Swedish support to Somalia is based on the Transitional Charter, the political framework that was agreed on in the 2004 peace agreement.[/n]


Developments in Somalia since the peace agreement entered into force in autumn 2004 have failed to match expectations. The situation became more acute in 2006 when the Transitional Federal Government was challenged by the "Islamic Courts". A further illustration of the instability of the political situation in Somalia came in December 2006 when Ethiopia's military incursion drove the Islamic Courts out and the AU decided on a peace mission (AMISOM) to support a political solution and to accelerate the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops. Since then the international community has been working to bring about and support a broad political process in Somalia.


EU and UN policies and support to Somalia provide a platform for Swedish support. A large part of Sweden's support is channelled via different UN organs. Sweden's active involvement includes its role in the International Contact Group for Somalia. Sweden is also a central actor in the EU for shaping overall EU involvement in and support for peace, reconciliation and development in Somalia.


It should be possible to expand Swedish development assistance to Somalia as conditions are created to support the emergence of national, regional and local administrations that fairly reflect the mosaic of clans making up Somali society.


Institution-building and capacity-strengthening of this kind is utterly crucial if Somalia is to be able to build up a functioning government administration after 15 years of lawlessness.

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Sweden oo taagereysa Somalia

20 Feb 20, 2007 - 5:50:52 AM


Dowladda Swedan ayaa sheegtay in ay taageero dhaqaale ay u fidineyso xukuumadda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, si loo kaabo arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta iyo amniga.


Wasiirka iskaashiga iyo horumarka caalamiga ee dalka Swedan Gunilla Carlsson ayaa sheegtay in dowladdeedu ay dooneyso in ay sameyso qorshe lagu horumarinayo arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta, amniga iyo sidii loo heli lahaa dowlad howlgasha, isla markaana dhaqaalaha ugu horeeya lagu bixin doono dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya.


Gunilla Carlsson ayaa sheegtay in loo baahan yahay in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ciidamado nabad ilaalin loo geeyo dalka Soomaaliya si ay wax ugu qabtaan amni xumida ka jirta dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna soo dhoweysay in lagama maar maan ay tahay in la helo ciidamo suga amniga.


Ugu danbeyntiii Wasiirka ayaa sheegtay in gargaarka ay bixineyso dowladda Swedan la gaar siin doono guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya oo aysan ku koobnaan doonin meel gaar ah.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,GO

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Sweden supports them, Kenya Supports them, Ethiopia supports them, the USA supports them, China supports, Yeman supports them, UK supports them, UN supports them.


Seems like the only people that do not support them are the Somali people!

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^^^The Somali people support them, a very tiny segment led by looters and criminals who control some media outlets are agaisnt them, however they do not speak for the Somali people.

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Duke, you need to face the facts my friend. You can lie to yourself all you want but YOU and ME both know the trueth. No one supports the TFG except criminals and qabiilists.

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^^^Saxib you are the one lying and hiding behind murders as proof of the will of the people.

The Somali people in 15 regions are all happy, they are not making threats or setting of bombs.


Or do you belive that Shabbele Radio, Horn Afrik and Yusuf Garad, all from one sub clan who happen to be supporters of their kinsmen IndaCade, Xasan Dahir speak for the Somali people?


Everyone supports the TFG, from Puntland to Juba's, everyone wanats a functioning governemnt and not the lies of warlords and fake clan courts..

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^^^Saxib, the TFG has crushed the clan courts and humbled the warlords of Mogadishu, it controls the port, airport, presedential villa, and all the check points of the city.


The rest of the country is quite. Now you who belives that bombs raining down on civilian areas some how will get rid of the TFG is delusional and quite baffled..

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SWEDEN: Dowlada Iswiidhan go'aansatay iney taageerto dowlada Soomaaliya

Posted to the Web Feb 20, 22:46



Sweden: (pp) - Dowlada Iswiidhan ayaa waxaa ay goàansatay iney taageero u fidiso dowlada soomaaliyeed.Kaalmadaas oo ah mid dhaqaale waxaa ay ku wajahan tahay dhinaca dib u heshiisiinta, dib u dhiska dalka iyo dhinaca bulshadaba.


Ujeedada ugu weyn ee kaalmadaan waxaa weeyaan in wadanka soomaaliya laga abuuro nabad iyo deganaansho waara. Waxaa kale oo ay dowlada Iswiidhan dooneysaa in dib loo diso qaybaha kala duwan ee maamulka degmooyinka si loo helo xukun bulshadeed tayo leh.


Arrintaasi waxaa ay muhiim u tahay la dagaalanka saboolnimada, sida ay dowlada Iswiidhan ku sheegtay qoraalkeeda. Kaalmadaas waxaa la gaarsiin doonaa wadanka Soomaaliya oo dhan. Waxaa tixgelin la siin doonaa kala duwanaanshaha gobolada soomaliyeed ee ah dhinaca baahida, nabadgelyada iyo arrimaha kale ee kala duwan.


Sanadkaan aan ku jiro ee 2007-da waxaa la siin doonaa Soomaaliya lacag dhan 150 milyan oo karoonka wadanka iswiidhan ah. Lacagtaas oo sidaan kor ku soo sheegnayba loogu talo galay dhinacyada kala duwan ee dib u soo nooleynta bulshada soomaaliyeed. Kaalmada ay Iswiidhan bixin doonto waxaa ay mar walba ku xiraan doontaa hadba sida xaalada wadanku tahay iyo natiijada laga gaarey kaalmadii hore ee la bixiyey.


Wasiirada kaalmada dibada ee Iswiidhan oo la yiraa Gunnila carlsson ayaa iyadoo arintaas ka hadleysa waxaa ay tiri. " Xaalada adag ee soomaaliya waxaa ay u baahan tahay in si wadajir ah caalamka oo dhami uga qayb qaato, si loo helo nabad iyo xasilooni siyaasadeed oo waarta" Iyadoo hadelkeedii sii wadata wasiiradu ayey tiri. " Waxaa aad iyo aad muhiim u ah in ciidamada nabad ilaalinta ee midowga afrika ay si dhaqsi leh u tagaan wadanka soomaaliya si ay ciidamada ka socda wadamada kale uga baxaan wadanka soomaaliya.


Waana in dowlada ku meelgaarka ah ee soomaaliya ay ka dhabaysaa balanqaadkeedii ahaa in ay shir dib uheshiisiin ah fureyso. Dowlada Iswiidhan waxaa ay kaashan doontaa jamciyada quruumaha ka dhexaysa iyo ururka yurub si kaalmada dhinaca siyaasadeed iyo dhaqaale ee ku wajahan soomaaliya loo mideeyo.


Haddaba si aan warar dheeraad ah uga helo arinkaan ayaan lahadlay Andreas Ershammar oo ah xooghayaha waaxda arimaha Afrika ee wasaarada arimaha dibada ee Iswiidhan. Waxaa uu xooghayuhu ii sheegay in ay dowlada iswiidhan iyadoo kaashaneysa ururka la yiraa " kooxda xiriirka" ama "kontact group" ay dooneyso iney si qoto dheer ula socoto arimaha soomaaliya.

Waxaan la soo qaaday qorshe ay dowladii hore ee iswiidhan horey u bilowday halka uu marayo. Kaas oo ahaa in qaar ka mid ah aqoonyahanka soomaaliyeed ee iswiidhan jooga loo diro soomaaliya si ay uga qayb qaataan dib u dhiska wadanka, dowlada iswiidhana ay bixiso mushaharkooda. Waxaa uu xoghayuhu ii sheegay in dowlada cusub ee Iswiidhan ay qorshahaas taageersan tahay, Balse arintaas howsheeda ay iska leedahay hayàda kaalmada Iswiidhan ee kolka la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaan SIDA.


Tarjumay: Dr. Cabdirisaq Maxamed xuseen

Puntlandpost, Eskilstuna, Sweden

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Saxib, the
has crushed the clan courts and humbled the warlords of Mogadishu, it controls the port, airport, presedential villa, and all the check points of the city.

^^Give the credit where it's due adeer. It was Ethiopia with the help of America that exacted the defeat.


The desparation is comming from both sides for a good reason. The Ethio-tfg part are dolling out nightly artilleries to certain suspected neighborhoods in Mogadishu and it seems their act is one of a revenge rather than security operation intended to pacify the city. It’s becoming quite apparent that the framework that brought tfg to the city is no longer sustainable. For one can’t govern with raining down bombs on the very subject he claims to have secured their loyalty.


Since you have highlighted why one side of this equation is desperate, I thought, you urgently need a reminder that your cow is not holy either. So aayar with the swagger saaxiib

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^^ The TFG is making strides even though some terrorists and anarachists are trying to disrupt the order. Just like Allah gave victory at iidaale and diinsoor, he will finish off the rest of these pests. Allah's sunna doesn't change.

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