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the Wind People

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wallahi, it is astonishing how life brings forth different things to light. the sun shines everday to make it easy for us to roam around and find our locations and time while at the same time replacing the dark that preceded it (haha, i like when parents speak like that, start from the top). and everytime it comes out, it is always presenting new things, that at times are not all good.


i found out something i really hate, and they are people, i will so choose to call, because of freedom of speech, the Wind People. well these individuals are hrazy mrazy, they are the kinda people who are;


1. one time with you, the other, without you

2. on you when you are well-off, and off you when searching

3. talk to you when with them, but talk about you when not in sight; kinda share with you now and shame you later


well i could have said more about them, but it would be waste-on-waste. i can tolerate many things in life but them rats are just frazy.


if you know em, seen em, just smack em for me :cool:

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Originally posted by Kafaaxiye:

i found out something i really hate, and they are people, .

Exhibiting anti-social behaviour?

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