
Al-shbaab could get an ideological opponents, thanks to the Somali government strategy.

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Last week was the celebration of the birth of our Prophet , peace be upon him.  Millions of Muslims around the world observed with hymn, chants and Qasiido to honor one of the mercies Allah has sent to his Ummah. For many Muslim families including mine , it just any other day while acknowledging this special day. When we were growing up, especially in childhood, it was exciting to see the cheering and chants in the street and the free food and during provided by those who love the Prophet PBUH more than others, The Sufis.

For the last 35 years the knowledge of Islam among the populace had increased dramatically. Worshiping the dead and congrating burial places of famous Sheikhs had disapeared completely among the Somali people. Nowdays, people know who to worship and who to ask help. While educating the public and encouraging  them to get rid of certain habits that doesn't serve them or their faith, that doesn't mean , that we Somalis, the foundations of Islamic faith in the horn of Africa,  didn't discover Islam lately as , claimed by the current crops of Wahabis.


Islam came to us before it reached Medinah. Decades before Islam reached Baghdad, Cairo or Lahore, Pakistan. We have Masjidu Qiblateyn in Zailac Awdal, which had two Qibla, one for the early Qibla Jerusalem and the later Makkah. You could easily find our Islamic traditions in our poems, folklores and history. Sometimes, you might gain something while losing other valubale traditions that holds communities as a glue. Burial ground worshiping has disapeared so does mercy, social cohesion, time honored traditions and the Somali culture itself.

Before, I get sidetracked let us get to the main topic.

President HAssan Sheikh Mohamuud had decided to change the strategy of the war.  With the suggestions of the minister of interior Ahmed Macalin Faqi, who seem to be the main ideologue of the HSM government , they will be waging the war on ideological front. While some clans in Hiiraan are waging the war against the Khawaariij, , the deep penetration of Al-shbaab among Somali elders and society, especially in rural and small villages is deep. It was Sheikh Hassan D. Aweys and others who instructed their flowers to immerse themselves within the communities they live with by marrying the druthers of Sultans, chief elders, business people and those who have moral standing among the people. Sheikh Aweys himself married women from defferent clans by enlarging his entourage. The top Al-shabaab senior leader killed by American drones was his brother in law along with his son.


So, HSM and Faqi had decided to arm another group of or I should say "sect"  who has extensive membership within the country these days. They decided to arm the Sufis.


The Sufis, especially those in central Somalia,  oppose the WAhabi inspired Al-shbabaab. . In fact, the Sufis will not only hunt them down, but  they oppose and hate the ideology of Al-shabaab with a zeal never seen anywhere. This idea of unleashing the Sufis against the Khawaariij is an out of the box thinking, in fact, it is a genius idea.  Every idea has advantages and disadvantages.

Let us explore the main advantages first.

First of all, the Sufis doesn't need indoctrination or patriotic sermons to convince them to fight against Al-shabaab. It is part of their ideology to get rid of the Wahabis from the land. THey even have slogans that say the " Khawaariij does not love Prophet Mohamed Peace be upon him. 

Second, unlike the Wahabis , they have certain Sheikhs whom they admire and flow.  Furthermore, they don't flow none of the middle east and east Asian movements like the Tabliiq, Akhwaan or the Wahabis. It is a home made tradition with its local strength and weakness. Also, just like Al-shabaab, they cross tribal lines smoothly with ease. In central Somalia, you have the Caabudwaaq, Xeraale and Dhuusamareeb clans all united in their movement despite their different clans.

The disadvantage of arming the Sufis are also there.

First, unlike the " Macawslay" of Hiiraan, these guys want to be in the government. Remember Sheikh Shaakir and Macalin Mohamed who fought through the nail to be part of Galmudug government. Also, they have connections with the international players in terms of procuring arms and other for help, especially Ethiopia. 

Second, their hatred of Al-shbaab includes anyone connected to the Wahabi sect.  And that will create a huge problem. The Wahabi flowers have extensive business and educational connections from Borama to Burco, from Boosaaso to Mogadishu and beyond. And these Wahabis consider the Sufis us lost souls that must be eliminated, not through education , but even by force if necessary. 

Folks, this could be a big war that could unleash something we haven't seen before in our life time. Wahabi Vs Sufi. 

A Sufi officer pronouced the other day while tounting the Khawaariij:  Love the Prophet PBUH , so your hellfire stay could be moderated (Rsuulka Jeclaada Cadaabta ha la idinka Khafiifiye)

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This war is already inuu fashilmo ku dhowyahay because hal qabiil ayaa dagaalka ku rafanaayo. Wasiirkii hore Goodax Barre admitted this, too.

Kuwa afka duubnaa dagaalyahanadooda u badnaa Hiiraan ayee iskugu geeyeen. Instead of leaders - especially by Laftagareen iyo Axmed Madoobe - taking of advantage of this void of deegaanada ee baneeyeen in Shabeellaha Hoose iyo Jubbada Dhexe, waxaa aragnaa dad hurdo. One reason is shaki weyn ayee ka qabaan Xasan Sh. iyo co. inay qiyaamaan.

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One thing is becoming clear. This is becoming a HAG people's war against Al-shbabaab because both Ahmed Madoobe and C/caziiz lafta Gareen refused to use clans. 

So, this isn't a national effort but a regional or localized war by certain politicians close to the president, especially Sanbloolshe and others. If this war is led by the military, we want to know the army general who is in chaege, because clans can join that fight , but they can't be left to them to manage or lead.

As we know Somali clans arre usually very strange, because traditionally, where the ctribe begins,  integrity ends. Even some local clans are complaining because the Sanbloolshe clan want to take all the credit, and then say, " Anagaa Kaadida U soo cabnay".

Even Xildhibaan Jeesow took his gun and showed off with the camera to claim his clan turf of this war.

Furthermore, if the clans and the army lose this war, or leave things as they were before, it could be the biggest disaster of all. That is why it is do or die for HSM and company. In fact, if he loses this war, he has no choice but to resign.




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