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Population control is it racism?

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Simply put, any race that wants to have a say in this world must be a race with many babies! Poverty doesn't matter when it comes to the numbers of people.


Take China for example, a communist nation country with 1.2 billion people. Now you might think that the world superpower (usa) wouldn't want to do business with them because their ideology is one that they dislike but that would be their loss since their companies would lose 1.2 billion customers. You even have something General Motors plants in 'Communist' China. That's the economic connection.


Then there's also the connection of rule. 1 person nomatter how rich cannot rule over 10 poor ones, because that simply doesn't make sense. Therefore, for the West to stay in power they must try to control the population of the poorer nations, and promote their population growth.


There are more connections ofcourse but i won't get into that.



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I was wondering why the west is so bent on promoting population control programs in non-white regions of the world namely Africa?

Did you read about The Death of the West by some faggedy American Buchanan? It talks about the lack of birth in the west by white people, and their country being over populated by immigrants.


So, anyways, this is just a subtle way of saying that the pattern of white superiority in numbers has been broken.

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And then there natural population control such as disease and wars...evens out the population

like have you ever noticed that when there a time of great sickeness/disease after it end the economy and standard of living elavates

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The answer is ...the whites are less than 10% of world's population and they are demising slowly!

By the year 2050 the world will be ful of people of color!(UN-report)

Figure it out now....why the population control-crap became the big issue in the west!


Now if you're a white person...You must have some sleepless nights,right??



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it is not racism, it is planning and the white people want to reduce our population by 25% each month so that there can be more whiteeees around!!

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(Everyone of us is a RACIST in some how. Better we hide our feelings so as not to hurt.)


Most of the whites that are living around my place are having no kids. Very few of them are having one or two.


I am not surprised if they lecture on us having few but productive kids. They believe that having many kids is a burden to the family.. Maybe, Inteey dhabarkeyga ku jiri lahaayeen, jidadka ha daadsanaadeen is not effective in Europe or elsewhere in the West.

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the way i see it is like this:

in africa it's a country that is not industrilazed except for maybe 4 countries the rest of the african nations depend on agriculture, now land isn't getting bigger but with our extreme high percentage of birth rates creats more mouths than the land can produce in terms of foods. Now as to the western worlds, they are a capitalists socitey, huge industerlized systems therefore they need higher percetage of ppl to help continue increasing the economy, in another words they need more ppl working for each senior citizen or a child that is out there. Our economic goals are different therefore our output shouldn't not be the same or looked at in the same manners.

that's my 1 1/2 cents on this topic.

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Thomas Malthus' Theory on Population.


Thomas Malthus's studies on the growth of population led to the development of the field of demography. According to Malthus, population tends to increase faster than the supply of food available for its needs. Whenever a relative gain occurs in food production over population growth, a higher rate of population increase is stimulated; on the other hand if population grows too much relative to food production, the growth is checked by famine, disease, and war. Malthus's theory contradicted the optimistic belief prevailing in the early 19th century, that a society's fertility would lead to economic progress. He advocated sexual abstinence or restraint to control population increases and acknowledged the role of the plagues, wars, and epidemics in containing overpopulation. Malthus specifically suggested that people marry later and have smaller families. Due to these ideas, economics earned its name as "The Dismal Science". But it won considerable support and was often used as an argument against efforts to better the condition of the poor.

Source: click here



Further reading visit: Thomas Malthus: Theory of over population

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Thunder, the answer is made clear by those that replied before me. Just one thing particular to our people, if we cannot rule over measily 8 million, what would a billion Somali people represent. Ponder on that.

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I don't think it has anything to do with conspiracies such as white supremacy or even Malthusian theories. Rather it is an outdated mode of development which reflects greed and corruption. Sure it is easier to blame population control than to admit that at any given point in time there are enough resources (food, medicine etc) to sustain twenty billions lives. If the west and the well off admit to this point, they will be depicting a morally repugnant view of themselves and this will not help them sleep better at night.



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Why is it everything you feel uncomfortable about you attribute to racism?


Population control is a valid idea. Yes, we don’t agree with it as Muslims but what you have to ask yourself is this; does it make sense?

It’s not only about FOOD; it’s about education and health too. Man does his best to formulate laws and practises that will make his life and those of others easier. Lets leave the West out of the equation for a minute; let’s look at parents in Asia and Africa. I can foresee a scenario of a woman getting pregnant with her tenth child in India (or Rwanda) and because she does not have IMAN, she’ll be reproaching herself for getting pregnant yet again! The father will probably do the same. Would you say such a couple are racist towards their own offspring?


Family planning is not an idea invented by the West; it has always been there on some individual level. Don’t agree with it, give reasons for not agreeing with it but please stop blaming every bad thing in the world on racism. This conspiracy stuff and victim culture is very undignified.

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It is not conspiracy nor is it victim culture but it is what I called airing grievences!


Whether you agree or not or whether west invented “it” or not, one thing is certain and that is the west is driving the family planning programs and they are not doing it out of compassion as they would like you to think! One thing to blame is poverty. It is poverty through and through! Some would like us to think family planning and abortion are the cures that will put to an end to our problems namely infant mortality. The argument and its justification is familiar. We need help and those who can help have agenda of their own. In every handout, there is some sort of string attached to it.


As many other global policies, family planning has a purpose to serve and goals to achieve. Too often, the host indigenous countries reap no benefit in adopting these programs because they are ineffective. The resources spent on its implementation can be used to cure or prevent the very deceases that cause infant mortality. With the exception of China, family planning programs in Africa, Asia, and Americas is funded by the West all the while it endorses and advocates policies (at national level) that would address population decline in their polities. West is very much to blame in throwing its immense weight in the affairs of others.


I am in the opinion that west has no business in shaping the individual choice (women’s choice to have offspring or for that matter couple’s choice). If they are so moved in seeing how poor, sick, and helpless others are and want to be helpful, they should lend in helping hand with no strings attached.

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Ngonge there are consiquences that come with population control.


lets take japan for instance birth rate is very low around 1.25 a family; while death the rate rate is sky rocking, this country was one of the countries that wanted population control, look at what happened. i was watching the discovery chanel the other day i was astonished to find senior citizens had no place to live in, i mean they had to go through 1-3 year waiting list for a nursing home.

the birth rate in Kenya was 7 children per mother now it went down to 4 or 5, you would think this country is making process yeah. here is the clincher with the Aids/Hiv epidemic the death rate has increased therefore the balance is lost again.

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I don’t believe the West do most things out of compassion. They do things to serve their own ends. They also aim to force their values and morals on everyone else because they believe them to be right. However, I stand by my earlier comments regarding racism and the victim culture. We don’t need to blame the West for trying to look after their interests when we don’t look after our own. If we look at the big picture then maybe the West would shoulder some of the blame for the state Africa (and many poor countries) are in. But, most of the blame would lie with those countries and their people. The West does not force us to kill each other. The West does not force us to cheat, steal and brutalise our own people. The West only takes advantage of our own ********* .



The topic was about family planning but the original poster didn’t expand on his/her ideas on that subject, they didn’t even ask a question (other than the racism bit)!

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