Che -Guevara

US, EU reactions

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It is all about the aftermath of the failed coup. It is very clear now who they supported the last few days. We will see soon if the Western government fully stands behind UAE Somalia policy or continue to play somewhat more balanced diplomacy in Somalia. Somalia is still Somalia.

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Honestly, these seem mild reactions. Maybe they are waiting what the opposition would do. The group in Xamar along Deni and Madoobe are talking of parallel process.

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5 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

Honestly, these seem mild reactions. Maybe they are waiting what the opposition would do. The group in Xamar along Deni and Madoobe are talking of parallel process.

The opposition will only do whatever they tell them to do. What the opposition does is what they want to be done. 

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In the absence of consensus leading to inclusive and credible elections being held without further delay, the international community’s relationship with Somalia’s leadership will change. The UK will work with its international partners on a common approach to re-evaluate our relationship and the nature of our assistance to Somalia.


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12 hours ago, Duufaan said:

It is all about the aftermath of the failed coup. It is very clear now who they supported the last few days. 

The Khayre coup to take over the government within failed after the Somali intelligence tapped his phone and found out his plans. Two years in to his term Khayre contacted some regional governments including Djibouti , Kenya and UAE and assured them  that their interest will be taken care of in  Khayre led Somalia.

It also shows how reckless and irresponsible these foreign entities are. How could they delegitimize the national parliament of a country trying to reassure the public for  the long term stability of the country by closing the never ending election saga. How can any nation move if you keep moving between Garoowe, Dhuusamareeb and Halane for over a year.

How could you keep debating for two or three minor issues regarding the election for over a year.

Thank to Allah president Farmaajo is free and independent from the foreign forces who keep recycling amateur leaders every few years. They opposed Farmaajo because he is flowing Somali centric foreign policy including building the national army through Eritrea and Turkey. The biggest card of the EU has always been the threat of removing African troops from Somalia and leave the Somali government venerable to Al-shabaab.

Thanks to Turkey that gab has been filled and if the current pace of training continues, within a year or less , we might not need any foreign troops in Somalia.

Furthermore, the western governments, especially those who have the tendency of  old fashioned imperialistic plans,  had never supported democracy or parliamentary voices  in the Muslim world. They prefer a despot that helps them loot or flow their orders. Just look along the Red Sea shores in Djibouti. A dictator has crowned himself for the 5th time while no one run against him. Yet everyone is applauding and congratulating him including Somali opposition figures.

 Sharrif Ahmed iyo Hassan Sheikh, " Waxaan hambalyo u diraynaa madaxweyne Omar Geelle of la doortat"  saddex iyo labaatan sanadood ayuu marayaa, Djiboutina biyo iyo koronto la'aan ayaa loogu dhimanaya.

Sometimes, nations get their political independence in different ways. Some get through elections, others get by flowing different economic model. Yesterday's vote by the Somali parliament might have given Somalia some political independence from the EU, the NGO's and others.

If we succeed ignoring these people and their immoral threats, we shouldn't be looking back. The current crop of Somali leaders are not the typical " Qol Qol Joog" who consider every white  envoy from Europe or America as overlord.

" the  international communities relationship with Somali leadership will change"

 I agree with that quote. we need a change. And please , we are adults and we should be left to alone to manage our own houses.







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Dowladda Soomaaliya si adag uga jawaabtay go'aankii Beesha caalamka ee ka dhanka ahaa mudo korarsiga labada sano

War ka soo baxay Wasaarradda Arrimaha Dibadda ayaa jawaab adag looga bixiyay go'aankii beesha caalamka ee mudada kororsiga labada sano oo dhawaan uu meelmariyay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.

Qoraalka Beesha Caalamka ayaa u dhigganaa sidda 

Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxay si aad ah uga xumaatay inay aragto hadallada bulshada ee qaar ka mid ah saaxiibbadeeda caalamiga ah iyo saaxiibbada muddada dheer ay ku marin habaabinayaan sharciyada ay soo saaraan hay’adaha dowladda ee lagu ilaalinayo xuquuqda dimoqraadiyadda ee shacabka ee ay ku dooranayaan hoggaankooda.

Dadka Soomaaliyeed waxay u oomanaayeen fursad ay ku gutaan xuquuqdooda dimoqraadiyadeed oo ay ugu adeegsadaan awoodda codkooda doorashada hoggaamiyeyaashooda. In kasta oo maamulkani dadaal badan ku bixiyay himiladan, Sebtember 17th, 2020, hoggaamiyeyaasha siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya waxay isku raaceen in la joojiyo hannaankaas oo la qabto doorasho dadban taa beddelkeeda.

Sida ay dhammaantood goobjoog u ahaayeen sagaalkii bilood ee la soo dhaafay, labo ka mid ah toddobadii saxiixayaasha heshiiska 17 Sebtember 2020, oo kala ah hoggaamiyeyaasha maamulada Jubbaland iyo Puntland, iyagoo ku dhaqmaya cadaadis ba’an oo kaga imanaya saameynta shisheeye, waxay isku dayeen inay hakiyaan oo afduubtaan howsha iyagoo abuuraya dalab aan dhammaad lahayn iyo iyagoo ku baaqaya in la burburiyo hay’adaha dowliga ah ee qaranka.

Khataraha ka dhalan kara luminta horumarka la sameeyay ilaa iyo hadda waxay ku kalliftay Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka inuu ka doodo oo u codeeyo 12-ka Abriil 2021-ka si loo ilaaliyo hay’adaha dalka. Go’aankan waxaa si ballaaran u taageeray daneeyayaasha muhiimka ah ee siyaasadda dalka, oo ay ku jiraan Dowladda Federaalka, Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyo saddex ka mid ah shanta dowlad goboleed ee xubnaha ka ah Federaalka, kuwaas oo kala ah Hirshabeele, Galmudug iyo Dowlad-goboleedka Koonfur-galbeed.

Sida ku cad qodobka 47aad ee dastuurka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya wuxuu awood u leeyahay inuu soo saaro sharciyo gaar ah oo qeexaya xeerarka khuseeya doorashooyinka heer federaal.

Sidaa darteed, sharciga uu soo ansixiyay Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka 12-kii Abriil 2021 oo dhigaya in hal qof, hal-cod doorasho lagu hirgeliyo dalka ayaa meesha ka saaraya qorshe kasta oo horay loo gaaray, oo uu ku jiro heshiiskii 17-kii Sebtember 2020. Asal ahaan, sharcigani wuxuu dalka siinayaa fursad ay ku fuliyaan mid ka mid ah xulashooyinka ay soo jeediyeen Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka (NIEC), oo horay u soo saaray dhowr fursadood oo la fulin karo, oo ay ku jiraan khariidad lagu dhameystirayo doorashooyinka 13 bilood gudahood.

In kasta oo aan ka mahadcelinno walaacyada saaxiibbadeen iyo saaxiibbadeenna caalamiga ah ee ku aaddan xasilloonida iyo nabadgelyada Soomaaliya, haddana waa wax laga xumaado in markhaati laga noqdo u ololeynta mabaadi’da dimoqraadiyadda oo ka gaabinaysa.


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