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London Underground Explosions

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

We already know about the British government, who is fighting it?

The answer: a global Islamic insurgency. It's not an answer I come up with; it's an answer concluded by Western senior intelligence analysts. The answer can be found in many books. One such: Imperial Hubris.

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hard to imagine a worse paper than Herald Sun.

pure rubbish

My sentiments exactly.


I’m feeling for you Nomadic_Princess , I’d go crazy if the Herald Sun was the only paper we had-imagine having worse :eek: !


The greatest threat to humanity.

If not very close to it-I despise the bugger :mad: .


Dragon, Mahadsanid ;)

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Ngonge asks:


You say “it is WAR†and that I should stop arguing about it. But, my question is who is the other side in this war? We already know about the British government, who is fighting it? Who are these people that are blowing up trains, buildings and civilians?


The war is against the British Govnt and Mr Blair, but i have an idea, lets bomb commuters who are going to work, kills some muslims along the way (already confirmed) and get the dumb and dumbers on our side based on injustices elsewhere!!!


Are they fellow Muslims? Or, are you too one of those that prefer conspiracy theories and would blame everything that ever goes wrong in the world on the Jews?

The East London Mqsque came under attach yesterday, but i know, let blame it on the actions of Isreal rather than the actions of the bombers on Thurs!!!! :rolleyes:


gulps down Coca Cola while writing this

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Salam Alaykum


When I heard the terrible news , my first thought went to the SOL nomads living in London , nomads that I dont even know.But somehow , I got scared and I imagined people trapped inside subways fighting for their lives. My thought goes also to all British people and hope that Allah helped them get through this terrifying ordeal.


Terrorism has no borders and even though westerners get used to the idea of conflicts happening in the Middle east, Africa or Asia .The 9/11 or the London bombs remind us that terrorism can be close to your homes ( wherever your home is )and that you cant be in security in every part of the world.May Allah help us all!

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Ofleh: if you were able to respond to points of view with counterarguments of your own, it would be really swell. This Haddad-like habit of wading in with a line here and a line there marks you out as a very dull and tedious simpleton. Now I’m sure that you’re not a dull and tedious simpleton, saaxib, so why are you teasing me so?

It's not so much a matter of ability to respond but a lack of desire to do so. Haddad is cool. Thanks for the compliment. I'm dull and tedious in some circles. A simpleton in others. Never have I combined all three in one setting.


I've made my points in this topic. However, I've not accepted your argument of war, terrorism, innocent victims or what have you. I do not expect you to accept mine either. Don't take it personally. Neither of us needs the other for validation.



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If you're not willing to dedicate a new thread to your ridiculous premise "Iraq/Afghan war justified", then I have nothing more to say to you on that matter. You keep on trying to link your premise with the London bombings when they have nothing to do with each other. Can't go around in circles all day.


One piece of advice: In the future, please show some caution in your choice of words when discussing Islam and the Muslims. That 'saying' you mentioned is a Hadeeth Shareef. not a proverb. Brushing off Muslim dead as a 'tasteless distraction' may fly here thanks to online anonymity, but I assure you in the real world... well, let's just say a retraction and apology would be due. At the very minumum. I won't add the "or else" part as I would expect full compliance.

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It’s not worth starting a new thread over, dear. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT of putting it here! Please try to conduct an adult-like discussion and spare me the ofleh technique of “I lack the desire to respondâ€, which he keeps posting every five minutes.


Still, these little irritations are neither here nor there. The real fat is in your next paragraph. Your piece of advice, which by the way, I’m sincerely thankful for - because I believe you were being genuine when you made it. However, you were also very presumptuous and I, with thanks of course, totally reject that advice of yours.


You see, I don’t believe I need to show any caution at all. In fact, I believe you, and all the big bearded mullahs here, should loosen up and spare us the holier-than-thou attitude. If one was a phoney and one wanted to impostor a knowledgeable Mullah on this site, one could achieve that deed very easily. All that one need do is google safe articles on various Islamic subjects, rephrase them (if not outright plagiarise) and finally, pepper them with a hadeeth here and a verse there. One will also have to avoid getting into direct confrontations with the nomads and would need to stay aloof in his religious tower.


If I wanted to do that (and I’m easily capable of such a feat) I would have had you eating out of my hands by now. But, such a game would serve no purpose and would answer no real and serious questions. Therefore I shall not attempt it and would prefer not to discourse with anyone that does.


I usually, despise slogans, adages and the deployment of sayings in and out of context. They’re lazy, simplistic and mind-numbingly wearisome. I also find people that believe substituting an English word with a French word would give their argument any meaning, terrifically irksome. Likewise, Arabic and English: saying and hadeeth...


But what I really abhor are cyber heroes! “If this were real life I’d do this to you“, “you wouldn’t dare say this to my faceâ€, “retractions, compliance, apologyâ€, etc...


One gets the feeling that if one did not comply, you would huff, puff and blow my house in! Well dear, let me descend to your rank and quote you a famous pig (the third one) as my reply: “not by the hair of my chiny chin chin“.



One day, when you’re fully developed and are ready to read and understand debates, maybe you would like to come back and see how silly you’ve made yourself look. Still, I wouldn’t kick myself too much about that. Lets just hope it never happens again.


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Please try to conduct an adult-like discussion and spare me the ofleh technique of “I lack the desire to respondâ€, which he keeps posting every five minutes.

Ok, five minutes have passed. Why do you continually solicit responses to your posts from others and when they do, categorically reject their responses?


I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'm not interested in revisiting this particular topic, as presented, with you. You can keep asking but I'm sincerely not interested. So please, let it be. You're acting like a salesman at a store whom I turned down but follows me around the mall.


Read my lips: I am not interested in controverting this topic with you.

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^^^^^so why are u still here responding yet again that ur not gone argue with him :confused: ignore the whole thread; duh; such farah, stop going in circles;


i don't know what y'll arguing about but i love this part!!!


"I believe you, and all the big bearded mullahs here, should loosen up and spare us the holier-than-thou attitude."



ooh; can i give you guys a tip; just agree to differ;; it is a sign of civilastion; or so they tell me smile.gif



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^^^^^so why are u still here responding yet again that ur not gone argue with him :confused: ignore the whole thread; duh; such farah, stop going in circles;

Farah has left the building.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

So whats the argument here?

The argument is about a fight imposed on a skinny Somali against a Mike Tyson, and how the skinny Somali should conform to the rules of boxing and use only gloves, while Mike Tyson can use any rules, whether the street or jungle rules, and also any equipment (knife, razor, machete, etc).

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You forgot that he can also use chemical weapons and invate your land , take your wealth and enslave you as long he is wearing the uniform ..I mean the gloves:P



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^^^ Exactly.


Because your skinny Somali claims to follow the right faith; he bangs on about how his religion is his way of life; he never misses an opportunity in claiming he’s pious and whiter than white.


Yet, he and many of his fellow skinny Somalis would defend terrorism one minute (calling it freedom fighting) and denounce it the next. They’ll praise Bin Laden one minute and reject any arguments linking him to terrorism.


You see, by and large, this skinny Somali is a hypocrite that wants to impose his ideas, rigid interpretations and opinions on everyone else.


When it comes to specific issues, such as the London bombings, our skinny hero would denounce terrorism and express his sadness and condemnation of such events.

Yet, in the same breath, this pious skinny would have no qualms about the killing of Dutch filmmakers, or blasphemous non-Muslims.


Your Skinny Somali would rise in anger at the transgressions of others and question the justifications, whilst killing and maiming his own in the name of resistance (or whatever). Many of these Skinny Somalis are dogmatic bigots, easily excitable simpletons, and hypocrites hiding behind big beards or, maybe they’re the type that avoids trouble by not airing views that might upset the majority of pretentious half-wits.


Your skinny Somali likes his slogans and wise words. He ORDERS good deeds and Forbids bad deeds, yet the classification of deeds as good or bad is left to his very own discretion with no hint of the matter being thought over and the reasons behind such classifications pondered!


He’ll talk about “Islam†being the religion of peace, yet advice followers not to mix with “kuffar†and imply (if not outright assert) that they’re all the enemies of Islam that should be fought!


He’ll repeat Allah’s commandment regarding judgment of individuals and the gaining of “xasanat†or the falling into “sinâ€, he’ll reiterate that each individual is judged on his own actions and deeds! He’ll then go on trying to coerce the individual into following Skinny’s own interpretation! Islam is a way of life, Skinny’s way of life is the hidden message.


He’ll protest, demonstrate and weep for the Muslim dead and threaten all sorts of wars and vengeance. At the same time, he’ll belittle the non-Muslim dead and invent excuses as to the way they died! When the non-Muslims weep about their own, Skinny would get offended and loudly wonder if Western dead are regarded as worthier than Muslim dead! What about Iraq? What about Palestine? What about Bosnia? He would shout.


Skinny would lecture, preach and moralise about the superiority of the Muslim nation but whenever someone points out some obvious shortcoming of the Muslims, he would get on the defensive and try to excuse it with sweet words or a list of provocations. When skinny condemns a terrorist act carried out against non-Muslims, Skinny is never ever unequivocal with his condemnations; there are always caveats and qualifications.


While Skinny’s comrades are killing their own in Afghanistan and Iraq, while they’re shooting school children in Russia and while they’re assassinating holidaymakers in Bali, Skinny is busy concocting conspiracy theories about Israel and the crusaders.


Will he ever take the blinkers off for a second? Could he not see the hypocrisy of accepting the support of anti-war western left-wingers on the one hand and legalising the blood of all non-Muslim on the other?


Skinny is a twofaced busybody, saaxib.

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