
Koonfur Galbeed standing up against Rooblaawe

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Galbeedi are u abandoning the cheese fellow the Man U were promoting for over five years now  to be the saviour of the koonfurians . So who’s ur new idol going to be . By the way. When are these selections coming and going to be held doesn’t any one know is there a specific date mise wala Iska sugaya and no one knows when the so called selections will be held this year next year the year after


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6 hours ago, galbeedi said:

THe contest is probably between Shariif Ahmed and C/laahi Deni.

Kheyre ayaa ugu roon mucaaradka. I personally don't mind Kheyre. Shariifka wuxuu yahay waa soo aragnay, kan kalena hadduu helo dalka intii yareyd ka hartay wuu xaraashaa, not that he has any minuscule chance.

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Full Laftagareen speech - speaking forcefully, direct, and didn't mince his words - leadership at its finest.

For almost 20+ years, Sharif Hassan held KG hostage & set it up to be used as a pawn and be obedient to the will of others, with zero development. 

The clueless Rooble - actually thought he could rush thru the election without KG...



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Ceebay tacaal ma maqli jirteen?

This Rooble guy is had dishoured the office of the prime minister. After these statements from Lafta Gareen, he should hide his face from the public. 

19 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Galbeedi are u abandoning the cheese fellow the Man U were promoting for over five years now  to be the saviour of the koonfurians . So who’s ur new idol going to be . By the way. When are these selections coming and going to be held doesn’t any one know is there a specific date mise wala Iska sugaya and no one knows when the so called selections will be held this year next year the year after



Hawshani way iska socon . Last fall I was saying that we wiould be luckyif they conclude by end of the year. This Rooble guy is trying to  turn a three month selection process in to a year and half. 

Aaway shacabkii? Tan oo kale kacdeoon shacab in ay keento ayey ahayd.By the way this are the same froup that rejected the national government since Carta in 2000. Isbaaradu goormay dhamaan?

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5 hours ago, Shurwac said:

Full Laftagareen speech - speaking forcefully, direct, and didn't mince his words - leadership at its finest.

For almost 20+ years, Sharif Hassan held KG hostage & set it up to be used as a pawn and be obedient to the will of others, with zero development. 

The clueless Rooble - actually thought he could rush thru the election without KG...




Nin kan ha laga gar-baxo. He has a point, when they overlooked the daylight robbery which took place in Bosaso for example and Kismayo, they shouldn't be so picky on what took place in South West. In fact, the South West was probably much more cleaner than the other two. 

Good to see SW folks standing up for themselves. 

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11 minutes ago, baala xoofto said:

He has a point, when they overlooked the daylight robbery which took place in Bosaso for example and Kismayo,

She couldn't even read


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 Mowqifka Beesha caalamka ee ku aadan afarta kursi ee la xayiray


Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay Soomaaliya James Swan ayaa soo faro-geliyey xiisadda ka taagan afarta kursi ee golaha shacabka ee guddiga doorashada uu sheegay in doorashadooda dib loogu noqonayo.

James Swan ayaa shalay la kulmay Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Hirgelinta Doorashada Federaalka (FEIT), Muuse Geelle iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan Isla guddiga, si ay warbixin uga siiyaan hannaanka doorashada Soomaaliya.  

Sida lagu sheegay qoraal kasoo baxay xafiiskiisa, James Swan ayaa ku boorriyey guddiga inay xal u helaan arrimaha ku xeeran afarta kursi ee Guddigu aysan siin shahaadooyinka si doorashadu ay u dhammaato iyadoo aan dib u sii dhicin.

Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in Swan uu ka codsaday guddiga inay fasaxaan kuraastaas, islamarkaana loo ogolaado inay qaataan shahaadada xildhibaan, si loo fududeeyo dhamesytirka hanaanka doorashada.

Afarta kursi ayaa kala ah: HOP#154, HOP#103, HOP#204 iyo HOP#086 oo ah kursiga loo doortay Fahad Yaasiin, ahna midka ugu hadal haynta badan. 

Xayiraadda la saaray kuraastan ayaa dhalisay in maamulka Koonfur Galbeed oo saddex ka mid ah kuraasta lagu soo doortay uu qaadaco shahaado siinta xildhibaanada. Madaxweynaha maamulkaas Laftagareen ayaa shalay weerar ku qaaday ra’iisul wasaare Rooble, kuna eedeeyey inuu si gaar ah u beegsaday maamulkiisa.

Xog ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegeysa in James Swan iyo guud ahaan beesha caalamka ay rumeysan yihiin in afarta kursi ee la xayiray aysan waxba ka duwaneyn kuraasta kale oo badankood lagu soo doortay nidaam khaldan, sidaas darteedna aysan jirin sabab si gaar ah loogu beegsado.

Ayada oo sidoo kale ay arrintan ka hadleen xubno ka mid ah Midowga Musharaxiinta sida Shariif Sheekh Axmed, ayaa waxaa kordhaya cadaadiska la saarayo Rooble iyo guddiga doorashada, waxaana ay u badan tahay in kuraastan la fasaxo.


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