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Gabdhihiinan Xishoonin!!!!!

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walaal waxaan modayey wax aad aminsantahay oo anu kama xanaaqin hasayeshe waxan rabay wax daliil ah , ina dadka la iska magin amase wax laga sheegin dumar ana nimanba. waxaan modayey meshan in ay tahay meel wax la aminsanahay la share gareeyo oo marka la discuss gareeyo oo qofwalba prove ama daliil wuxu sheego keenaya oo marka wax la isla fahmayo. Hasayeshe saad sheegtay waaad iska hadasha waxaaguna waa 99% joke and 1 % bs lol marka from now on i am aware that you are just a joker, and dont mean more than half of what you are saying. igana raali ahow hadaad mooday in aan cadhooday, qof in uu wax iska dhaho without a reason ayaan jecleen uun. raalina ahow if u thought i was angry, i wasnt really it is a way i express myself.

wa salaamu alaikum.


p.s. last time i posted something related with this girl you were going out with i spend a while analyzing and writing an informative respond . You havent even bother to reply yeh u are 100% a joker icon_razz.gif ..gabadhiii ma jirtey mise waxaad aliftu ahaa to waste time Ya ilahi wax wareer badan adi uun jire :D ....

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Aaliya when I'm serious abaayo waad iga fahmee don't


Gabarta sheekadeeda was actualy 80% truth run ahaantii laakiin xoogaa kaftan ahna wee ku jirtay.. Sheekh Nur aniga waqti kama lumin laheen... Sheekadii gabartaasna advice kaaga aan qaatay oo waqti kama lumin.. aabiteyda aan u jiray... waqtiga iskama lumin ayadana kama lumin....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Abti ma taqaanid gabdhahaan SOL, Musbaar iyo liif ee ku dagaalamaan iyo kabta taakadeeda...marka raali ahoo..kiligaa lee waaye...


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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asalaamu alaikum,


jacaylbaro way to go walaal. Honestly, i dont go anywhere without my lipstick smile.gif . wearing lipstick just makes you look a whole lot sexier.


maaanta hadalkaagi dib aad ula noqoday @ tuujiye saasa laga raba watch hadaladaada icon_razz.gif kan kale adiga kugu daynayana shaqaan ka qaban doona. sug laakin aan diricayga dafta qabte dacas so qaate.



wa salaamu alaikum

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Dacas muxuu kuu taraa??? diracna ma wadatid runta sheeg... baati oo qadiimi eh aa xarago ka dhigtay......


Dacaska iska dhig, baatigana tuur.....buumo iyo kabo teebe soo qaado.... kan in aa jimneestiko ka kor ciyaartid waaye....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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asalaamu alaykum,

tuujiye lool@ jimneestiko ka kor ciyaartid, war kan aduu ka daba nacamleeyey, anuu ka shekada hor bilaaba ayaan shaqa ka qabta marka isku diyaari in jimneestiko saad tidhi laguku kor ciyaaro lol

wa alaikuma salaam

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I cant read what was written mostly af somali :mad: ...but I get the title. Xishood is rahmah from Allah and is required by both genders, Allah has also told us to lower our gaze, ect.


But I know these girls excuse my language “hoes†what else are they? those who think its ilbax reer magal to dress and behave like the worst of kufar society you see them at weddings and acudi billah on the internet such as kufar websites like somaligate. :mad: Do they think they are beautiful? Noooooooo walaahi they are very ugly, and Allah’s curse is upon them!! I would never want girl like them!!!! They will only end up with the worst.....good men are for good women, and bad men are for bad women!!!! May Allah Guide Them!!!!!


I got pissed off after all they are Somali "muslims". But then I thought yo whores have always existed ninyahow.


To you be your way and to us be ours......damn look we got so called born Muslims like that ugly whore Ayan cursing the nabi pbuh, probably got Somali fags and porn stars somewhere, so man calm down these hoes posing for pictures is probably not the worst in this community.


Qaxooti who are from a “muslim†history behaving like this acudui billiah.



But Allahu Akbar ya Allah---, look for example at the beautiful blonde hair blue eyes white sisters who have entered Islam, who have left kufar ways, who dress with hijab some even niqaab, with good Islamic manners mashallah may Allah give you Jannah....truely Allah will replace the so called Muslims with better ppl!!



Ahh wanted to get dat out!!! :D I meant no offense to the women!!!!


Peace out!!!


May Allah forgive me If I said anything wrong!!!!Amiin

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Saaxiib, Aaliyah haddii aad saa uga rooraysid ma iska amuustidoo marka hore.


Aaliyah thanks inaad naga dajisid nin oo gabadhaha lips fiirsanaayey Ramadanka...

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Sarandi adaa mudan walaal, hada kadib ana shaqa ka qabanaya, hadaldiisu wuu ka fiirsanaya. Waana runta gabadh afkeda ramadaanta muxu ka fiirsanayey :rolleyes: , shaqa la’aan ba heysa ma istidhi! :D

Khalaf bro there is a lot of girls out there who claim to be Muslims yet dress inappropriately; however, you have no right to call them “whores”. As you know there are many brothers out there as well who wear baggy pants, durags, and dress as street kids, and walahi I even have hard time sometimes distinguishing between a black man and Somali brother. So what should we do when we see some one who has left his/ her culture and religion???

As we all know our religion promotes tolerance and endurance. Therefore, even though you might not like how some one is behaving or dressing you definitely can not start name calling, as that is against our religion. What you should do brother is preach those you see who are not conducting themselves as they should. Keep in mind we all have faults, as no one is perfect. Insha-allah God will guide us all to the right path. AAMIN.



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Shukran yaa muminah!!! I know sister.... just hurts to see thou.

this is all the work of satan reminds me of this surah:


He(satan) said: "Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e. they will not be dutiful to You)." Quran AL-Araf


One of the ways Satan leads human beings astray is by making evil look good.


On this point, ibn al-Qayyim wrote the following:


'From his strategem is that he always bewitches the mind until he can deceive the person. No one is safe from his bewitching except whomsoever Allah wills. He makes good looking to him what harms him the most, until he imagines that it is the most beneficial act for himself. And he makes him flee from the most beneficial act until he thinks it is something harmful to him. Certainly, there is no god but Allah. How many humans have been tested by such sorcery. How many hearts have been kept from Islam, faith and goodness [by such sorcery]. And how many support and present falsehood in the best form and hate truth and present it in the worst form [because of his deception]. And how much falseness is adorned and shown in a desirious manner to the alert. And how much falseness is spread among the wise. He is the one who bewitches the mind until it follows different desires and various evil opinions. He makes them follow every path of misguidance. He leads them to actions, one after another, that cause their destruction. He makes appealing to them the worship of idols, the breaking of familial relationships, the killing of daughters, marrying one's mother and so on. And he promises them the victory of paradise with their infidelity, wickedness and acts of disobedience. He presents to them polytheism in the most honorable fashion. And he presents rejection of Allah's attributes, of His transcendence and of His speech in the guise of anti-anthropomorphism of Allah. He presents abandoning ordering good and eradicating evil in the guise of having mercy for others, behaving with others in a good manner, and applying the verse, "O believers, you are in charge of your own souls" (al-Maidah 105). And he presents turning away from what has come from the Messenger in the guise of blindly following the Imams (taqleed) and the sufficiency of following one who is more knowledgeable. And he presents hypocrisy and compromising with respect to Allah's religion in the guise of being flexible and mixing admirably with the people.'


Lo! My faithful bondsmen over them you have no power and your Lord suffices as their guardian.” (Al-Israa 65). May we die as mumins. Amiin!!!


peace out

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Waraa khalaf kaalay saaxiibo ileen magacaan bilaash ma ugula bixin..loool.. sidaas lee iskaga khalaf sanoo..looooooool khalafoo yahoo..loooool.. khalafka eh..loooooool...


Sarandi..adi horta bajaq maa tahay mise xaaji? kistoo ii jilci bas..magac labeebshe eh aa wadataa oo meel looraaco laheen....


Aaliyah ha igu soo diran...aaliya iyo aniga hadii isla sii murano oo is rif rifno waxaan ka baqaa SOL dhan zabteena in ee cunto bacdal arooskeena nooh... calaashaan too much hate jaceel ayaa ka buqaayo...marka aniga iyo Aaliya in aan is riix riixno oo kistoo kor iska tuu tuujino lee laqataa..loool.. laakiin dagaal iyo is rifoo haduu imaado, jiimbaartaa noogu xigeeso...loooooooool...


Aaliya adiga kaalay dadkaan maxaa ugu hadlee??..loool.. Khalaf iska celi adigana..itaqulaahi uu qalad ka fahmay kaas...........



ps. Sarandi, aniga bacdul afur lee aheed markaan fiir fiirshay wax yaah..faraha iga qaad......



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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